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India to hand over Pakistani - Burnt, electrocuted, boiled, crucified... dead.

What about the killing of Khalid in Indian Jail under immense torture ??????????????????????????????
^^^Its a good step A.Rahman. Especially for those who want peace between the two countries.

If media reports are anything to go by, both countries are guilty of mistreating their prisoners.

IMO, it is a very smart move by Burney, because it puts the ball in India' court, along with the attention of the international media.
India will be compelled to respond positively, in order to prove her commitment to the peace process.

Remember, the world loves acts of humanity, especially those which are publicized well.

Mister I do not want to say anything on it... because you people have dual face....:angry::angry::angry:

Welcome to the forum Aimslife.

No need to get emotional and resort to personal attacks - especially at an entire community. I would have deleted your post except that its your first one. Please follow the forum rules next time.
Both India and Pakistan claim to be old civilisations and thats where their understanding of civility ends. One look at both countries records of human rights, woman rights, poverty, medical care etc makes one really happy to be born in the west. No offense meant.
Both India and Pakistan claim to be old civilisations and thats where their understanding of civility ends. One look at both countries records of human rights, woman rights, poverty, medical care etc makes one really happy to be born in the west. No offense meant.

Agreed. I was just reading an account about how a visitor to Varanasi, arguably the holiest Hindu city, was appalled to observe people just walking past a man who had been run over by a car. Nobody stopped to help. In the end, the visitor himself lifted the guy off the road and called the police.

Civilization has sunk to horrible depths in the subcontinent. It defies explanation.

We all accuse the west of self-centered materialism, when infact we should be learning humanity from them.
Pakistan reluctant to take its people back locked in Punjab’s jails: Authority Print
Monday, 10 March 2008

AMRITSAR: Pakistan Government is highly reluctant to take back Pak national internees lodged in the transit camp at Central jail Amritsar, inspite of the fact they have outlived their sentences awarded by the various Indian court of laws.

Some of Pakistani prisoners were languishing behind the Indian bars for the last more than one and half decade.

Talking to Punjab Newsline , Deputy Commissioner Amritsar, Kahan Singh Pannu said, "Section of media in Pakistan has started wrong propaganda about the Pakistan prisoner detained in Indian jails, particularly after the release of Indian Prisoner Kashmir Singh who spent nearly 35 years in the various jails of Pakistan".

Pannu said that Pakistan had alleged that Indian Government deliberately not releasing the Pak prisoners. Whereas, the facts were that Pakistan willfully punishing their people by not coming forward to accept them", said .Pannu.

Pannu said, " Out of Forty six Pak prisoners Fifteen Pakistani prisoners have been provided 'Councilor Access' by the officials of Pakistan Embassy from New Delhi long back, even all the formalities have been completed with regard to their release, since all the prisoners have completed their sentences. But unfortunately Pakistan is not ready to take them back, the reason best known to Pak Government".

Adding further Pannu said, "Union External Affair Ministry time and again has asked the Pakistan High Commission to do the needful for their Pakistani nationals so that they could return to Pakistan to join their families. But, here on this issue Pakistan has tight lipped".

Giving the detail of fifteen Pakistani prisoners who were provided Councilor Access by the official of Pak Embassy, Pannu said, "Abdul Sharif son of Gulam Ahmed resident of Dekhsabar Baluchistan, Pakistan was arrested in 1997. Altaf-ur-Rehman son of Mohhammad Adris resident 4-K-1, Nazimabad, Karachi Pakistan was arrested in 2002. Mohhmmad Aslam Khan son of Abdul Rehem resident of Musargabad Minamir Colony, Lahore was arrested in 2003. Akbar Ali son Rehmat Ali resident of Amar Sattu, Hariara, Lahore was arrested in 1995.

Gulzar Ahmed son of Jharru Khan resident of village Karole, Police Station Pannu Akal (Gotri), district Bahawalpur was arrested in 2006. Mohhammad Bilal son of Rehmat Ali resident of Gulnani Baghm, Police Station Gulshanm, district Karachi was arrested in 2005. Nadeem Sarwar son of Akras resident of Kasoor Rawerr at Lahore was arrested in 2005. Goonga Bola son of not known was arrested in 2003.Iqbal Saddique son of Mohhammad Siddique resident of Harkel, Gujjranwalla was arrested in 2004.

