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India won’t make first move to lower tension along Pakistani border


Feb 19, 2013
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NEW DELHI: India is in no mood to make the first move to de-escalate border tension with cross-border firing that began over two weeks ago continuing intermittently, according to top government sources.

In fact, the present strategy is to return Pakistani fire aggressively instead of considering any resumption of talks with Pakistan any time soon, it is learnt. Bilateral dialogue with Pakistan looks distant at the moment, said the sources, with New Delhi putting the blame on Islamabad for not allowing the atmospherics to be created for talks, by its continuous violation of the ceasefire.

Apart from adopting the staid old tactic of pushing in terrorists through the international border and line of control (LoC) under the cover of cross-border fire to divert the attention of Indian security forces, the government has received reports that the border offensive by the Pakistani army has the backing of Islamabad.

The fact that 18 infiltrators were killed by the Indian forces between the floods in Jammu & Kashmir and now is being seen as a typical evidence of the usual practice by the Pakistani army to push in terrorists if the winter snow sets up on the mountain passes.


(With no signs of any let up in the offensive from either side, the possibility of de-escalation seems dim.)

Government sources said the border offensive is a part of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's strategy to internationalize the Kashmir issue and keep its domestic audience engaged at a time when he is faced with troubles at home with political rivals like Imran Khan going after the establishment and the economy in bad shape. It's to keep the volatile domestic situation from blowing up on Sharif's face that the government in Islamabad has been backing the border tensions, sources said.

Defence minister Arun Jaitley is also being constantly updated, it is learnt. On the back of these inputs from various government agencies, Jaitley had said last week that the offensive will become "unaffordable" for Pakistan.

India won’t make first move to lower tension along Pakistani border - The Times of India
Its a good plan. If Pakistan is sincere in their peace effort, then they should make the first move towards it.

Previously Pakistan got Biryani for Bullets, Talks for Terror and Silence for Violence. They have miscalculated Modi's diplomacy for weakness and are now paying heavy price for it.
Modi ka junoon sar chard k bola ....bolo bolo is balloon se be hawa nikal jae ge.
Indian self pity is just so amusing. We are enjoying the fact that we displaced thousands of Indians and will continue to do so. We don't need to deescalate as We got crap loads of about to be out dated ammo to shoot with.

Pakistan benefits from a Modi acting like a baboon with a gun. He'll come back to senses when foreign investors start to pull out of Bharat and other nations start issuing travel warnings.
Indian self pity is just so amusing. We are enjoyinh the fact that we displaced thousands of Indians and will continue to do so. We got crap loads of about to be out dated ammo to shoot with.

Pakistan benefits from a Modi acting like a baboon with a gun. He'll come back to senses when foreign investors start to pull out of Bharat and other nations start issuing travel warnings.
It is good to know that running around to UN, US and P5 amounts to enjoyment!
That's cool - Modi will rollback earlier than expected all the innocent image of Bharat which cunning MMS made in decade.
Indian self pity is just so amusing. We are enjoying the fact that we displaced thousands of Indians and will continue to do so. We don't need to deescalate as We got crap loads of about to be out dated ammo to shoot with.

Pakistan benefits from a Modi acting like a baboon with a gun. He'll come back to senses when foreign investors start to pull out of Bharat and other nations start issuing travel warnings.

eeerrrrr...........no foreign invester is coming to border towns ........so India is in no loss .......only govt. is investing in border areas.........

and about this small border attacks dont effect effect live of Indians in other parts.......

good luck with ur economy
Indian self pity is just so amusing. We are enjoying the fact that we displaced thousands of Indians and will continue to do so. We don't need to deescalate as We got crap loads of about to be out dated ammo to shoot with.

Pakistan benefits from a Modi acting like a baboon with a gun. He'll come back to senses when foreign investors start to pull out of Bharat and other nations start issuing travel warnings.

What about Pakistanis who got displaced? or it is just daily stuff of IDPs in Pakistan?

Glad that you guys enjoying the show, do not go to UN, US etc to stop it then.
That's cool - Modi will rollback earlier than expected all the innocent image of Bharat which cunning MMS made in decade.

Responding back does not negate our peaceful intentions.
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