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India’s 1000MW dam on Chenab


May 21, 2006
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Two things have happened constantly at the same time like evil twins in our history and we, it seems, have never found the connection: Firstly, India making overtures and giving us hope for better ties in the future; secondly, doing something vitally against our interests.
Right now India is making signs of better future ties with us and it is also about to start construction of another dam on Chenab River which will generate a thousand megawatts of electricity. Pakistan will then not even get the water it gets during floods in this river.
And while it is true that Pakistan has many times expressed genuine desire to improve its relations with the big neighbour, we have been doped by that very country into a false hope of establishing a lasting friendship while New Delhi went on with projects which were mostly detrimental to the interests of Pakistan. India blackmailed us. It manipulated us using our desire for peace as leverage.
We should not forget our history: Gen Ayub Khan became forgetful of the country's interests and signed a deal with India and sold its rivers. What ruler will sell the rivers of his country. But Ayub Khan did because the then Indian prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, feigned to treat him as his equal and give legitimacy to his dictatorial rule .
Of course, Ayub was so intoxicated by the Indian leadership that he, also, woke up very late to the Indian efforts of bifurcating Pakistan. Remember East Pakistan; India as a dignified and neighbourly nation should have helped patch up things, or at least remained aloof and neutral observer of events but instead, it conspired with and encouraged and helped the separatist in then East Pakistan not secretly but openly with its army in the last days of the tragedy crossing the boarder to help the Mukthi Bahni and tear apart our country. Remember, when the very secular minded Indira Ghandi, the then prime minister of India with all her western education openly confessed to the glee she felt at the tragedy as did all extremist and biased Hindus and how she said that it was the defeat of the two-nation theory. No right minded politicians, let alone the head of a large democracy like India, would celebrate the break-up of a sovereign state, but in our case Mrs Ghandhi did.
Musharraf, who was almost lulled by India when it came to the interests of Pakistan, was given the lollipop of the solution of Kashmir and a name for himself in the history books if the issue between the two nation was resolved. In the meantime India was building Baglihar Dam non-stop. While the walls of the dam went up, Musharraf was mum all the time hoping to get his name marked in history as the man who established the basis of permanent friendship between the two countries. The Kashmir issue was never resolved but in the meantime India completed the Baglihar Dam. In its heart India knows that what harmful actions it intends to take against us in the future can never, in the end, result in durable relations with Pakistan. That country has half a dozen or so, so called trade posts lined on Pakistan's western boarder in Afghanistan. Everybody knows that these are Indian spy centres used by the agents of that country to hop in and out of Pakistan and streamline terrorist and separatist activities in this country. There are visible signs of India trying to negate Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan to its own advantage. Yet nobody in this country wants to debate the issue as to why would that country want to have rival and antagonistic strategy against the interest of a country (Pakistan) with which it professes to want to be on friendly terms?
If India wants to be friendly with us why would it want to build dams which could result in Pakistan become barren and infested with famines? Why would it want to be friendly and assist individuals and groups which want to dismember Pakistan? Why would that country want to instil anti-Pakistan emotions in Afghanistan. Why can it not India just promote a pro-Indian feelings among the Afghans instead of encouraging anti-Pakistan emotions as well. Surely, the two are not inclusive. We should be beware of India, especially, when it makes friendly overture towards us, for that is the time when India is making efforts to harm our interests.
With all its secular rhetoric, India's extremely religiously biased interior should not be out of our mind. It will not be partner in the gas pipeline projects from Iran and Central Asia simply because it knows that it will be going against our vital interests in the future and as such the relations between the two countries will sour which will result in stopping the gas supply. As such it can not base its industries on a fuel sources which will be stopped. Beware of India when it is at its best behaviour with us. Our history tells us that.
India’s 1000MW dam on Chenab
Another sensationalist article.

India can not make a dam on Chenab that violates IWT as simple as that. It could only mean two things, that either India is stupid and making a dam in clear violation of an international treaty and hence risking to loose its investment, or that India is making a dam which doesn't violate the IWT and Pakistan's share of water won't be disturbed.
File a case in International Court if that is happening instead of bitching all the time . It's getting boring now .

This one is going to be a toughie, since Jammu and Kashmir state government is equal stakeholder in these projects. So Pakistan opposing this project will be perceived as anti Kashmiri:lol:

There are two more projects planned under the Chenab Valley Power Projects :coffee:


Capacity : 1000 MW

Details :The Pakal Dul H E Project of 1000 MW installed capacity is proposed on river Marusadar, a tributary of Chenab in district Kishtwar of J&K State. The project envisages construction of a 167 mtr high Dam, 2 nos. of HRT of 7.20 mtr dia with 10 km length, an underground Power House with 4 units of 250 MW each. The annual generation will be 3387 MU.

