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India wants infertile Pakistan: PEW


Feb 2, 2007
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The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Sunday said that water scarcity will transform Pakistan into a totally failed state within a decade.

War between Pakistan and India on the issue of water resources seems inevitable as serious efforts by Islamabad to increase trade between the two countries had not helped New Delhi to change its policy of water aggression, said PEW President Dr Murtaza Mughal.

Speaking at a seminar on World Water Day, he said according Most Favoured Nation status to India may not change its decades-old policy to make Pakistan infertile.

The issue of water aggression cannot be resolved through enhanced trade or negotiations as India may not like to settle the dispute except a full scale armed conflict with global implications, he observed.

Dr Murtaza Mughal said all the civilian and military governments of Pakistan had failed to ensure water security or advocate India to change its long-term policy of destroying Pakistan through water hostilities. India will continue to build dams violating the Indus Water Treaty while majority of international forums would continue to support New Delhi which had left Pakistan will little options, he said.

Presently Pakistan could store 10 million acre feet of water while it had storage capacity of 16 million acre feet of water some 38 years ago. According to a report of World Bank, water scarcity became a threat in Pakistan some 11 years ago as per capita water availability was around half of the accepted international level.

Dr Mughal said water scarcity would become a great danger in the next 10 years which would hurt masses, agriculture and industry leading to tensions between provinces and civil war which would be enough to make Pakistan a totally failed state.

India wants infertile Pakistan: PEW | Pakistan Today

The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Sunday said that water scarcity will transform Pakistan into a totally failed state within a decade.

War between Pakistan and India on the issue of water resources seems inevitable as serious efforts by Islamabad to increase trade between the two countries had not helped New Delhi to change its policy of water aggression, said PEW President Dr Murtaza Mughal.

Speaking at a seminar on World Water Day, he said according Most Favoured Nation status to India may not change its decades-old policy to make Pakistan infertile.

The issue of water aggression cannot be resolved through enhanced trade or negotiations as India may not like to settle the dispute except a full scale armed conflict with global implications, he observed.

Dr Murtaza Mughal said all the civilian and military governments of Pakistan had failed to ensure water security or advocate India to change its long-term policy of destroying Pakistan through water hostilities. India will continue to build dams violating the Indus Water Treaty while majority of international forums would continue to support New Delhi which had left Pakistan will little options, he said.

Presently Pakistan could store 10 million acre feet of water while it had storage capacity of 16 million acre feet of water some 38 years ago. According to a report of World Bank, water scarcity became a threat in Pakistan some 11 years ago as per capita water availability was around half of the accepted international level.

Dr Mughal said water scarcity would become a great danger in the next 10 years which would hurt masses, agriculture and industry leading to tensions between provinces and civil war which would be enough to make Pakistan a totally failed state.

India wants infertile Pakistan: PEW | Pakistan Today

This is of great concern to all Pakistanis
This is of great concern to all Pakistanis

one of the Indian guy said in another thread, "Pakistan has already accepted their no 1 enemy is within than why so many nuclear weapons"....here is the answer....One of us has to be destroyed in order for the other to survive, there isnt just too much water for both of us.
Presently Pakistan could store 10 million acre feet of water while it had storage capacity of 16 million acre feet of water some 38 years ago.

What was your population 38 years ago ?
one of the Indian guy said in another thread, "Pakistan has already accepted their no 1 enemy is within than why so many nuclear weapons"....here is the answer....One of us has to be destroyed in order for the other to survive, there isnt just too much water for both of us.
I disagree. This water situation can be resolved if both nation's politicians decide it so. Sooner or later, it isn't just Pakistan that's going to face such a situation, India will eventually face major water shortages too.
They already went to the international courts and lost the legal battle. As long as Pakistan cannot solve the water storage and wastage issues, nothing is going to matter even if we release 100% of the river water.

We lost the battle due to scum bag govt. of Zardari and its appointed hater clan.
The main character of this conspiracy was bastard Jamat Ali Shah.
Jamaat Ali Shah escapes to Canada - thenews.com.pk
one of the Indian guy said in another thread, "Pakistan has already accepted their no 1 enemy is within than why so many nuclear weapons"....here is the answer....One of us has to be destroyed in order for the other to survive, there isnt just too much water for both of us.

Well the unfortunate part for you is, your size(both geopolitical as well as population) precludes your possibility of survival in a full blown nuclear war...even if you launch first.
India have violated Indus treaty and telling here that they r right, economic boom and new found love from west bcoz of China concern have made Indian leadership blind, they believe that they r super power which they r not, this blindness can distroy whole region in future.
Well the unfortunate part for you is, your size(both geopolitical as well as population) precludes your possibility of survival in a full blown nuclear war...even if you launch first.

If its a matter of our survival, would you risk yours?
If its a matter of our survival, would you risk yours?

What ever justification you might wanna give for it..simple fact of matter is, by this you will be assuring your destruction and not survival.

However If you do not survive water scarcity( which btw has yet to cause even a single nation in the world to disintegrate, conversely some of the most water scarce nations in the world are also the most prosperous nation in the world ).You should blame your ineptitude magnitudes before you even dare blame us. You have gone from pillar to post to but end up loosing, as you have no case, it is all propaganda to keep Kashmir issue burning in Pakistan.
We gave you more than 80% of waters from Indus water system..you waste more than 90% of it, then literally cry a river and call it water scarcity.

Hence Your 'accusations' are as hollow as your 'threats'. .
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Didn't Jinnah say Kashmir is the life blood of this country? Well which other statements by him have we followed that will be of any importance to us!

India is our enemy. It will never be our friend. But may I ask what have we done to store water that destroys our lands our cities in monsoon>?
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