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India’s empty democracy can’t protect its people

All this Indian 'democracy' is all propaganda. India is ruled by the Nehru-Gandhi family. Why do you think an Italian wife of an Indian politician became the most powerful person in India. India has a controlled opposition, its only for the show to keep the clueless sheep happy. The funniest thing is that the sheep believes everything their regime says and thinks its s real democracy.

why do you think chinese have no siblings nowadays?
And you think you don't!!??

You have the most opaque system know to mankind(barring the erst-while Soviet union)

Your govt does not even tell you, how many of you people it kills in your country(either by firing squads or even court mandated death sentences), every information you are fed is run through govt filters.

With the level of ignorance perpetuated in your country.. you would not even know even millions of your people killed.

Question: How long was it before people of China found out that your chairman Mao had killed 40 million of your people in three short years in his great leap?
The Great Leap Forward
Mao had toured China and concluded that the Chinese people were capable of anything and the two primary tasks that he felt they should target was industry and agriculture. Mao announced a second Five Year Plan to last from 1958 to 1963. This plan was called the Great Leap Forward.

The Great Leap Forward planned to develop agriculture and industry. Mao believed that both had to grow to allow the other to grow. Industry could only prosper if the work force was well fed, while the agricultural workers needed industry to produce the modern tools needed for modernisation. To allow for this, China was reformed into a series of communes.
By 1959, it was obvious that the Great Leap Forward had been a failure and even Mao admitted this. He called on the Communist Party to take him to task over his failures but also asked his own party members to look at themselves and their performance.

"The chaos caused was on a grand scale, and I take responsibility. Comrades, you must all analyse your own responsibility. If you have to fart, fart. You will feel much better for it."

Some party members put the blame of the failure of the Great Leap Forward on Mao. He was popular with the people but he still had to resign from his position as Head of State (though he remained in the powerful Party Chairman position).

The day-to-day running of China was left to three moderates: Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping. In late 1960, they abandoned the Great Leap Forward. Private ownership of land was reinstated and communes were cut down to a manageable size. Peasants also had the incentive to produce as much spare food as was possible as they could sell any spare that they had a market.

These three moderates had restricted Mao’s power but his standing among the ordinary Chinese people was still high as he was seen as the leader of the revolution. He was to use this popularity with the people to resurrect his authority at the expense of the moderates. This was in the so-called Cultural Revolution.
FYI, your exaggerated figure of 40 million death mostly happened during the famine period 60-63.

I find that many Indian member in PDF has this cold war propaganda, "big evil China" impression on how communist China is. China is big, very different and complicated. It use to be that information about China is very hard to come by. I could therefore understand that it is very hard for someone outside to understand communist China.
The Great Leap Forward


FYI, your exaggerated figure of 40 million death mostly happened during the famine period 60-63.

I find that many Indian member in PDF has this cold war propaganda, "big evil China" impression on how communist China is. China is big, very different and complicated. It use to be that information about China is very hard to come by. I could therefore understand that it is very hard for someone outside to understand communist China.

What off the two million people who were tortured to death by Mao's militia or three million people who committed suicide?

Maybe this 40-45 million figure is exaggerated, maybe it is not.

The fact is when your own govt does not tell you $hit or gives you doctored information, does not allow any independent source to gather information..then any information coming in. whether real or not, can hardly be called a propaganda. Because you do not have the real substantiated facts to counter it.

And Not much has changed, just like I was asking before, can anyone t tell "how many people did China execute just last year?"

It is Ironic ..how in this information age, all people of China lack is Information"
What off the two million people who were tortured to death by Mao's militia or three million people who committed suicide?

Maybe this 40-45 million figure is exaggerated, maybe it is not.

The fact is when your own govt does not tell you $hit or gives you doctored information, does not allow any independent source to gather information..then any information coming in. whether real or not, can hardly be called a propaganda. Because you do not have the real substantiated facts to counter it.

And Not much has changed, just like I was asking before, can anyone t tell "how many people did China execute just last year?"

It is Ironic ..how in this information age, all people of China lack is Information"

Your regime tried to hide the mass graves of Sikhs killed during their independence movement but the Sikhs exposed the crimes committed by your tyrannical regime. Over 6-7 million Sikhs were massacred by regime forces. This has been carefully kept under wraps under the veil of 'democracy'. Your regime is very cunning, you commit genocide against Muslims desperately seeking their freedom from barbaric Hindu oppression, but under the veil of 'terrorists' you exterminate their populations.

When it comes to human rights violations, there is no worse human rights violation than the despotic caste system where you are segregated by race, religion and how dark or light your skin colour is.
It's a demonic system only started by the ruling Hindu elite.

When you combine the Sikh and Muslim holocausts, I wouldn't be surprised if over 100 million humans were murdered by your fascist regime.