River : Marusudar, the main tributary of river Chenab at village Drangdhuran about 45 Kms from Kishtwar.

Location : Kishtwar district of J&K


Capacity : 660 MW

Details :The project, a run-of-river scheme is located in distt. Kishtwar of J&K State and is about 42 kms form Kishtwar. The Kiru H E Project of 660 MW installed capacity is proposed on river Chenab and envisages construction of 135mtr high Dam and an underground Power House with 4 units of 165 MW each.

River : 135 m high concrete Gravity Dam across River Chenab

Location : Village Kiru Distt. Kishtwar of J&K.


Capacity : 560 MW

Details :The project, a run-of-river scheme is located in distt. Kishtwar of J&K State and is about 42 kms form Kishtwar. The Kwar H E Project of 560 MW installed capacity is proposed on river Chenab and envisages construction of 109mtr high Dam and an underground Power House with 4 units of 140 MW each.

River : 109 m high concrete Gravity Dam across River Chenab

Location : Village Kwar Distt. Kishtwar of J&K.

Chenab Valley Power Projects - A joint venture company between NHPC,jammu & Kashmir State Power Development Corporation and Power Trading Corporation
Water is serious issue , that need to be resolved . Even somehow blame Pak govt too, who don't built dams . Annual waste of water is extremely high, which can be saved for year round supply.
Another sensationalist article.

India can not make a dam on Chenab that violates IWT as simple as that. It could only mean two things, that either India is stupid and making a dam in clear violation of an international treaty and hence risking to loose its investment, or that India is making a dam which doesn't violate the IWT and Pakistan's share of water won't be disturbed.

The place where you already deployed 1 Million army and holding that land illegally....to make more dams or do more investments will not bother the world......Only it will bother the Pakistan as she has direct connection with this issue.
The place where you already deployed 1 Million army and holding that land illegally....to make more dams or do more investments will not bother the world......Only it will bother the Pakistan as she has direct connection with this issue.

If pakistan has any issues they can take the case to international arbitrators .

But don't be surprised if you lose the case like last times .
The place where you already deployed 1 Million army and holding that land illegally....to make more dams or do more investments will not bother the world......Only it will bother the Pakistan as she has direct connection with this issue.

The water treaty was signed by Pakistani Government. Don't blame us, if your government is unable to proceed on any of the dam projects or water irrigation projects. The dams are as per the treaty.
If they didn't like IWT then simply cancelled it & signed new treaty.

India has right to build a Dam on their river due to IWT India can't store water.

As author claims that Pakistan wants friendship but India ingnore then what is Operation Gilbatar, Kargil fiasco etc.
Water is serious issue , that need to be resolved . Even somehow blame Pak govt too, who don't built dams . Annual waste of water is extremely high, which can be saved for year round supply.


But the guy who wrote that piece about the 1000 MW Chenab Dam seems to be an utter Dumbo. To make Electricity from water or what is commonly called "Hydro-Electricity"; water has to flow and to flow rapidly!
To turn the turbines that will generate electricity.
One can't store water in the resorvoir of a dam and then squeeze the electricity out of the water and then having done that; drink up the water!! Unless of course an Engineer called Hafizzz Saeed builds that dam.....

That is why Hydro-Electric projects are commonly called "run of the river" projects. Where the water flows. i.e. runs.
Where will it run to? Down-stream of course, that is the "Law of Gravity" at work. Unless Mr. Dumbo Writer above believes that Govt. Of India can make water flow upstream?

Some of these stupid writers (on the other side) have now even ceased to be amusing.
The place where you already deployed 1 Million army and holding that land illegally....to make more dams or do more investments will not bother the world......Only it will bother the Pakistan as she has direct connection with this issue.

its as per IWT. as we are not diverting water from your share , u will get what u get always.
off topic- :sick: fine , then u have two option , go to ICJ or go for a war . but the irony is your country has lost everywhere :cheesy: .
Water is serious issue , that need to be resolved . Even somehow blame Pak govt too, who don't built dams . Annual waste of water is extremely high, which can be saved for year round supply.

that's what I was thinking. I am sure chenab in Pakistan side receives enough rainfall just like Brahmaputra in NE India,in fact tsangpo accounts lesser then 30% of the gross volume of water.And as others said already if India is violating iWT, it will be like shooting in own foot from India's perspective. u may approach international court of justice.
...I think it is high time that pakistan stop living in fantasy land..
India is building dams after studying the treaty well and is abiding with the treaty rules.
If they feel otherwise...thry go yo the ICJ, why bitching....
...Chor machaye Shor...
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