Mukhtar Ahmed son of khushu Mohhammad resident of Tarara, Police Station Khudian, Kasoor district of Lahore was arrested in 1990. Mossa Kazim son of Hammed Khan resident of resident of Krodhpag, Multan was arrested in 2003. Haran Rashid son of Sikandar Pal resident of Jarrial, The Master, and District Girgatm was arrested in 2002. Shah Niwaz son of Mohhammad Saddique resident of 35-2L, Police Station Shah District Okarra was arrested in 2005.

Pannu said," Indian Government has no problem for the repatriation of all the Pakistani prisoners lodged in Indian jail but Pakistan has to come forward to accept them. Freedom is the basic rights of all the Pakistan prisoners when they have already completed their sentences.

Now Pakistan Government giving them punishment by not coming forward to accept them.

Pannu said, "The interesting issue is that all the Pakistani nationals lodged in Amritsar jail are constantly in touch with their family members in Pakistan while exchanging letters by post on reciprocal basis. Moreover, Indian Jail Authority never stopped Pakistanis to receive or send letters on humanitarian ground".

"Family members of Pak prisoners are longing for their repatriation to Pakistan territory from India but Pakistan adopting dilly dallying, added Pannu.

Pannu also provided the details of Pak nationals internees lodged in the transit camp at Central jail Amritsar who were not provided councilor Access were Asgar son of Mohd Ali resident of Zaffarwal, Police station Flora, District Narowal was arrested in 2005, Shingar Ali son of Baba Hussain Ali resident of Juma, Police Station Central jail Hyderabad, District Dadu Riasat Singh was arrested in 2006.

Nakeeb-Ur-Rehman son of Safan Ijat resident of village Jandialam Gujranwala was arrested in 2006. Mohd Musleen son of Wahid Bakash resident of Mohalla Saki Town,near Jama Maszid, Police Station Sadar Dera Gazi Khan was arrested in 2005. Afzal son of Basir Mistry resident of Kot Ruldu, District Narowal was arrested in 2007. Javed Khan son of Blunad Shah resident of Chowk Khappa was arrested in 2006.

Abhi Saloom son of Mukthar Masih resident of Ghurki, Police Station Berki, Tehsil and Dsitrict Lahore was arrested in 1997. Khadam son of Salaudin Resident of Peta was arrested in 2007. Rammej Raja son of Abad Shah Noor Hussain resident of Shugubabd, District Abatababad was arrested in 2006. Faquir Hussain son of Roshan Din resident of Tarkhana, Tehsil Shakargarh, District Narowal was arrested in 2007.

Mohd. Aurangzeb son of Mohd Khan resident of Mandi Ahmedbad, Police Station Jalabad was arrested in 2005. AkbarAli so of Nawab Ali resident of Chuk Brahmana, Tehsil Pasru, District Sialkot was arrested in 2007. Loyaquat Ali son of Jalaldeen resident of Shahpur, Police Station Chung, District Kasoor was arrested in 2007.

Mohd. Abbas son of Suleman Khan resident of Guru Chak, Police Station Sabharh, District Sialkot was arrested in 2007. Aask son of Asmat Ullah was arrested in 2004. Mohd. Azmal son of Taz Gul resident of Jandmulla Samrath Mardana was arrested in 2005. Shakeel son of Babu Khan resident of Chitab near Lahoer was arrested in 2006.

Farzeena Sareen wife of Idria resident of Shekhupura Road, Shadra, Lahore was arrested in 2007. Mohd. Niam son of Mohd Sarwar Kahn resident of Manzoorpura Plot Thana Noorkot District Narowal was arrested in 2007. Goonga Bola not with proper address was arrested in 2007. Mohd Irfan son of Zir Khan resident of Pakostan was arrested in 30.7.2007 Asif sonof Mohd.

