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India suspects British backing of Pak-Afghan intel cooperation


Apr 28, 2011
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NEW DELHI: India suspects British involvement in putting together a controversial agreement between Pakistan's ISI and Afghan intelligence service, NDS. India's annoyance could impact a possible visit to the UK by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tentatively being planned for the end of the year.

READ ALSO: Pak, Afghanistan sign intelligence-sharing deal

While the MoU itself has not yet been made public, a couple of clauses which have leaked out have added to India's anger. One of them is that each spy service would "refrain" from criticizing the other in public, among other things. More important, they agreed to "refrain" from cooperating with "hostile foreign agencies". For years, that was Afghan description for ISI itself. Post the agreement, the "foreign agencies" said sources, indicate India.

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Pakistan, sources said, has already started a steady flow of reports to Afghanistan about alleged Indian "hand" in recent violent incidents, many of which though bearing clear hand of the Taliban, have not been claimed by anybody. This is in addition to a sustained media campaign within Pakistan blaming the Indian agency, RAW, for blasts and killings in the country. Over the past decade, India has built significant ties with Afghanistan's security establishment, which the MoU seeks to actively destroy, Indians believe.

A second inclusion is even more curious - asking Afghanistan to present Pakistan and the ISI in a "favourable" light. Sources here said countries routinely engage in intelligence cooperation with other countries, but they don't involve MoUs, nor do they involve a public relations activity.

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If implemented, India fears it would mean that the NDS would have to engage in domestic political activity in the same way the ISI does inside Pakistan. Many in the security establishment here are joining the dots - and coming up with some uncomfortable conclusions that much of this is intended to target India itself.

The question Indians are asking is what does the UK or other "external" forces hope to get out of this exercise? The MoU has created a popular backlash inside Afghanistan forcing President Ashraf Ghani to backtrack after it became public that even the NDS chief had opposed it. It has lowered his standing both inside Pakistan (because he will not be able to deliver on the MoU) and inside his own country. It has also brought his predecessor Hamid Karzai out of a self-imposed silence to become a powerful opposition voice.

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As a damage control, Ghani took recourse to some hardline rhetoric against Pakistan, by accusing it of waging an "undeclared war". "The Taliban have declared their spring offensive, massive terrorist attacks have been carried out," he said in a letter released to the media at an international security conference in Doha. "The public is asking whether there has been any return from President Ghani's efforts to secure enduring peace and cooperation with Pakistan?" the letter states.

While publicly India has maintained a stoic front, New Delhi has privately been very critical of the Afghans for allowing themselves to be conned by Pakistan in this manner. Modi met Karzai, who stopped by New Delhi en route to Beijing for a CICA conference last week, indicating India's continued support for him, and even a silent endorsement of his criticism of Ghani's actions.

India suspects British backing of Pak-Afghan intel cooperation - The Times of India
@WebMaster @Horus @Oscar @nair @SpArK @Areesh @Dazzler @DESERT FIGHTER @Secur @fatman17
That means Pakistan is again under US/UK pressure to do what they want. For how many years you guys will obey them? Now its China! :D

This is the start of end of ghani. If he forced to go for the deal by US/UK than he will face the wrath of Afghan people.
If true then this needs to be returned with interest. And there are many ways to do so. Hope MEA and MoD looks into the matter and tell the British that its no more 19th century.
Some kids never get mature despite growing physically.


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Why British backing....It might be a genuine interest from both sides...But again, It is the people of Afganistan who should decide how would they like to lead their future without being compromised with any of their interests..

Afghan President Demands Pakistan Do More to Rein in Taliban - WSJ

KABUL—Afghan President Ashraf Ghani warned Pakistan he would reverse a diplomatic outreach unless Islamabad clamps down on Taliban activities and puts its leaders under house arrest, venting frustration as Kabul faces an onslaught of attacks by the insurgents.

Everyone underestimating Indias influence among Afghanistan people and Armed forces. No one will in Afghanistan will talk in favour of Pakistan unless they are taliban . Even talibans won't openly brag about their understanding with ISI or PA because they will loose more support from Afghans.

It's time RAW take this battle into their door steps from Falkland Islands to African influence . India should never forget Russians , French and Germans are our most trustable partners to take on western block . Pakistan from the beginning enjoyed overwhelming support from UK and US . Even in 1971 US and China secret service played huge role in an attempt to save East Pakistan . Which led to sparing West Pakistan and Azad Kashmir which Indra Gandhi made terrible mistake . One hand we destroyed their design in East Pakistan before its too late but we dint use our leverage we had to make Pakistan to sign agreement noting Kashmir is part of India. Which puzzled many RAW agents for many years now .

So we can do it . It's time we start doing it and start playing game in Afghanistan which will be walkover for India

Vow, you just made British under wears wet.

May be you have to serve them as slaves for funds .India don't have to do that . We can avoid britishers when the time the want India more than before . For your kind information India is well placed at global stage with lots of benefits than before.
Britishers have to be paided with interest.

Huh. ...you mean by India?? :what:

Everyone underestimating Indias influence among Afghanistan people and Armed forces. No one will in Afghanistan will talk in favour of Pakistan unless they are taliban . Even talibans won't openly brag about their understanding with ISI or PA because they will loose more support from Afghans.

It's time RAW take this battle into their door steps from Falkland Islands to African influence . India should never forget Russians , French and Germans are our most trustable partners to take on western block . Pakistan from the beginning enjoyed overwhelming support from UK and US . Even in 1971 US and China secret service played huge role in an attempt to save East Pakistan . Which led to sparing West Pakistan and Azad Kashmir which Indra Gandhi made terrible mistake . One hand we destroyed their design in East Pakistan before its too late but we dint use our leverage we had to make Pakistan to sign agreement noting Kashmir is part of India. Which puzzled many RAW agents for many years now .

So we can do it . It's time we start doing it and start playing game in Afghanistan which will be walkover for India

May be you have to serve them as slaves for funds .India don't have to do that . We can avoid britishers when the time the want India more than before . For your kind information India is well placed at global stage with lots of benefits than before.

French and Germans are your most trusted allies?? o_O lol you really think even if this news was true. That France and Germany will take India's side against the U K? LOOL just because you buy our fancy weapons doesn't in any way means when push comes to shove European countries will side with you against us. Lol.
Anyway we and the U. So have nothing against India at all, remember we still sell you weapons systems which we don't to the Chinese. :D so it's better India remains our partner or at least neutral, if India was to try and take the U. K /U. s head on, then believe me it will harm India far more than anything you can do against us. India is still not a mature power as of now. It will in future though, so I will say bide your time. Don't rush things. :D
May be you have to serve them as slaves for funds .India don't have to do that . We can avoid britishers when the time the want India more than before . For your kind information India is well placed at global stage with lots of benefits than before.
Typical indian with his typical nonsense comments.

Its like "mein barra ho kar truck banno ga".
Get mature baita jani.
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