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India to deploy two S-400 systems by early 2022, changes game with China


Sep 26, 2018
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Two S-400 air defence systems will be operational in India early 2022 as two Russian trained teams are ready for the job. The Indian systems will balance the tactical disadvantage posed by Chinese S-400 deployments across Ladakh and Arunachal LAC.

With the induction of at least two regiments of S-400 air defence systems on north and east borders of India beginning 2022, the Modi government will finally balance the tactical disadvantage faced by the military after PLA’s surprise May 2020 transgressions on 1,597-km Ladakh Line of Control (LAC).

According to diplomats based in Moscow, the advance elements of S-400 systems have already started arriving in India with deep penetration radars of the two systems (in sequence) in place next month. The two S-400 systems will be operational by early 2022 to match the Chinese deployment of the same Russian system across the Ladakh and Arunachal LAC. Two Indian military teams, trained in Russia, are ready to operate the S-400 system, which has a reach of nearly 400 km into enemy territory.

That India has been able to get two S-400 complexes in a short time is due to very close relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is for this reason that President Vladimir Putin is making second exception this year to step out of his country to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on December 6. While President Putin has received guests at Black Sea resort of Sochi, the only time he stepped out of Russia was to meet US President Joe Biden on June 16 at Geneva. He has only held virtual summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in June this year and will not travel to Beijing despite the two countries having an annual summit format on lines with India. Despite raging Covid conditions, Russia allowed Indian S-400 teams to train and opened manufacturing facilities shut down during spread of coronavirus pandemic in the past two years.

When the PLA caught the Indian Army by surprise on north banks of Pangong Tso, Galwan and Gogra-Hot Springs on May 2020, it was quite evident that the Chinese had plans to unilaterally change the LAC by imposing an already rejected 1959 line on Ladakh. The Indian military was pushed on the back foot with the PLA retaining with troops and weapon systems who had come for annual exercises across the Ladakh LAC in 2020 spring.

With men of 16 Bihar under Col Santosh Babu showing raw courage against marauding PLA troops at Galwan on June 15, the Modi government moved to correct the disadvantage that the army found itself on Ladakh LAC. First was the induction of T-90 tanks using Chinook helicopters on Ladakh LAC all the way up to Daulet Beg Oldi (DBO) sector along with deployment of troops. Second step was the induction of omni-role nuclear capable Rafale fighters into the theatre with long-range air-to-air missiles to give air superiority and land attack cruise missiles. Third step, the most important one, was the brilliantly planned military operation that led to Indian Army occupying heights on south banks of Pangong Tso on August 29-31. With PLA’s Moldo garrison being threatened by Indian Army, the Chinese got the message and the two sides sagaciously decided to dis-engage from both banks of the saltwater lake. However, there was still a tactical mismatch with the Chinese threatening the Indian Air Force with deployed S-400 systems at Ngari Gar Gunsa and Nyingchi air bases in occupied Aksai Chin and across Arunachal Pradesh.

With the induction of S-400 systems on Indian soil, the Modi government has a reply to Chinese missiles and air force in case of a worst case scenario. As one system will be deployed in north, it will take care of two fronts in Ladakh as the deep penetration radars of S-400 will be able to pick up any fighter or missile targeting India.

While the Chinese and the Indian sides only reiterating their respective positions during the last round of WMCC this month, the Indian S-400 capability will make Beijing realise the futility of keeping forward deployments on the Ladakh and Arunachal LAC. Ensuring peaceful and tranquil LAC is the only way out for both the Asian giants.

It's just that China has already deployed S-400.
I don't know playing catchup will change what game?
China has HQ-9Bs and S400s already deployed in that area - and backed by J20's stealth fighter bombers - this changes nothing for China.

If India wants a way out of its current predicamet - they need to leave the QUAD and return to the Wuhan principles that India agreed with China and then violated by joinining anti-China strategic forums.
wouldn't china be offended by its partner Russia for giving s400 then again india as partner would be offended of s400 is not sold to them.
wouldn't china be offended by its partner Russia for giving s400 then again india as partner would be offended of s400 is not sold to them.

Maybe China allowed it because they know how to take it out.
China is operating the S-400 systems for long now and must be having deep insight into how the system works, and what it's shortcomings are. Based on this experience and their technological prowess, the Chinese would be in a great position to develop electronic warfare systems for this specific threat and if so, I wouldn't be surprised if in a case of conflict, the Indian S-400 systems start taking their own Rafales out of the sky.
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Just need to fly some unman J-6's over and let the Indian practice their S400, then the Chinese soldiers can watch some fireworks on the dark sky.
Just need to fly some unman J-6's over and let the Indian practice their S400, then the Chinese soldiers can watch some fireworks on the dark sky.

Bad idea. Those things have PLAAF insignia on them. If the Indians shoot one down they'd be bragging about shooting down 20 J-16s or something.
Just need to fly some unman J-6's over and let the Indian practice their S400, then the Chinese soldiers can watch some fireworks on the dark sky.

Your own silly army recently shoots down its own helicopter in panic in Kashmir and killing everyone onboard. It showed your army has no lack of discipline or proper training. china is for the big boys USA & Japan not you. So best you leave this dragon alone u have trails of embarrassment done to u by China
Indian Media : Chini surrender, S-400 Bharamaster ne chiniyon ko kia dher
Then Chinese comes with baseball bats with barbed wires, Indians leave the lobby :partay:
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