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India to Deploy Two Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Near Pakistan Border

From the 1980s to quite recently. We are not obliged to educate someone from a country which have no R&D though...


Simple solution nuke these villages with Ra'ad and Babur C.M and then launch other ballistic missiles to desired targets. But wait when last time Indian forces able to induct any DRDO's product.

Another day another brain fart by Indian media.

Nike this Nuke that.

Do you and your country men think what happens after a nuclear attack? Do you understand what happens if you launch against one with second strike capability? What is wrong with you?
alwar missile site





I am skeptical as to how good ABMs are -infact only count on 33%-50% max efficiency if US tests are any indicator(though keep in mind US tests against ICBM types which Pak doesnt have,however US technology is better than us - so both positive and negative in that example).So for each enemy ballistic missile to be safe you need 2-3.

An advantage for us is because of very short distance and pakistan's lack of strategic depth,our forward deployed ballistic interceptors can catch pak ballistic missiles potentially when they are most vulnerable and easiest to shoot down - during the take off and immediate period after that.This advantage however will not work against china,nor do i think these interceptors are mature enough to down ICBMs.IRBMs are the limit i think.
In the words of Dr. SM to self, good luck with that boost phase idea.
Neither the S-400 nor the AAD have sufficient response and coverage to tackle what is the initial volley planned in case it does all go hot. Simply the number of launch platforms involved, including decoys and both forward and rear locations make the chances of stopping an attack anywhere in India 20% at best(35% if Israeli David Sling type sensors are acquired).

More laughingly, instead of actually preventing the idea of nuclear war; the BMD has now lowered the threshold where instead of gradual tit for tat escalation, everything goes in one fell swoop since the perception would be that a single launch could be intercepted and then retaliated with a full strike.

Regardless of all the bluster, the stark reality is that Pakistan is 4-5 metropolitan centers as a country and then it is non existent as a state. India has many many more, and not just Pakistan to worry about if the dust eventually does settle; all Pakistan has is India(some would cite Iran but that is a locked up folder in some cabinet near sector G-8 in Islamabad openly every other month for review).
In the words of Dr. SM to self, good luck with that boost phase idea.
Neither the S-400 nor the AAD have sufficient response and coverage to tackle what is the initial volley planned in case it does all go hot. Simply the number of launch platforms involved, including decoys and both forward and rear locations make the chances of stopping an attack anywhere in India 20% at best(35% if Israeli David Sling type sensors are acquired).

More laughingly, instead of actually preventing the idea of nuclear war; the BMD has now lowered the threshold where instead of gradual tit for tat escalation, everything goes in one fell swoop since the perception would be that a single launch could be intercepted and then retaliated with a full strike.

Regardless of all the bluster, the stark reality is that Pakistan is 4-5 metropolitan centers as a country and then it is non existent as a state. India has many many more, and not just Pakistan to worry about if the dust eventually does settle; all Pakistan has is India(some would cite Iran but that is a locked up folder in some cabinet near sector G-8 in Islamabad openly every other month for review).

I agree mostly,our BMD is currently in no way capable of halting anything more than a few rogue missiles.A credible force is still in the future.
Simple solution nuke these villages with Ra'ad and Babur C.M and then launch other ballistic missiles to desired targets. But wait when last time Indian forces able to induct any DRDO's product.
Don't worry, we will have our MR SAM and Spyder systems ready for them.

I agree mostly,our BMD is currently in no way capable of halting anything more than a few rogue missiles.A credible force is still in the future.
It's all a numbers game, how many radars and interceptors you can put in place vis-a-vis how many BMs the enemy can throw at you.
Soon there will be cries of Weapons race.
I agree mostly,our BMD is currently in no way capable of halting anything more than a few rogue missiles.A credible force is still in the future.

I do not believe the idea of BMD is to have a 100% hit rate. As of today, anyone who claims that lives in la la land.

I believe the idea of BMD is to make the adversary invest more in the strike capability. Sort of paper-rock-scissors.

For India there is Pakistan and China. China for all its blustering, is a responsible nation. Not sure when they made a nuclear strike treat the last time. Even if they did, they understand they stand to loose a lot as well.

Nations like Pakistan and North Korea are not. Nuclear is the only answer for everything. Only card they have to play. So it is expected they will use the card at the first instance. They do not have anything to loose either. Both the regimes have ingrained the populace that vaporizing themselves for flawed ideology is ok.

Coming to Pakistan. This is the nation that said, we will eat grass and develop nukes because the Hindoos have it. In this thread, there are people calling for nuclear strikers on BMD monitoring stations. They do no understand it is just one cog in the monitoring chain.
I agree mostly,our BMD is currently in no way capable of halting anything more than a few rogue missiles.A credible force is still in the future.
A credible force too will face what are essentially impossible odds unless say 20 years down the line India acquires long range energy weapons; which by that time will have their own countermeasures in place.

The basic purpose of nukes isnt to annihilate each other but the fear of annihilation to keep bringing people back to the talking table or the least keeping a certain level of sanity.

I do not believe the idea of BMD is to have a 100% hit rate. As of today, anyone who claims that lives in la la land.

I believe the idea of BMD is to make the adversary invest more in the strike capability. Sort of paper-rock-scissors.

For India there is Pakistan and China. China for all its blustering, is a responsible nation. Not sure when they made a nuclear strike treat the last time. Even if they did, they understand they stand to loose a lot as well.

Nations like Pakistan and North Korea are not. Nuclear is the only answer for everything. Only card they have to play. So it is expected they will use the card at the first instance. They do not have anything to loose either. Both the regimes have ingrained the populace that vaporizing themselves for flawed ideology is ok.

Coming to Pakistan. This is the nation that said, we will eat grass and develop nukes because the Hindoos have it. In this thread, there are people calling for nuclear strikers on BMD monitoring stations. They do no understand it is just one cog in the monitoring chain.
The whole post shows the utter level of ignorance that resides in India about everyone except themselves
The whole post shows the utter level of ignorance that resides in India about everyone except themselves

Arms Race. Perhaps you would like to understand that in Asian terms.

I am referring to Pakistan. A third world country with little to less money to wage a war against a superior power. Refer to Star Wars and such shmuck done by US through Cold War against USSR. They just outspend them. And look where it got them.

As you said fear of annihilation needs to be kept alive. Why Pakistan quotes bigger number of warheads against India all the time. That's what you do when you hold few cards dear fellow.

But if you feel Pakistan is not falling for that, then ignorance goes both ways then.

This is what India feels against China. They have superior fire power and money to back it.
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Arms Race. Perhaps you would like to understand that in Asian terms.

I am referring to Pakistan. A third world country with little to less money to wage a war against a superior power. Refer to Star Wars and such shmuck done by US through Cold War against USSR. They just outspend them. And look where it got them.

As you said fear of annihilation needs to be kept alive. Why Pakistan quotes bigger number of warheads against India all the time. That's what you do when you hold few cards dear fellow.

But if you feel Pakistan is not falling for that, then ignorance goes both ways then.

This is what India feels against China. They have superior fire power and money to back it.
*yawns at lame attempt at contempt

Reply back with something a little less WILFULLY ignorant of the actual situation and then attempt to quote me.

"Dear fellow"
*yawns at lame attempt at contempt

Reply back with something a little less WILFULLY ignorant of the actual situation and then attempt to quote me.

"Dear fellow"

Hehehe. Good one fellow.
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