Asif resident of Lia Sher, Tehsil Sakargarh, Dsitric Narowal was arrested in 2007. Batru Bafru so Bakhu Ram resident of Mankot was arrested in 2006. Ahmed son of Sadiq resident of Mohalla Kagji Bazar, Allatown,Police Station Khamdar district Karachi was arrested in 2006.

Seema wife of Ahmed resident of Mohalla Kagji Bazar, Alla town, Police Station Khamdar district Karachi was arrested in 2006. Faosal Nazam son of Khadam resident of Sharkpur, Police Station Mohalla Khemgarhi, District Shekupura, Faislabad was arrested in 2006.

Noosar Ullah son of Dinullah resident of Jhabgarr Sangalkoti was arrested in January 2008. Zahir Abbas son of Mohd Safdar resident of Gali number 6 Mugalpura, Police Station Central Jail, Lahore was arrested in 2008.

Gulzar son of Malkaman resident of Babiani, District Mardana was arrested in January 2008. Maqbool Hussain son of Ayat Ullah resident of Kiyaqatabad near Kot Lakhpat district Lahore was arrested in February 8, 2008 and Mohd. Imran son of Mohd Anwar son of Batali, Police Station Sanali District Shekupura.

Pannu said that majority of Pak prisoners were arrested under the 3-34-20 Indian Passport Act and 14 Foreign Act except few under the Custom act.

PunjabNewsline.com - Pakistan reluctant to take its people back locked in Punjab’s jails: Authority
It's a funny thing, Pakistan government is fighting in plain sight for the release of it's prisoners and Indians are claiming they are not accepting them.

Heck India is not releasing the prisoners who have already served their sentences.
Both India and Pakistan claim to be old civilisations and thats where their understanding of civility ends. One look at both countries records of human rights, woman rights, poverty, medical care etc makes one really happy to be born in the west. No offense meant.
Oh please this is one incident we can easily claim to be holier than thou (them). Although I find it weird that selectively we're dehyphenating India from Pakistan and when comparing barbarity we're being clubbed together again.

We let go a spy who admitted to his espionage activities. In exchange we see a Pakistani guy who hands himself to the Indian authorities being tortured so horribly to death by the Indians.

Heads ought to be rolled.
Oh please this is one incident we can easily claim to be holier than thou (them). Although I find it weird that selectively we're dehyphenating India from Pakistan and when comparing barbarity we're being clubbed together again.

We let go a spy who admitted to his espionage activities. In exchange we see a Pakistani guy who hands himself to the Indian authorities being tortured so horribly to death by the Indians.

Heads ought to be rolled.

Dear AA,

I don't want to get into whether India is wrong or Pakistan is right. Both your countries are great at shedding big crocodile tears on all kinds of rights and discriminations worldwide but both of are guilty by any humane standards of mistreating and abusing your own citizens so why bother talking about each others citizens. Moreover universal lack of accountability backed up by a professional Government SPIN Machine the truth is always a casualty in both countries. I am sure there are certain Indians here who may wish to justify India's case. I admire Gen M and Mr Barney for letting Mr K. Singh free eventhough it was delayed for more than 20 years. I understand that the maximum penalty of spying in Pakistan in war times is death and in peace times is 14 years whereas K. Singh spent 20 years extra.

Dear AA,
I don't want to get into whether India is wrong or Pakistan is right. Both your countries are great at shedding big crocodile tears on all kinds of rights and discriminations worldwide but both of are guilty by any humane standards of mistreating and abusing your own citizens so why bother talking about each others citizens. Moreover universal lack of accountability backed up by a professional Government SPIN Machine the truth is always a casualty in both countries. I am sure there are certain Indians here who may wish to justify India's case. I admire Gen M and Mr Barney for letting Mr K. Singh free eventhough it was delayed for more than 20 years. I understand that the maximum penalty of spying in Pakistan in war times is death and in peace times is 14 years whereas K. Singh spent 20 years extra.

Now you refuse to own India? Than who are you, perhaps a lawyer hired by Indians?

