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India resumes work on radars in Maldives

Cobra Arbok

Aug 5, 2018
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United States


Posted at: Apr 27, 2019, 7:45 AM; last updated: Apr 27, 2019, 10:33 AM (IST)
India resumes work on radars in Maldives
BJP delegation meets EC top brass, seeks re-poll in Bengal[/paste:font]

Ajay Banerjee

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, April 26

Six months after the ousting of the Maldives’ “pro-China” President Abdulla Yameen, India has resumed its work of installing a chain of radars on the islands that will link up with the existing naval radar chain in India to provide live feed.
The islands of Maldives located some 700 km south-west of Kerala are an important part of the seagoing traffic monitoring system that India is building.

India is to set up 10 coastal surveillance radars made by public sector giant Bharat Electronics Limited. Work has resumed full steam after political uncertainty ended in the Maldives. Yameen was ousted in September 2018.
Currently, phase-II of the coastal surveillance radar project is under way during which seven radar stations are being installed and three existing radar stations of phase-I are being upgraded.

All 10 radar stations will be linked to a central control station at the Maldives Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre at Vilingilli island near Male to give the Maldives Coast Guard an integrated maritime picture. The project would be completed within this year, sources said.

India is setting up the “chain of radars” to link it up with the 46 coastal surveillance radars installed all along its 7,519 km coast. Sri Lanka will host six radars, Mauritius eight, Seychelles one and Maldives will have 10. These will present comprehensive live feed of ship movements in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). This feed will then be used by the Indian Navy and its allies through the Indian Information Fusion Centre – Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR).

The new generation of radars for Maldives will enable relay of location information, videos and images of ships to a central command unit.

Eye on coast

India is setting up the “chain of radars” to link it up with the 46 coastal surveillance radars installed all along its 7,519 km coast. Sri Lanka will host six radars, Mauritius eight, Seychelles one and Maldives will have 10
@Nilgiri @Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @kris @Sheena1980 @Vikki @KapitaanAli @jetray @pahadi @Śakra @third eye @Tea addict @Sam. @Chhatrapati @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @Ajaxpaul @anant_s @jamahir @HydNizam
@SrNair @koolzberg @Khatri_pune @Axomiya_lora @ajpirzada @SrNair @Smarana Mitra @mastaan @Sekhon Rafiqui @Aryan0395 @HydNizam @God Parshuram @mastaan @Jugger @Syed Hammad Ahmed @surya kiran @Chowkidar placemat @nahtanbob
Another excellent development that will strengthen India's capabilities in its own backyard, the IOR region. After watching the IN rescue thousands of people from Mozambique as well as its response to Fani which was praised by the UN, the IOR community is realizing the efficacy of the Indian Navy as a net provider as security for the region. India already has radar stations in the Maldives, Mauritius, Oman, Madagascar, and the Seychelles. The goal should be to have a significant naval presence in every country along the Indian Ocean.
SL gone, Maldives gone, India in Seychelles, US just 5 miles away from China's Djibouti (and no nearby port for China) sure they have Gwadar, but its farther and even then right India is right next door in Chahbahar, and southward of it is Port of Duqm for logistics and support and lets not forget Port of Aceh, right at the mouth of Strait of Malacca.
Man China must be on fire...
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SL gone, Maldives gone, India in Seychelles, US just 5 miles away from China's Djibouti (and no nearby port for China) sure they have Gwadar, but its farther and even then right India is right next door in Chahbahar, and southward of it is Port of Duqm for logistics and support and lets not forget Port of Aceh, right at the mouth of Strait of Malacca.
Man China must be on fire...
The string of pearls fell apart a long time ago. Also no Chinese subs in the Indian ocean since October due to the efforts of the Indian Navy.
Guys, china us still one up on india. They are ultimately a mature country, but only way we can be secure is if we cut their access to Pak.
String of pearls failed the day it reached press.. no doctrine works when it is so famous before it is used or implemented.

Our main enemy is BRI in the north east of us and in eastern Africa/Middle east... Luckily we have US and Europe worried about that.


Posted at: Apr 27, 2019, 7:45 AM; last updated: Apr 27, 2019, 10:33 AM (IST)
India resumes work on radars in Maldives
BJP delegation meets EC top brass, seeks re-poll in Bengal[/paste:font]

Ajay Banerjee

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, April 26

Six months after the ousting of the Maldives’ “pro-China” President Abdulla Yameen, India has resumed its work of installing a chain of radars on the islands that will link up with the existing naval radar chain in India to provide live feed.
The islands of Maldives located some 700 km south-west of Kerala are an important part of the seagoing traffic monitoring system that India is building.

India is to set up 10 coastal surveillance radars made by public sector giant Bharat Electronics Limited. Work has resumed full steam after political uncertainty ended in the Maldives. Yameen was ousted in September 2018.
Currently, phase-II of the coastal surveillance radar project is under way during which seven radar stations are being installed and three existing radar stations of phase-I are being upgraded.

All 10 radar stations will be linked to a central control station at the Maldives Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre at Vilingilli island near Male to give the Maldives Coast Guard an integrated maritime picture. The project would be completed within this year, sources said.

India is setting up the “chain of radars” to link it up with the 46 coastal surveillance radars installed all along its 7,519 km coast. Sri Lanka will host six radars, Mauritius eight, Seychelles one and Maldives will have 10. These will present comprehensive live feed of ship movements in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). This feed will then be used by the Indian Navy and its allies through the Indian Information Fusion Centre – Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR).

The new generation of radars for Maldives will enable relay of location information, videos and images of ships to a central command unit.

Eye on coast

India is setting up the “chain of radars” to link it up with the 46 coastal surveillance radars installed all along its 7,519 km coast. Sri Lanka will host six radars, Mauritius eight, Seychelles one and Maldives will have 10
@Nilgiri @Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @kris @Sheena1980 @Vikki @KapitaanAli @jetray @pahadi @Śakra @third eye @Tea addict @Sam. @Chhatrapati @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @Ajaxpaul @anant_s @jamahir @HydNizam
@SrNair @koolzberg @Khatri_pune @Axomiya_lora @ajpirzada @SrNair @Smarana Mitra @mastaan @Sekhon Rafiqui @Aryan0395 @HydNizam @God Parshuram @mastaan @Jugger @Syed Hammad Ahmed @surya kiran @Chowkidar placemat @nahtanbob

Good final and appropriate quiet "reality-based" ending to all the drama/emotions earlier in this forum lol from a cpl quarters.
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