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India to launch Mars mission this year:President

when america was busy sending their rockets to moon in 1960s..their people also suffered from unemployment and poverty worse than what we are suffering right now...but look at them now they are masters in space exploration which earn them good amount of profit...

Sorry not compareble mate..India is far from anything close to the US in 60's although it's progressing rapidly..But lets not divert the subject shall we
Mars mission?:undecided:

wat r they gunna send or do on Mars nw?:undecided:

i hope they havnt chosen Mars for making a Bollywood song of a movie there:undecided:
@Jackdaws , I think now there is no sense replying to your GREAT POSTS anymore as now you seem to be on your TROLLING best, but anyways, i'll give it one more try:

Do you have the source for these "many NRIs working in NASA started coming back to there motherland & applying for ISRO instead" -

I knew this question is coming the minute i'll write that point, i had not provided a source doesn't mean that i am talking BS, the only reason i din't back-up my point with a source is that i was unable to find it than.

I read many stuffs, obviously i can't make a library of everything i read, can i??? As it is, Chandrayaan mission was a 2008 mission, so i had read it some 4 years back.

But anyways, this should satisfy you i think:

Chandrayaan inspires overseas Indian scientists to return - Bangalore - DNA

how many is "many" - I'd love to know their names and their designations in NASA.

And do let me know the names of the "many" NASA guys who switched to ISRO.

Now, I would have avoided using this word, but your asking me these details is clearly - IDIOTIC at best :disagree:

Do you think i maintain Computer records of ISRO??

Once again, I reiterate - my point is not to question ISRO's technical prowess - kudos to them for their achievements.

Next - this gem - "The people questioning the worth of a Mars or a Lunar mission are clearly short sighted, as certainly we will not have an immediate impact but in 20-25 years when entire humanity will be thinking on lines of colonizing/utilizing the resources of Moon or Mars" - humanity has been thinking about it since the end of WW2. Except of course, there is the small matter of no oxygen on Mars.

Yes it was a GEM really, but i don't think you got the point.

As are many, so you are also skeptic of it, but does that mean Govts. world over stop being ambitious??

When the people were still getting accustomed to 2nd gen fighters in the WW2, Germans were into making rockets, i agree they din't get the benefits of it but the same V-2 tech. was utilized by the Americans to send there own astronauts to space, which clearly is a gap of 20 years.

Chandrayaan mission has found water on moon apart from mapping nearly entire surface of the moon & mars mission is basically for finding methane present on it's surface, don't you think these experiments will be helpful in the future when our resources will be under a severe pressure from population explosion, do you really think that current resources are enough to serve 8+ billion people in years to come???

As moon & mars are the nearest space objects, we can only aspire to reach them & use there resources.

As i said, nothing can be build immediately the source of ISRO's current success can be easily traced back to the launch of sounding rockets in the 1960s, which made no sense than, right?? But after 50 years we are reaping the benefits of those experiments.

If there is a genuine rationale for colonizing Mars - then the technology that we need to invest in is not sending Missions to Mars but developing modules where humans can survive in a Mars simulated environment - right here on Earth.

& can you pls explain to me how can you make those so called "MODULES" without knowing/analyzing how are the conditions on the ground at that planet???

IA makes it's war strategy only after analyzing the threat posed by the enemy by utilizing information provided by UAVs, AWACS, Sats, etc. do you think without it they can make plans??

Will not IA be taken by surprise when the actual war comes???

The same purpose will be served by these missions.

So - besides jingoistic chest thumping, a Mission to Mars achieves little.

Now, that is your Individual Opinion, i don't buy that, ISRO is a professional organization with nearly 10k scientists & engineers working on a very small budget (as i said $1.2 billion or 0.06% of Indian GDP), they are the CREAM of Indian scientists, do you really think that they will plan a mission just for EGO BOOSTING??

Besides, for every mission planned they have to get approvals of the Bureaucrats sitting in New Delhi, & for one i would like to use this sentence - THAT THEY ARE THE BEST BANIYAS that India has, they will never support a mission which is Costly & serves no purpose just for Chest Thumping.

+ I am not a scientist that i know every tiny detail of what purpose this mission serves, but the one organization in India that i can trust blindly is - ISRO, & they have literally earned this trust.

+ I am out of this thread, as always a good Indian Space related thread has been ruined by the same people (from our neighborhood, immediate & extended) with the same rants & not the technicalities of the matter at hand. They clearly are JEALOUS of the strides that ISRO is making off late.

