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India will achieve UN poverty reduction target by 2012: UN report.



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Jul 3, 2013
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At current rate, India 'will achieve' poverty reduction target by '15.
Express news service
New Delhi, Sat Jul 06 2013, 03:00 hrs

If the current pace of poverty reduction in India continues, the number of poor in the country in 2015 would be half of what it was in 1990, a UN report has said.

The latest report on the progress made on Millennium Development Goals (MDG), a set of eight objectives considered essential in a push towards a more equitable world, says that globally the percentage of people living under $1.25 per day had fallen from 47 per cent in 1990 to 22 per cent in 2010. Halving the number of people living in abject poverty by 2015 was one of the key targets of the MDGs. This was to be achieved by 2015 but the UN report says the target has already been reached in 2010.

"By any measure, this is a stunning achievement," said Lise Grande, UN Resident Coordinator who is the overall head of all the UN agencies operating in

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013, that was released by R K Pachauri, co-chairman of the Nobel Prize winning Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, says that there has been a substantial improvement in poverty reduction in India as well.

"...although poverty remains widespread in India, progress has been substantial. In India, the poverty rate fell from 49 per cent in 1994 to 42 per cent in 2005 and to 33 per cent in 2010. If the current pace continues, India will meet the poverty reduction targets (of halving the number of poor) by 2015," it says.

But like in many other areas, China has outperformed India. In China, the poverty figures have dropped from 60 per cent of the population in 1990 to 12 per cent in 2010.

The Planning Commission had last year said the pace of poverty reduction had accelerated in the recent years, and that the number of people below poverty line was declining by at least two percentage points per year.

SOURCE: Indian Express.
^^They won't be here,(at least most of them)

Discussing matters especially regarding Indian achievements is somehow taboo for them, for some of them reading such statistical data is like punishment

On Topic>good news. This poverty reduction target falls under "Millennium Development Goals" I think.(I remember reading it in my Economics textbook)

BTW The title should be

India will achieve UN poverty reduction target by 2015: UN report.
^^They won't be here,(at least most of them)

Discussing matters especially regarding Indian achievements is somehow taboo for them, for some of them reading such statistical data is like punishment

they also Indulge in twisting of facts,and making up headlines like 'India tops in illiteracy and defence spending' :omghaha:
India's poverty rate was 51 % in 1990 and last reported by UN as 33 % in 2010 We need to reduce it to 25 % in 2015.

I hope we can achieve it , because the economy has sucked in the last 2 years since 2011.

btw @RAW007 , you got the year in the thread title wrong. It's 2015 , not 2012. Thanks for the thread.
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I really hope that by 2015 we would be able to reduce our population belove poverty by 25%. Do anybody know the latest figure??
How dare you poor yindoo india? This way number of threads on PDF will reduce by 2015. This is not fair.
Well Good going.... If we focus little more i am sure we would improve it further......
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