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India: Second Supreme Court Judge Accused of Sexual Harassment


Sep 25, 2009
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India: Second Supreme Court Judge Accused of Sexual Harassment

India: Second Supreme Court Judge Accused of Sexual Harassment

Indian women protesting against rape.

A second former Supreme Court judge in India has been accused of sexual harassment - less than a week after judge AK Ganguly resigned after he was accused of inappropriate conduct by an employee.

The unnamed second woman made an official complaint to the Chief Justice of India, P Sathasivam, that her boss, a former judge whose identity has not been revealed, had sexually harassed her.

The woman began an internship under the accused in May 2011. She said that she had been "strongly disturbed and upset" with the behaviour of the judge and left the internship halfway through, sources told Indian Express.

Sathasivam said that he could not act for her and advised her to "take appropriate action under law".

In her court submission, she detailed two instances detailing how she was allegedly sexually assaulted by the former judge.

Naina Kapuir, an expert in Law, Equality and Gender, told IBTimes UK: "From the outside such stories seem shocking. But for me they become sources of inspiration because women, young women, are speaking up.

"That wouldn't have happened a few years ago. Its a sign, however small, of a cultural shift a sense that women don't go to work to be sexually violated. They go to earn a living.

"As for how safe is India for women, it is as safe as it is anywhere. Silence is no longer an option.

"Hasn't that been the dilemma of women everywhere who silently endure those intangible sexual violations at the workplace?"

Sexual harassment was first recognised as an offence in India by the landmark Vishaka judgment in 1997.

According to a 2013 report by Amnesty International: "Women and girls [in India] face persistent discrimination and the threat of rape and other acts of violence, particularly in the north, and often at the hands of family members through dowry deaths, honour killings, and female foeticide."
I think in India (esp. in media) the BORDER between ACCUSED & GUILTY is fast ERODING.
I think in India (esp. in media) the BORDER between ACCUSED & GUILTY is fast ERODING.

.....irrespective these kind of cases are quite serious. For a SC judge to be charged with sexual misconduct is a VERY serious charge. You can bet the accuser can NEVER live down this.......takes tremendous courage to stand up.

You can be sure that for every women who stands up for her right, there are 4 more who are silent. Which is why there must be strong action in support of all those who stand up against what is wrong.
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These judges are being targeted for taking on the corrupt establishment...its very simple, i find it suspicious all of a sudden these reports come out....
These judges are being targeted for taking on the corrupt establishment...its very simple, i find it suspicious all of a sudden these reports come out....

Or maybe they are just horny. Come on, you can't explain away all these instances of gang rapes and groping and eve teasing.
.....irrespective these kind of cases are quite serious. For a SC judge to be charged with sexual misconduct is a VERY serious charge. You can bet the accuser can NEVER live down this.......takes tremendous courage to stand up.

You can be sure that for every women who stands up for her right, there are 4 more who are silent. Which is why there must be strong action in support of all those who stand up against what is wrong.

I am not saying that the lady who has accused the judge is a liar. What I am saying is that it is for the COURT & not the MEDIA to decide if a person is a culprit or not. I am against media trials which are run almost each day now.
I am not saying that the lady who has accused the judge is a liar. What I am saying is that it is for the COURT & not the MEDIA to decide if a person is a culprit or not. I am against media trials which are run almost each day now.

I agree however since our judiciary has failed its citizens, the additional burden is on the executive and the 5th estate.
I agree however since our judiciary has failed its citizens, the additional burden is on the executive and the 5th estate.

I would have agreed with you BUT they aren't doing this work as a SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY but as a TRP PULLER.
I would have agreed with you BUT they aren't doing this work as a SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY but as a TRP PULLER.

True, but 'intentions' are not required to be pure, only actions have to be just and beneficial.
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