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India, US to sign landmark (COMCASA) military communication deal tomorrow

At least India realized that it would never stand as an independent country. A servant country that will lost its purpose without a master. So US have pity on India and accept to be India’s new master.
You are as dumb as they get. By your logic why does China trade with other countries. I thought you were independent. How dare i say that you need to buy goods from other countries!!!!!! Man you CPC 50 cents poster fart more than a flatulent pig.
I remember having this discussion with you before.

It's not bad. There are some technologies the US possesses that we can use, and it can be done without compromising our own security.

For example, the Guardian and Avenger drones require COMCASA in order to use the drone specific comm equipment. And the drones will be able to communicate with the P-8I with an American link, which in turn will be able to communicate with the rest of our navy, including the Mig-29s, with an Indian link.

And we will be able to use the P-8s to communicate with American ships and satellites also. We will also be able to launch satellites with both America and India-specific comm systems that will allow interoperability without sacrificing our own capability.

I am not going to argue with you. Maybe we can visit this topic in few years, when this comes to bite our ***.
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This will be our strength and our curse.
Wouldn’t really call it a strenght, though it is definitely a curse as it now puts india firm under US’d umbrella. Why I said its not a strenght is because not only will it take pressure and focus from your own comms development, but also being able to tract chinese ships and subs won’t really make a difference will it, its not like China is going to attact india, I guess india will be able to brag about yracjung chinese subs, but thats about it, China wouldn’t attact india because that could lead to ww3 regardless, so this seems like an unnecessary compromise
Wouldn’t really call it a strenght, though it is definitely a curse as it now puts india firm under US’d umbrella. Why I said its not a strenght is because not only will it take pressure and focus from your own comms development, but also being able to tract chinese ships and subs won’t really make a difference will it, its not like China is going to attact india, I guess india will be able to brag about yracjung chinese subs, but thats about it, China wouldn’t attact india because that could lead to ww3 regardless, so this seems like an unnecessary compromise

I feel it's the other way around. Our Comms will be improved to their standard. No hope in DRDO, but it's it's possible with private players.
I am not going to argue with you. Maybe we can visit this topic in few years, when this comes to bite out ***.

That won't happen though.

You just have to see what we are doing to know what's gonna happen over the next few years.

The IA will be buying a notional number of SDRs from Israel in Phase 1, through a tender. We have an Indian company called Alpha Design Technologies participating as well. They have developed an SDR with Elbit's help. In the meantime HAL will design and develop indigenous SDRs for the army for Phase 2.

The IAF is going for Israeli SDRs for now, contract's done. The BEL designed one didn't make the cut, neither did Tata-Rockwell. HAL is working on indigenous stuff too, and they intend to take a significant market share.

The IN has gone for indigenous SDRs, contract's done. With the exception of aircraft, where the Israelis will come in with the same stuff that the IAF chose, although HAL wants a piece of the pie as well.

And this is gonna stay this way for a long, long time, decades.

Wouldn’t really call it a strenght, though it is definitely a curse as it now puts india firm under US’d umbrella. Why I said its not a strenght is because not only will it take pressure and focus from your own comms development, but also being able to tract chinese ships and subs won’t really make a difference will it, its not like China is going to attact india, I guess india will be able to brag about yracjung chinese subs, but thats about it, China wouldn’t attact india because that could lead to ww3 regardless, so this seems like an unnecessary compromise

How does one sign COMCASA and then sign the S-400 and then reject American jets and then still stay in the American umbrella?
BJP minister Kaur
A poor copy of the shalwar Kameez "kurta". The regions of Gangadesh that are in the shadow of the Pakistan border naturally have cross over from Pakistan as much as the minority migrants from India carry cultural crossovers into Pakistan. I mean the saree can often be seen in Leicester, Britain amongst the Patel fraternity. And Baroness Warsi the British Pakistani ex-minister was often seen wearing shalwar kameez in British parliament but those are not illustrative of Britain as a whole.

I know you people in India have a inferiority complex and will sieze on the minority people like Punjabi Sikhs on the Pakistan border [who often do wear Kurta] to paint a picture as if that is architypical of India but that is plain nonsense. That would be like me using Kalash or the Hazara minority as 'face' of Pakistan.


If you look at old picture of Chennai, Kolkatta, Mumbai, Delhi all you will see is ocean of women in sarees and men going around half naked with dhoti's.

And that lady you pasted is I bet a Sikh probably from few miles of the Pakistani border or might even have origins in what is now Pakistan and was refugee in 1947.
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Nothing surprising here. The US/Pak alliance is officially over. The India/US alliance is being minted. Re-alignment in the global order taking place. The good news is the more US reinforces itself with India, Pakistan's position with China becomes more critical.

On a side note much respect to to these two Indian [minister] ladies. First for breaking male dominated positions of power and secondly espousing Gangoo culture by wearing Ganga attire the Saree thus clearly demarcating from Pakistani culture of Shalwar Kameez. In this sense they are following on from Indira Gandhi who always would walk around in pride with wrapped sheet.

Refer to what happened to the USSR despite her overwhelming support to India to break Pak!!!! Bad news for the USA....
A poor copy of the shalwar Kameez "kurta". The regions of Gangadesh that are in the shadow of the Pakistan border naturally have cross over from Pakistan as much as the minority migrants from India carry cultural crossovers into Pakistan. I mean the saree can often be seen in Leicester, Britain amongst the Patel fraternity. And Baroness Warsi the British Pakistani ex-minister was often seen wearing shalwar kameez in British parliament but those are not illustrative of Britain as a whole.

I know you people in India have a inferiority complex and will sieze on the minority people like Punjabi Sikhs on the Pakistan border [who often do wear Kurta] to paint a picture as if that is architypical of India but that is plain nonsense. That would be like me using Kalash or the Hazara minority as 'face' of Pakistan.


If you look at old picture of Chennai, Kolkatta, Mumbai, Delhi all you will see is ocean of women in sarees and en going around half naked with dhoti's.

And that lady you pasted is I bet a Sikh probably from few miles of the Pakistani border or might even have origins in what is now Pakistan and was refugee in 1947.
say thanks to Hari Singh Nalwa who made ur forefathers wear Salwar Kameez !
This is old news and irrelevant..show me the news after Pompeo's meeting.
You are asking them wrong question my friend ask them to show you waiver on CAATSA, Iranian oil. Both are gone down the drain for India. Papa USA took S-400 FGFA and oil from them and Gove them a drone to show the world. Lol.
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