Pakistanis are a different nation and have different values than Indians.
You cannot find a single Indian like Insar Burney, in next thousand years.
finally it reaches the web

NEWS : AAJ Television: Pakistan's Premier Channel

Khalid Mehmood, Kashmir Singh reflect Pak, Indian mindsets

ISLAMABAD ( 2008-03-11 01:39:38 ) :
As the dead body of ill-fated Pakistani prisoner Khalid Mehmood arrives back home today, the human rights activists are facing harsh questions by the media and the general public in Pakistan why they had put immense pressure over the Pakistani government for the pardon and release of an Indian spy - Kashmir Singh.

As the Pakistanis seen-off Kashmir Singh at Wagah Border amid joy and laughter last week, they are assembling again today at the same point to receive the body of an innocent Pakistani cricket-lover amid tears and grief.

Mehmood had visited India as a spectator to enjoy the Pak-India Cricket series and was reportedly picked up by Indian secret agencies. Indian media reported that Mehmood had died of severe torture by the Indian jail officials.

The arrival of his body to Pakistan is a question mark over the human rights groups of India.

Bhago Begum, the Pakistani citizen, who was freed last year from an Indian jail, narrated the conditions in which Pakistani prisoners were kept in jails as 'dreadful'.

She termed the authorities of Indian jails 'heartless' as the Pakistani prisoners remain a target of routine 'physical abuse' and verbal humiliation at the hands of Indian officials.

Like Bhago Begum, there are many other Pakistani nationals who continue to suffer at the hands of Indian authorities in draconian Indian jails without trial.

Though the Indian media has frequently reflected the suffering of Pakistani prisoners, admitted to hospitals in serious conditions, after being picked by the Indian intelligence under espionage charges that were never proved in courts, yet the Indian officials are reluctant to pay heed to such charges.

On the other side of the border, an Indian national Kashmir Singh was pardoned by President Musharraf and was released from Pakistani jail last week.

On his way home from Wagah Border, Singh carried memories of humane treatment in Pakistan jails despite being a spy -- a fact he admitted as soon as he returned to India after 35-year imprisonment.

The grey-haired Singh looked physically fit and cheerful after his release, in sharp contrast to the miserable condition of Pakistani prisoners languishing in Indian jails without catching any attention from the human rights activists.
Dear AA,

I don't want to get into whether India is wrong or Pakistan is right. Both your countries are great at shedding big crocodile tears on all kinds of rights and discriminations worldwide but both of are guilty by any humane standards of mistreating and abusing your own citizens so why bother talking about each others citizens.
Again why go into flashback mode? Just stand up and denounce the one bad thing you see when you see it!

Moreover universal lack of accountability backed up by a professional Government SPIN Machine the truth is always a casualty in both countries. I am sure there are certain Indians here who may wish to justify India's case.
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they all agree some bastards really effed things around with Khalid. However whether or not the parties responsible pay for it, yet remains to be seen.

I admire Gen M and Mr Barney for letting Mr K. Singh free eventhough it was delayed for more than 20 years. I understand that the maximum penalty of spying in Pakistan in war times is death and in peace times is 14 years whereas K. Singh spent 20 years extra.

Actually he was to be hanged. If the system would've worked, and computers were keeping track of things, he would've never made it out alive.

I'm of the group of Pakistanis who believe the right thing has happened with his release. However we look like idiots now in hindsight. Burney's done a lot of good, but he did get carried away with this. You do proper homework, you make sure that you get something in return, you make sure the right type of Indians are released.

I'm pretty sure all he thought was, let's give the President a pitch for the soft-image of Pakistan and score big for his foundation in the process.
Those who were exchanged earlier those 50 were Mostly Fishermen and that is not a big deal. And Malang You are dissapointingly rather shamlessly justifying the torture over Pakistani prisoners in Indian Jails.

The article mentioned over 500? but in any case I am not justifying prison treatment/torture but it is what it is.

I don't expect jail officials to be handed over a Rapists, serial killers, spy, terrorists and expect them to have any compassion whatsoever with them.

Indeed the Jails authorities everywhere are brutal

do you have any idea how many Indians, that too innocents or those in lock up, or those who are undertrials are killed in police brutality in jails?
I am not really sure of the treatment in Pakistani Jails but I am sure their will be no trace of Pakistani hospitality seen in mainstream life.