I have no more expectations from Mods here either.

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What an utter waste of resources. An Indian version of the GPS? Why? GPS works well - I am not about to switch from Google Navigation of Govt. of India Navigation. The Russians already have a competitor to the GPS - it is called GLONASS - have you ever seen or even heard anyone using it? And I would rather India spend money on improving infrastructure on this planet and make India more habitable before rushing off to Mars.

You are totally wrong my friend,the scope of Indian GPS is huge.IRNS is totally India specific.It will provide a more accurate flight path (upto 3meters) for aircrafts in Indian airspace, which is having a huge positive impact on fuel efficiency.This will considerably reduce the airfares.When it comes to the military sector, currently we are depending on US based GPS system which is totally unreliable.

Before criticizing our mars mission,just look at the budget allocated,its just $70million which is peanuts compared to our $1.8trillion GDP.Missions like this will increase the reliability of ISRO so that more and foreign countries will approach us for performing their space related services from which we can harvest $$.We all Indians know how efficient and dedicated the ISRO teams are compared to other Indian R&D organisations.So all Indians must support such initiatives.
Good luck to ISRO. Next we have to send satellites to jupiter and saturn.
All those manglik will get guru bal and eliminate shani dosham. @isro2222
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All the best ISRO....... This is probably the only agency which made india proud every time......

@ indian freinds Please ignore those neighbours who want to derail the thread.......
So you were basically lying when you said with utter confidence that "many" scientists wanted to return. Now you have no source and the abysmal source you gave states -

"Though the state-run ISRO's human resource department is yet to receive applications from abroad, the official who didn't want to be named confirmed that enquiries for job prospects in the space agency started since the Oct 22 launch of Chandrayaan from Sriharikota spaceport, about 80 km north of Chennai.

"There have been some enquiries though at a personal level. For instance, Chandrayaan director M. Annadurai got e-mail from scientists, mostly of Indian origin, congratulating him for the lunar mission and offering to join the space agency," the official pointed out. Brilliant stuff indeed.
See going to mars is an achievement,but instead of searching aliens they should take care of their citizens which have been suffered Day to Day basis like Bharat Bandh.
Mob fired cars,Factories Torture people in Delhi NCR or may be all over india.
What an Alien Behaviour to treat their Citizens.
A country cannot be concerned about one problem only. India spends 2.5% of GDP on Healthcare, 3 % of GDP on education, etc. Compared to this ,ISRO gets a very very tiny share of GDP. Such achievements, provides a boost in the technological sector. Such a boost will improve the country's international image and attract investments worldwide in high-tech sector.This in turn will create more jobs and lower our fiscal deficit and increase margin of subsidies and rural programs. These subsidies and rural programs will eventually go back to the poor eventually. Apart from the economic benefits, it will also enhance the education systems. It will attract more students to pursue a career in High-Tech sector. I hope, this gives you more clarity on the decision of space missions and high technology sector investments.
Ok, now i couldn't resist & want to put & end to all this.

In every country, the development occurs of every sector in PARALLEL.

We can't make one sector on the mercy of the another just because one sector is making us proud & other giving us nightmares???

What sort of PRECEDENCE will this serve??

US spends nearly half of the entire defence budget of the world combined, does that mean they have no social problems??

ISRO's budget is JUST 0.06% of our entire GDP, as per Mars mission is concerned, it will only be financed from ISRO's budget & will be just costing around Rs. 500 crore.

We are only questioning ISRO's plans b'coz other sectors are getting F-up when it comes to utilizing there own Budget allocations. Believe me, no sector is in short of FUNDS, they are only short of MANAGEMENT of it. Is it ISRO's mistake that it is implementing it's plans successfully while other sectors are not able to do so??

As far as the question of deep space missions are concerned, hope everyone remembers Chandrayaan - I mission, there were similar noises before the launch, but after the launch was a huge success, everyone started Praising ISRO.

This mission acted as a BOOSTER for entire scientific community, so much so that many NRIs working in NASA started coming back to there motherland & applying for ISRO instead.

So now obviously the next step is a Mars mission.

The people questioning the worth of a Mars or a Lunar mission are clearly short sighted, as certainly we will not have an immediate impact but in 20-25 years when entire humanity will be thinking on lines of colonizing/utilizing the resources of Moon or Mars (since they are the nearest space objects to Earth), the nation having lead will clearly be at an ADVANTAGE.

