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India takes dim view of British bid to broker Af-Pak strategic pact

British created a mess in subcontinent when they left from here and made sure for next 100 years subcontinent will not be able to challenge them. Now again they are doing same thing, creating a mess between India-Pakistan-Afghanistan, or may be a few more countries. Its not that hard to understand it. :hitwall:
Iran cannot play a role in forging real peace in Pakistan for two reasons, one they are at odds with every Western Nation, and two the Taliban and Iran have some bad blood between them due to history.

Pakistan is the only one who can push the right buttons, for ten years NATO refused to listen to Pakistan's proposals now they are giving Pakistan the lead so that shows the change in mindset. Plus Kerry has always been the most Pakistan friendly democrat. It is not flattery it is geopolitics, do not talk if you know nothing. India can only wait it out for now.

Not necessarily, this is just to get the Taliban to stop fighting and share power with the other groups in Afghanistan. It should not harm anyone's interests.

Yeha but the world knows the Taliban is messed up. Allowing them to take a role or a position is stupid. Its harms the interests of the ppl and women
Yeha but the world knows the Taliban is messed up. Allowing them to take a role or a position is stupid. Its harms the interests of the ppl and women

That is why they are negotiating with them to make them more liberal in their views and a political party instead of a rogue entity.
In a nutshell, yup!

At the end of the day, your countries "concerns" whatever they may be, do not figure in our calculations or agenda.

Every country will safeguard her own interests. Pakistan has a direct stake here, india has none.

Arm twisted by the Brits? :lol:

I seek your elaboration here

not exactly.
If you have read comment of Honorable Justice Markandeya Katju about the British and Pakistan, you will not be surprised to know that Britain is trying to promote interests of Pakistan.
India takes dim view of British bid to broker Af-Pak strategic pact - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India is taking a dim view of British efforts to push through a strategic partnership agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan as British PM David Cameron played host to Asif Ali Zardari and Hamid Karzai at his country residence, Chequers. India's peeve stems from its firm belief that the UK is looking at the Afghanistan issue from a Pakistani point of view, without involving countries like India into it. Cameron announced on Monday that Afghanistan and Pakistan would sign a strategic partnership agreement by this autumn. As Cameron prepares to visit here later this year, this issue is expected to feature in high-level discussions with the Indian leadership. India also remains deeply skeptical of British interests and intentions in this region. While India and the US have now established deep contacts on their activities in Afghanistan, including a trilateral format dialogue with Afghanistan, New Delhi has no such interaction with London on an issue that affects Indian interests deeply. This has led to greater suspicion of the UK's activities particularly because they seem to be placing Pakistan at the centre of a peace deal, when Islamabad remains one of the prime sponsors of the Taliban. Senior Taliban leaders are given safe haven by Pakistan, and any peace resolution in Afghanistan includes bringing the Taliban into the power structure in Kabul. This has obviously found resonance in London.

Indian and US officials say British interlocutors had a big role in the drafting of the five-point peace process roadmap for Afghanistan which again places Pakistan front and centre of any deal. Sources here said Karzai has expressed apprehension with any such plan, but his vulnerability next year is leading him to clutch at straws, including Pakistan, despite being painfully aware of the Taliban influence. India worries that British intervention could result in a hastily-cobbled deal between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which would give the NATO powers a fig leaf for their departure from Afghanistan. But a poorly crafted peace resolution, with exit as the goal, may not be the best thing for a post-exit peace. For many Indians the memories of 1947, and the British departure from the sub-continent leaving behind unbridled blood-letting has deepened skepticism of the British initiative.

Indians are like

--- Begani Shadi main Kumar Dewana

(Kumar is going crazy horse gangnam style dancing, uninvited in someone else's party)

It is time that Indians quit having orgasms about Afghanistan.

It is a tiny country of few million, and it is not connected directly to India anyways.

The only explanation I have for this Indian infatuation is the slave mentality

That India having been ruled, messed up, controlled for centuries by Afghan war lords.

So India cannot forget those golden times.

Otherwise there is no explanation whatsoever about this "dim or dumb or dumbest view".

It is time India concentrated and financed its own BIMARU states, instead of wasting time and hard earned call center money on a BIMARU state 100s of miles away.


p.s. 1947 blood letting happened only in Punjab.

Before partition
-- East Punjab (Indian side) had 55-65% Muslim Punjabis. (depending on city/village)
-- West Punjab (Pak side) had 35-45% non-Muslim Punjabis (depending on city/village)

After partition
--- Indian Punjab had 0% Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Indian mobs)
-- Pak Punjab had 0% non-Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Pak mobs)
--- few exceptions were tiny Muslim population in Malir kotla, and tiny sikh population around holy shrines such as: Nankana sahib and Punja sahib

nowhere else in India or Pak, the ethnic cleansing was so absolute so comprehensive.

Blaming this on British while absolving the interior minister Patel is intellectually dishonest and historically inaccurate.
Indians are like

--- Begani Shadi main Kumar Dewana

(Kumar is going crazy horse gangnam style dancing, uninvited in someone else's party)

It is time that Indians quit having orgasms about Afghanistan.

It is a tiny country of few million, and it is not connected directly to India anyways.

The only explanation I have for this Indian infatuation is the slave mentality

That India having been ruled, messed up, controlled for centuries by Afghan war lords.

So India cannot forget those golden times.

Otherwise there is no explanation whatsoever about this "dim or dumb or dumbest view".

It is time India concentrated and financed its own BIMARU states, instead of wasting time and hard earned call center money on a BIMARU state 100s of miles away.


p.s. 1947 blood letting happened only in Punjab.

Before partition
-- East Punjab (Indian side) had 55-65% Muslim Punjabis. (depending on city/village)
-- West Punjab (Pak side) had 35-45% non-Muslim Punjabis (depending on city/village)

After partition
--- Indian Punjab had 0% Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Indian mobs)
-- Pak Punjab had 0% non-Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Pak mobs)
--- few exceptions were tiny Muslim population in Malir kotla, and tiny sikh population around holy shrines such as: Nankana sahib and Punja sahib

nowhere else in India or Pak, the ethnic cleansing was so absolute so comprehensive.

Blaming this on British while absolving the interior minister Patel is intellectually dishonest and historically inaccurate.


Indians like the rest of the world are horrified that, due to budgetary constraints and internal pressure if ISAF does pull out, and there is any development as proposed by cameron from pakistani point of view, the brutal talibani regime will decimate the fledgling government in afghanistan, bringing talban ver 2.0 (brutal than ever, and out for revenge ) in kabul.

India's interest is to ensure that afganistan doesn't become staging ground for jehad.inc for thier tactical deployment against India, as demonstrated in the past with groups like Al badr and harkat ul ansar. Also it is imperative for the world to take notice to the kind of governance of taliban regime which was sponsored, endorsed and recognized by pakistan in the past, and the same element of the regime that pakistan is trying to sell to ISAF negotiations "as the truce with taliban".
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