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India’s Punjab in grip of a drug epidemic


May 25, 2010
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India’s Punjab in grip of a drug epidemic


A man smokes at a tobacco shop in Mumbai, India. – AP (File Photo)

NEW DELHI: On a muggy evening in the north Indian city of Amritsar, Sunil Sharma prepares for another heroin hit in a decrepit, abandoned building.

Before inhaling the fumes of his brown paste heated on a piece of tinfoil, the 23-year-old explained he had tried heroin for the first time six months ago when his girlfriend left him to marry another man.

“I feel bad… why have I become like this? Why have I tied this noose around my neck?” he told AFP, slurring his words.

There are thousands like him across the state of Punjab, which leads the country in drug-related crime with a rate that is nearly ten times the national average, according to police records.

In an affidavit submitted in 2009 to the state high court, the local government estimated that 67 per cent of all rural households in Punjab were home to at least one drug addict.

Located on a long-standing smuggling route that sees heroin transported from Afghanistan via neighbouring Pakistan and on to markets elsewhere in the region, Punjab is now increasingly a final destination for the contraband.

When local couriers involved in smuggling “came to know that drugs have a lot of profit then they began to indulge in local selling of these things,”says S. Boopathi, assistant inspector general of the state police narcotics cell.

He said it was impossible to estimate the amount of drugs crossing Punjab, but added that “trade is huge”.

Rajiv Walia, regional coordinator at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) told AFP that Punjab had “a serious problem because it borders trafficking routes and drug-producing regions.”

“You will do anything to support the habit”

In the 1970s, Punjab was regarded as India’s “bread basket”, due to its fertile soil, prosperous farmer community and booming agricultural output.

Some, like former addict Navneet Singh, see the growing appetite for drugs as “a problem of abundance.”

Singh, a successful restaurant owner who has been clean for 11 years, grew up in a wealthy family.

He believes that Punjab’s relative affluence and its cultural norms, coupled with the easy access to drugs, make addiction a commonplace reality.

“Punjab has a very macho culture, very prone to showing off. It’s a ready-made market for drugs,” the 38-year-old told AFP.

“What does the Punjabi do when he gets rich? He buys an SUV, a gun and he gets high,” he said.

“Then as time passes and you get addicted you will do anything to support the habit,” he added.

Doctor J.P.S. Bhatia has witnessed the problem of addiction in Punjab from close quarters.

When the psychiatrist set up his hospital in 1991, he would see one or two drug-related cases a week.

Today, out of the 130 patients he sees every day, some 70 to 80 per cent are battling drug addiction, he tells AFP.

In response to the expanding scale of the problem, Bhatia set up a rehab centre for recovering addicts in 2003.

“I see cases where the son is into addiction, the father is into addiction…the whole family is sick,” he says, comparing the state’s situation to “a ticking time bomb”.

Those who are too poor to afford heroin or cocaine take to swallowing or injecting cheap prescription drugs or consuming a locally-produced crude form of opium called “bhukki”, a tea-like drink made from ground poppy husk.

“I can’t see a way out of my life”

The Amritsar neighbourhood of Maqboolpura has lost so many young men to overdoses or drug-related illnesses, that it is locally known as “the village of widows”.

Schoolmaster Ajit Singh has two cousins who are addicted to crude forms of heroin. Another cousin, whose morphine habit saw him leave home to beg on the streets, died at the age of 31.

According to Singh, who grew up in Maqboolpura, the working class community here began to dabble in the sale of opium in the 1960s, when they realised how lucrative the business could be.

“First, it was an easy way to make money. Then they developed a taste for the stuff,” he said.

Today, he estimates that each house along the 13 narrow streets that make up this neighbourhood is home to at least one drug addict.

Unlike his older cousins, Singh managed to finish school and he became a teacher of political science and a local community worker.

He began by offering evening classes to local children whose fathers had fallen victim to addiction and went on to found a school for more than 600 pupils.

Local mother, Kiran Kaur whose two children attend the school, worries for her husband who has struggled to find work as a labourer since developing a prescription drug habit.

