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India voices concerns over US drone sale to Pak

If USA wants to leave Afghanistan before the next Obama's election then they are looking for instant formulas and will ask for more and more from Pakistan, so Pakistan can put a good case to have them. Pakistan got F-16s in 1983 when they were very high tec why not these drones.
Obama said today that all the bad guys are hiding in Pakistan's tribal area.
I think it is self evident that India's pleadings to the US on not selling Pakistan drones are disingenuous to say the least, no need to bash that issue over the head any more.

I do find it interesting that India took the time out to plead with the US against such a sale - does that indicate a change in the US position of not selling drones to Pakistan?

I still say it is highly unlikely that such a sale would occur, given that, IIRC, no other US ally has been able to obtain this technology from the US yet.

But at leas this line of discussion is a tad more interesting than beating the dead horse of disingenuous Indian pleading against military sales to Pakistan.

A.M. Sir,

We know how America uses its power to dictate terms on their allies. And India needs to check where India-America Relations stand.

So personally i don't have any problem with the pleading stuff. We can't do anything more than that.
1. Yes, it is Pakistan's right to procure whatever they feel they need to augment their defense.
2. Yes, it is India's right to protest in the hope it can stall the procurement.

Both are right, so why fight?

Predators are definitely cutting edge force multipliers. India has to formulate a suitable response. The following video clip may give an idea of the dangers of employing the Predators in an environment fraught with high calibre enemy air assets like the Indo-Pak border.
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FEAR is the most important and lethal weapon.
Inspite of a big shopping list i am surprised at the fear which the indian leadership has from pakistan
Oh so Pakistan should not be given arms to use against India whilst India can buy arms to use against Pakistan..
next thing you will be requesting the ban of selling the Nokia N97 in Pakistan since it destabilizes the region.
Does the predator have any stealth features, as in radar cross section reduction. I know already that its very very very quite, and can fly fairly high, so no very visible with the naked eye. But what about radar? Also perhaps Pakistan should look into the chinese model!
What if they are offered to India and they use it against Pakistan then all is well.
Is India afraid that Pakistan might use them against their friends in Balochistan.

If they offer it to India and India uses them against Pakistan then all remember the PAF chief saying "PAF has the ability to shoot it down. Only its up to the government to decide " ;) that would be good we can shoot them down have the wreckage and examine what can we figure out of it
If they offer it to India and India uses them against Pakistan then all remember the PAF chief saying "PAF has the ability to shoot it down. Only its up to the government to decide " ;) that would be good we can shoot them down have the wreckage and examine what can we figure out of it

or may be give it to Chinese they can examine it well, now Baitullaah is killed there is no justification for more Drones, so shoot them down next time they enter..
or may be give it to Chinese they can examine it well, now Baitullaah is killed there is no justification for more Drones, so shoot them down next time they enter..

This question has been asked numerous times in the forum about what to do with the predator strikes , at first the members here were outrageous as to how USA can violate the air space and then there was talk about increased collaboration with them to make the strikes more effective , does the GOP has enough political will power to shoot these drones.
does the GOP has enough political will power to shoot these drones.

The question is not about political will power as people of Pakistan more then anything would like GOP to take a firm stand over the issue.
Coming to your question it should have been will GOP stop the drones by any means and the answer to that is a big fat NO. It wont why because we should not forget the fact how democracy is run in Pakistan and at the behest of whom?

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