And your treatment of women is so repulsive that primitive cave men would reject it.
Your regime tried to hide the mass graves of Sikhs killed during their independence movement but the Sikhs exposed the crimes committed by your tyrannical regime. Over 6-7 million Sikhs were massacred by regime forces. This has been carefully kept under wraps under the veil of 'democracy'. Your regime is very cunning, you commit genocide against Muslims desperately seeking their freedom from barbaric Hindu oppression, but under the veil of 'terrorists' you exterminate their populations.

When it comes to human rights violations, there is no worse human rights violation than the despotic caste system where you are segregated by race, religion and how dark or light your skin colour is.
It's a demonic system only started by the ruling Hindu elite.

When you combine the Sikh and Muslim holocausts, I wouldn't be surprised if over 100 million humans were murdered by your fascist regime.

Ha.. you shoot yourself on this, as well.

The prime minister of India is a sikh. :laugh:
The vice president of India and the Foreign minister is a muslim. :laugh:

So, you should say Sikhs and Muslims are doing human rights violations against India.... HAHA.

The only truth is .. they are all INDIANS.

And it's the maturity of Indian democracy permits these things.. what would be strange to outsiders ... but pretty normal in India.

Come back, when a Tibetan or an Uyghur becomes the president of PRC ...
Your regime tried to hide the mass graves of Sikhs killed during their independence movement but the Sikhs exposed the crimes committed by your tyrannical regime. Over 6-7 million Sikhs were massacred by regime forces. This has been carefully kept under wraps under the veil of 'democracy'. Your regime is very cunning, you commit genocide against Muslims desperately seeking their freedom from barbaric Hindu oppression, but under the veil of 'terrorists' you exterminate their populations.

When it comes to human rights violations, there is no worse human rights violation than the despotic caste system where you are segregated by race, religion and how dark or light your skin colour is.
It's a demonic system only started by the ruling Hindu elite.

When you combine the Sikh and Muslim holocausts, I wouldn't be surprised if over 100 million humans were murdered by your fascist regime.

And your treatment of women is so repulsive that primitive cave men would reject it.

The only independence movement sikhs participated was the Indian independence movement and I don't think sikh population was never 6-7 million in 1940.

And if you are talking about anti-sikh riots we never knew 3000 make 6 million in china...........:wave:

You should worry more about the millions killed in great leap forward and cultural revolution.

Even in all this hardship , Indians live in a democracy getting their rights , voices heard and not slaves like chinese to cpc.
Your regime tried to hide the mass graves of Sikhs killed during their independence movement but the Sikhs exposed the crimes committed by your tyrannical regime. Over 6-7 million Sikhs were massacred by regime forces. This has been carefully kept under wraps under the veil of 'democracy'. Your regime is very cunning, you commit genocide against Muslims desperately seeking their freedom from barbaric Hindu oppression, but under the veil of 'terrorists' you exterminate their populations.

When it comes to human rights violations, there is no worse human rights violation than the despotic caste system where you are segregated by race, religion and how dark or light your skin colour is.
It's a demonic system only started by the ruling Hindu elite.

When you combine the Sikh and Muslim holocausts, I wouldn't be surprised if over 100 million humans were murdered by your fascist regime.

And your treatment of women is so repulsive that primitive cave men would reject it.

When you neither have the correct facts nor any links to back up your made up 'figures'. It is best to keep your trap shut, lest some figures out, the extent of your obtuseness.
YOU indians ARE PATHETIC!all the best you can do are foraging repeatedly materials on Tianmen Sq and Mao's era which happened several decades ago for your backup! what about your indira gandhi's era of hardlining rules and bloodsheds?

and you tragedies of riots, crackdowns and bloodsheds on a grand scale are unstopped since independence to this day!
Its coming to such a point where Indians are actually begging for North Korean & Sub-saharan African visa to run away from India.

Every year 1 million Indians run out of India.

I don't blame them at all.
YOU indians ARE PATHETIC!all the best you can do are foraging repeatedly materials on Tianmen Sq and Mao's era which happened several decades ago for your backup! what about your indira gandhi's era of hardlining rules and bloodsheds?

and you tragedies of riots, crackdowns and bloodsheds on a grand scale are unstopped since independence to this day!

What about You Chinese who brag about Japanese massacres and century of humiliation just to grab Islands against UNCLOS.

Its coming to such a point where Indians are actually begging for North Korean & Sub-saharan African visa to run away from India.

Every year 1 million Indians run out of India.

I don't blame them at all.

Comment coming from a guy whose country ,men disguise as Indians abroad.

People from Pakistan also migrate once they get educated, Brain drain is the main problem. Once they go to foreign lands, they forget about homeland ,but they brag about India just to get their egos satisfied and call it patriotism :enjoy:

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