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India to be a superpower, says CIBC's Benjamin Tal

Perhaps its a social status crowning achievement ? Whatever the case, congratulations on the Indians for their surging space program. Keep it up !

*hands you a handkerchief*

Its okay bro.

You people are so funny on here. lool :lol: Thats why i like PDF. :rofl:
Sure. It already is a regional power, major power. With time , and with continued development, there's no reason why India cannot be a super power.

I always wondered why Japan who is wayy bigegr than India and even U.K,Britain, France and even Germany is not a super power(not even a world power) yet.:what:
Of all the nationalities, more Indians desire the title of "superpower" more than any other people

inferiority complex can only be washed one way, i think, then let it be

I always wondered why Japan who is wayy bigegr than India and even U.K,Britain, France and even Germany is not a super power(not even a world power) yet.:what:

because they dont have inferiority complex

ya, we are full of anger and envy now.

Can you guys ask CEO of walmart to say the same for China
I always wondered why Japan who is wayy bigegr than India and even U.K,Britain, France and even Germany is not a super power(not even a world power) yet.:what:
The simple reason behind it is that Japan doesn't want to portray itself as a military super power.On the contrary they always gave more importance to their economic clout and hence they were the 2nd largest economy for well over 3 decades.Similarly India also doesn't have any intention to portray itself as a military superpower although we are one of the strongest in that field.All we want is to ensure the well being of our citizens and even though poverty is a major issue for us since independence,we have successfully brought a large section of our poor populace out of the clutches of poverty in the last 2 decades and we'll continue to alleviate our poverty stricken population until we can successfully eradicate poverty from this country.It may take us a while to achieve this herculean task but we are absolutely confident of our success.
Now most of these "emerging super power" like statements are generally made by westerners like Mr.Benjamin Tal and not from the common Indian citizens or economists:coffee:!!
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