But Lets just compare the case of Indian Spy Kashmir Singh who was released by Pakistan. He was all healthy and cheeful there was no sign of Torture. He also admitted that he was not mistreated.(Even the fact that he was arrested on Spying Charges)

I don't really like to draw comparisons but here you go...

"After languishing in a solitary confinement for nearly 35 years, Kashmir Singh is now eager to head back in the comfort of his home. Singh confined to solitary confinement in the jail where he could never see light of the day as he remained in the dark rooms for over 23 hours in a day. "
TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos -

"The minister said that Mr Singh had not received a single visitor or seen the open sky and like other condemned prisoners, was locked in an overcrowded death cell for more than 23 hours a day in conditions which the minister described as "hell on earth."
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Indian freed after 35 years' jail

"Mr. Singh refused to narrate details about the torture he underwent after he was arrested on June 17, 1974, and placed on the death row, saying his family might not be able to bear it. However, he narrated how in 1977 and 1979 eleventh hour political changes saved him from the gallows."
The Hindu : Front Page : I was a spy: Kashmir Singh

But the fact that he was a prisoner waiting in line for death sentence for 35 years not knowing that any day could be his last, in conditions that Mr. Burney describes as hell on earth, subjected to torture, without seeing the light of day, without having a visitor to talk to?? what do you want me to say??

Most people go crazy or have their spirits broken or have their hope shattered and wither away in solitary confinement. All I can say Mr. Singh, was a tough nut to crack and is an example of survival skills of Man, I am sure many in his position would have died or gone lunatic. He was not treated as a guest or given preferential/lenient treatment, I cannot say one treatment is better than other (that is making a person go through hell for 35 years or torturing him to death??) and I am sure few can even justify the coup de grace of Indians.

If this reflects mindset of Pakistan and India.. then none is holier than thou and the fact is all credit goes to Mr. Burney not Pakistan or Pakistanis. (please refer to end paragraph)

In sharp Contrast to that India Today Handedover the DEAD Body of a Pakistan crickter Lover Kahlid.
Who went to India to watch a India Pakistan cricket series.
The Indian Intellgence Agencies picked him and
Today (Monday March 10, 2008) India handed over dead body of Khalid to Pakistan at Wagha Border. Khalid was brutally Killed in Indian Jail after burtal torture by Indians.

Did you expect him to be fed Ladoos?? Unlike Kashmir Singh he was possibly, weak and didn't survive.. or the torture in Indian prisons was excessive...
I am sorry but more Indians are killed at the hands of prison officials than Pakistanis, and this is not reflective of Indian mindsets but the mindsets of the prison officials. I have no empathy with Prison officials but with the prisoners. I feel sorry for what happened to Khalid, and others in both countries whose names even we shall never know, but at least he was put of misery sooner than later.

Only one person here is a true beacon of humanity Mr. Ansar Burney. In fact many Pakistanis on this forum are angry at release of Kashmir Singh (because of death of a Pakistani prisoner in India) and if this mindset is representative then for sure Pakistan cannot claim to be better than Indians...

(my comments can be offensive but these are my views none the less)
It's a funny thing, Pakistan government is fighting in plain sight for the release of it's prisoners and Indians are claiming they are not accepting them.

Heck India is not releasing the prisoners who have already served their sentences.

Then why doesn't Pakistan deny such news reports its easier to deny such things rather than accept.
Only one incidence of release of Indian after 35 years does not change everything.
However I donot want to say Jail authorities of India or Pakistan are great they would go great lengths get rid of them.
Ansar Burney should be tired for treason :angry:

You wont get my vote for that. Ansar Burney remains a light of hope....regardless of Kashmir Singh and his past (it really has no meaning in the current day and age).

Khalid Mahmood's death is shocking. May the Almighty bless his soul. Ameen
On a slightly different note, its interesting watching the "free" media run with the Khalid story -a lot of criticism going India's way. I wonder if this will result in a similar shift to that in India after the media took off, where the media became the ultimate pusher of jingoistic attitudes...
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