“I have asked him many times to quit but I don’t think he can do it,” the 32-year-old sighed.

As she waited for her children to finish class, she added: “I can’t see a way out of my life, but things can be different for my children if they study hard.”
Indians should thank Pakistan for the good stuff..:drag:

Indian Punjabis are really into drinking. They drink like f*ck in weddings etc. Indian Punjab is getting destroyed by drugs ..and like always ...bhartis blame it on Pakistan...

Pakistani Punjab is doing way better in this regard. Not that we are perfect , but still situation is no way as bad as it is in India..
Of course we will blame you just the way you blame Indian consulates as a RAWs head quarters supporting TTP and BLA.

Even Pakistani admits heroine from Afghanistan creating problems. Russia, Pakistan have already their concerns. India is not blaming Pakistan govt. its blaming drug smugglers in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

They are yours and ours enemy too.
Of course we will blame you just the way you blame Indian consulates as a RAWs head quarters supporting TTP and BLA.

Even Pakistani admits heroine from Afghanistan creating problems. Russia, Pakistan have already their concerns. India is not blaming Pakistan govt. its blaming drug smugglers in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

They are yours and ours enemy too.
Infact Afghan drug trade was major source of income for ISI to finance their jihad wars in in kashmir and khalistan movement in 1980s.I dont think drugs being as big problem now as they were during 1980s.GoI used to make aggressive awareness campaign on raidio and TV regarding two D's ie (drugs and dowry) problem facing the country at that time.

Indians should thank Pakistan for the good stuff..:drag:
Actually the lionesses of punjab are shooting jackals smuggling drugs from pakistan at the border itself to save their menfolks.

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The heroine in Afghanistan has also become headache of NATO forces too. Many soldiers have get addicted and this money channel is helping in funding the terrorists.

Pakistan should also think that hese smugglers who gets money from selling drugs in India can be an income source of TTP too. Or may be the smugglers who are connected to Afghan Taliban and ISI are given free pass.
The heroine in Afghanistan has also become headache of NATO forces too. Many soldiers have get addicted and this money channel is helping in funding the terrorists.

Pakistan should also think that hese smugglers who gets money from selling drugs in India can be an income source of TTP too. Or may be the smugglers who are connected to Afghan Taliban and ISI are given free pass.
Dawood controls the durg smuggling business right from middle east to south asia to south east asia.
Last night,I saw a gal on drugs n drunk :) ....she was vomiting here n there n every body watching her :(
Indians should thank Pakistan for the good stuff..:drag:

actually they should thank their soldiers and diplomats stationed in Afghanistan, easy money for them. Welcome to Afghanistan
Dawood controls the durg smuggling business right from middle east to south asia to south east asia.

With all the drones flying over, Im surprised they cannot pinpoint him. If they were able to do so for OBL, then why not Dawood? Ask yourself? Drug smuggling is a way for agencies to fund their activities and weaken their enemies. Punjabis in Canada are notorious for being involved in the drug trade. Marijuana has been a part of Vedic culture for centuries but the hard stuff is what worries me.......
They are bindas people. They believe in drinking and eating, but I havent find any sikh smoking. They are very hard working. Even European and African country are calling them for large scale farming.......
Indians should thank Pakistan for the good stuff..:drag:
I think we need to thank Afghanistan for the high quality stuff which is being encouraged and sponsored by the CIA to fund their 'color revolutions' and black projects which are beyond congressional oversight.
Pakistani Punjab is doing way better in this regard. Not that we are perfect , but still situation is no way as bad as it is in India..

You forget to add the liquor is not so freely available as it is in Pakistan.
With all the drones flying over, Im surprised they cannot pinpoint him. If they were able to do so for OBL, then why not Dawood? Ask yourself? Drug smuggling is a way for agencies to fund their activities and weaken their enemies. Punjabis in Canada are notorious for being involved in the drug trade. Marijuana has been a part of Vedic culture for centuries but the hard stuff is what worries me.......
Coz dawood is india's problem not america's.Usa will no way go after people wanted by india.
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