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India’s falling poverty count

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Gandhi G in da house

Nov 5, 2010
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Ourview | India

Last week, the World Bank released its latest estimates of global poverty that show how the scourge is finally in retreat in all regions of the world despite the financial crisis and the sharp increase in food and fuel prices.

The World Bank estimates global poverty numbers for every three years. The new data provides estimates for 2008, the latest year for which global averages can be calculated because the most recent comparable data for low-income countries is not yet available. Extreme poverty is in decline in South Asia as well.

What about India? The World Bank website provides Indian data for 2010. This data shows that around 67 million Indians were pulled out of poverty in the five years after 2005. But there is also a sobering truth: our poverty headcount ratio --- or the proportion of Indians living below the global poverty line of $1.25 a day, calculated in terms of purchasing power parity dollars at 2005 prices --- is higher than in neighbouring countries such as Pakistan and Nepal. So a lot of work still needs to be done, especially if poverty data is combined with other social indicators such as adequate nutrition and access to public services such as health and education.
The fact that poverty reduction has accelerated over the past five years is especially heartening. Here are the numbers. The headcount ratio fell by 13.87 percentage points over the 24 years between 1981 and 2005. It fell by another 8.97 percentage points in the five subsequent years. At least part of this should be because of the magnificent growth acceleration in the first decade of this century.

There has been heated debate on the impact of economic reforms on poverty, and the statistical trends are undoubtedly mixed. But the success in reducing poverty since 2005 despite a slight increase in inequality does strengthen the case of those who argue that faster economic growth is the best anti-poverty measure. The stunning collapse in Chinese poverty, with an astonishing 660 million pulled out of poverty since 1981, is almost surely a result of its 30-year economic boom.
Faster economic growth is not the only thing that matters. The experience in many Latin American countries in recent years shows that well-run social programmes are also an important part of the attack on poverty. But both the stunning success in China and the faster drop in poverty rates in India since 2005 show that rapid economic growth is perhaps even more important.

There is no long-term trade-off between economic growth and poverty reduction.
this is a total lie based on faulty statistics. India's poverty has only increased. Just look around you.
Congress has done a pretty good job since it came to power on the poverty front atleast.
I would not be agumenting this to the Congress, the reason being, the nation is progressing. There was once a period in INDIA where educated youth did not find a job, today the opertunities are ample and every one knew that if they don;t make a step forward some one else would take that step and as a result of global and local economic growth the poor have evolved to find and participate in the national movement more than it used to be in the 1970 - 1980s.
this is a total lie based on faulty statistics. India's poverty has only increased. Just look around you.
how many times have you visited INDIA, especally the southern states.
Be my guest, I'll show you arrond when you fly down here.
Never mind
My fellow country men, I think its wise to ignore post such as number #3 in this thread by our beloved but ignorant Chinese brother
this is a total lie based on faulty statistics. India's poverty has only increased. Just look around you.

does this Chini even know what the meaning of his Id name is ?

anyways , the statistics are something like this -

1990 - poverty rate - 51.3 %

2005 - poverty rate - 41.6 %

2010 - poverty rate - 32.7 %

According to the world bank poverty line of 1.25 $ per day in terms of PPP ( purchasing power parity)
^^^you dont get him ..he is looking around himself and telling you to do the same ...
are you addressing me, if so please explain i am not able to understand what you are telling from your post.
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