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India successfully conducts user trial of BrahMos supersonic guided missile


May 5, 2010
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India successfully conducts user trial of BrahMos supersonic guided missile

12 AUG, 2011

NEW DELHI: India successfully conducted the user trial of a BrahMos supersonic guided missile capable of hitting targets that may otherwise be inaccessible like in hilly areas, defence ministry sources said.

The trial was conducted in Pokhran in the Thar desert region of Rajasthan.

The test met all the mission parameters, said the sources.

The launch was the 25th launch of BrahMos missile for the Indian Army. The version of BrahMos that was tested can be guided through mountainous terrain to hit the targets that may be located in hillocks.

It is a stealth supersonic cruise missile that can be launched for ground targets from a very low height - as low as 10 metres. It is believed to be best for surgical operations as it has a very low radar signature.

The BrahMos missile has a range of 290 km and can carry a conventional warhead of up to 300 kg.

It has a top speed of Mach 2.8, which is about three times faster than the US subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile. This makes BrahMos one of the fastest cruise missiles in the world.

BrahMos Aerospace Ltd, set up in 1998 as a joint venture of India and Russia, manufactures supersonic cruise missiles based on the Russian-designed NPO Mashinostroyenie 3M55 Yakhont.

It can be launched from submarines, ships and aircraft. Sea- and ground-launched versions of the missile have been successfully tested and put into service with the Indian Army and navy.

India successfully conducts user trial of BrahMos supersonic guided missile - The Economic Times
Terrain-hugging missile @ 2.8 Mach , thats bloody awesome !! :cheers:

The official "smoke-em-out" missile ! :)
I have full respect for the brahmos team but I am now fed up with all this news of Brahmos testing etc. Give that Missile a break man. All I get to read in more than half of the article is How did brahmos got its name and its supersonic and fastest operational cruise missile blah blah with one last line about the nature of test. Seriously guys arent you fed up of it ?

Let the testing team do its job in peace...
Great work done by the scientists n armed forces,need to develop n work on more lethal n long range missiles......
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