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India, US to jointly develop single-shot vaccine for Foot & Mouth Disease.

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India, US aim to develop single-shot vaccine for Foot & Mouth Disease by 2030.
Kounteya Sinha, TNN | Feb 14, 2012, 03.14AM IST
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Read more:South Asia|single-shot vaccine|Indian Vaccine Research Institute Bangalore|Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)|Foot & Mouth Disease
NEW DELHI: In its effort to eradicate the deadly Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) in animals by 2030, India has joined hands with the US to jointly develop a new-age single-shot vaccine.

According to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) more than 528 million livestock population are under the constant risk for FMD. The direct loss of this disease is estimated to be about Rs 20,000 crore per year apart from indirect losses.

India is producing about 300 million doses of trivalent vaccine per annum, and the demand is expected to go up to 600-800 million doses in the next three-five years once ICAR rolls out FMD vaccination to all the districts.

While the virus killed vaccine available needs to be injected twice in cattle in a single year as it provides protection for six months against FMD, the new vaccine hopes to protect cattle through a single prick.

Dr B Patnaik, chief of All India Coordination Project on FMD, said, "This project is a collaboration among Indian Vaccine Research Institute, Bangalore; Plum Island Animal Disease Centre in the US and the All India Coordination project on FMD in Mukteswar. We will start the trials soon, and results will be known in six months."

He added the new recombinant clone adenovirus virus base vaccine will be sturdier, require less cold storage and be more effective than the present vaccine.

According to Professor K M L Pathak, deputy-director general of ICAR, FMD is one of the most dangerous trans-boundary animal diseases.

"Since it is difficult to cull animals once infected with the deadly FMD, we are strengthening our vaccination efforts much like the human polio vaccination drive. Our target is to vaccinate 100% animals, mainly goat, sheep, buffalo and cows. Now, vaccination is on in 54 districts. We plan to extend it to 100 districts this year, and then the entire country during the 12th Plan," Professor Pathak told TOI.

Harish Rawat, minister of state for agriculture, said ICAR is keen to establish a high-security regional FMD reference laboratory to expedite diagnosis.

He added that the "immediate objective of ICAR is to develop technologies for control of FMD in India with ultimate goal of eradication of FMD by 2030."

Dr Subhash Morzaria from the Emergency Centre for Trans-boundary Animal Disease of FAO in Bangkok said that livestock is getting importance for food security in south Asia.

"To double the milk production by 2025, India has to control FMD," Morzaria added.

Keith Sumption, secretary of FAO, said that south Asia is one of the seven major areas affected by FMD.

FMD is a highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals. The disease is characterized by the formation of fluid-filled blisters and erosions in the mouth, nose, teats and feet. Although not very lethal in adult animals, it causes serious production losses and is a major constraint in international trade.

It is a complex disease caused by a group of related but distinct viruses, collectively named FMD virus (FMDV). The disease caused by these viruses is clinically indistinguishable and infection with any one serotype does not confer immunity against another. Although mortality is usually low (less than 5%), morbidity can reach 100% and cause severe losses in production.

This is why FMD is considered as the single biggest global threat to trade in livestock and livestock products in FMD-free countries.

India, US aim to develop single-shot vaccine for Foot & Mouth Disease by 2030 - The Times of India
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