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India winter war supplies and logistics are 'not as good as it claims'

The Chinese would blast these forward Indian positions to smithereens with artillery fire before a Chinese offensive would ever begin ... indeed, this is what they also did in 1962. Have the Indians not learned a thing about mountain warfare?

This is what Indian analyst like Paraween Sahwany has been warning the hyper Indians that China has build a full habitat in Tibet to have all weather PLA deployment. Indians on the other hand, with their obsession with Pakistan have left their backside vulnerable, rather exposed to China. Top that, India has been selling and marketing itself to western capitals as bulwark against China.
This is what Indian analyst like Paraween Sahwany has been warning the hyper Indians that China has build a full habitat on in Tibet to have all weather PLA deployment. Indians on the other hand, with their obsession with Pakistan have left their backside vulnerable, rather exposed to China. Top that, India has been selling and marketing itself to western capitals as bulwark against China.
I think it is the Indians do not want to confront a threat as big as China, which is understandable. It is very difficult and frankly impossible considering India just does not have the resources or the will to do so.
I think it is the Indians do not want to confront a threat as big as China, which is understandable. It is very difficult and frankly impossible considering India just does not have the resources or the will to do so.

They do, yet they keep on whoring themselves to extra regional nations.
They do, yet they keep on whoring themselves to extra regional nations.
What could they realistically do to counter China? Nothing ... they will just bankrupt themselves. For example, India spends a couple million dollars upgrading extremely backward roads along LAC ... China responds with a 1 trillion RMB initiative to turn Tibet into a fortress. Everything India does to mitigate the gap, China just responds with measures magnitudes larger. Just look at what Indian road construction in Ladakh got them into ... 1000 square kilometers of territory lost, massive casualties at Galwan, and a much more hostile China.
If our soldiers can man the posts round the year in Siachin and not freeze to death there then what makes you think they will die in Ladakh?
There are about 5000 troops on both sides in saichin. Supplying these troops is a massive undertaking and not mastered by either side. The weather of course is a greater enemy when 140 Pakistani soldiers were martyred by an avalanche fighting for their country.

this entire operation to resupply costs both sides millions. The infrastructure for these operations was built over 30-40 years. Now imagine that India will have to supply 150k troops. The Chinese infrastructure has been around for 20 years. The Indian one is non existent which is why there is a massive air transport operation.

150,000 tons of supply is tiny the nato force in Afghanistan at 180k was using 575,000 gallons of fuel Alone in a day. So with these supplies one can assume that Indian war fighting capability would be 2 maybe 3 days.

with intense Chinese air activity resupply would be impossible. China on the other hand has oil strategic reserve of 4 years. Military stocks coming out of the ying yang in tibet. The result of this would be a massive Indian defeat! It’s not a question of bravery but rather mathematics, if one is unable to resupply ammunition and food most armies lose.


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