In the 1960s we were launching sounding rockets which were transported on a bicycle & people were even than questioning it's worth but now we are in the process of launching GSLV MK-3 & infact launching foreign satellites at present.

Space research is a long term investments, no short sighted person can see it's worth.

But for every penny we have sowed in space research we have reaped many from it. Not in Hard Cash always but changes made on ground like revolution in weather research, agriculture, remote sensing, telecommunications, etc.

Now if my post have been of any worth, can we cut this CRAP???

Apart from that we have world's largest network of remote sensing satellites

Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) is the largest constellation of remote sensing satellites for civilian use in operation today in the world, with 12 operational satellites. All these are placed in polar sun-synchronous orbit and provide data in a variety of spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions.

The priority of your country should be education. You have a very large illiterate population. This is a fact.
Your priority should be to improve people's livelihoods (sanitation).
All this mars stuff is just for ego.

ha hah a.. we have priority of education/ poverty/ sanitation/ infrastructure/ security/ defense/ birthrate/ production/ economy/ science/ technology & etc., at our own, you have no rights to say you do this first and this second...:taz:

yes we have ego & envy :agree: against the developed countries, so we try to catch up from all front, with out proper tech/info education is not very useful to a nation, it create brain export only to other's.

so we do it in our style and you did in your style...:wave:
Red Planet Blues: India To Launch Mars Space Mission In October, But Some Question Priorities


India will launch its first space mission to Mars in October 2013, according to President Pranab Mukherjee, as the South Asian giant joins rivals U.S., Russia, Japan and China in the race to the red planet.
At a cost of some 4.5-billion rupees ($83-million), India will send an unmanned space vehicle to orbit Mars, Reuters reported. The craft, which will be manufactured completely in India, will take nine months to reach the planet and then enter into an orbit about 310 miles from the surface in order to collect data on its climate and geology.

An Indian space official told Indian media that methane sensors will be used to predict the possibility of life on the planet.
"The mission is ready to roll," Deviprasad Karnik, a scientist from the India Space Research Organisation (ISRO), told Reuters from Bangalore.

President Mukherjee told parliament in New Delhi that several space missions are planned for 2013, including the “launch of our first navigational satellite."

“The space program epitomizes India’s scientific achievements and benefits the country in a number of areas,” Mukherjee said.

India’s space program is over 50 years old – five years ago, the Chandrayaan satellite found evidence of water on the moon (where India seeks to land a wheeled rover by 2014).

Karnik told the Wall Street Journal: "There is no provision in the current [Indian] Mars program for a vessel to land on the planet.”

The Indian space agency will conduct a total of ten space missions by November 2013, at a cost of about $1.3-billion.

However, some critics charge that the Indian government should spend its money to fight malnutrition, tackle widespread poverty, provide safe and clean drinking water and fix infrastructure on terra firma rather than take trips to other planets.

The blackout, which turned out the lights for some 600-million people last year and represented the biggest power outage in human history, symbolized the country’s crumbling energy infrastructure and desperate need for upgrades.

Jean Drèze, a development economist at the Delhi School of Economics, complained to the Financial Times: "I don't understand the importance of India sending a space mission to Mars when half of its children are undernourished and half of all Indian families have no access to sanitation.”

He suggested that the space mission is "part of the Indian elite's delusional quest for superpower status."

Last August, an editorial in Times of India, cautioned that India’s space ambitions should have pragmatic and realistic objectives, rather than reflect a “false sense of national pride.”

"More attention needs to be paid to the poor on issues such as health, drinking water and literacy," Bindeshwar Pathak, a prominent welfare activist, told Agence France Presse. "Going to space might have some scientific benefits but it alone will not help the condition of India's poor."

According to the World Bank, one-third of Indians live below the poverty line, while the UN said that one-third of the world’s malnourished children live in India.

Krishan Lal, President of the Indian National Science Academy, commented on the relative strangeness of India seeking to explore Mars.

“India is a country which works on different levels. On the one hand, we have a space mission, on the other hand a large number of bullock carts,” he said.

“You can’t, say, remove all the bullock carts, then move into space. You have to move forward in all directions.”

Red Planet Blues: India To Launch Mars Space Mission In October, But Some Question Priorities
In fact it will happen write before the 2014 General Elections. It is last opportunity for the current corrupt government to loot as much as they want. Like the Chopper Scandal this will be bigger and better and will be called Mars Gate. the corruption will run in billions of ruppees
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