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India ready for ban on nuclear weapons: NSA(India)


Dec 30, 2008
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MUNICH: India is willing to negotiate a nuclear weapons convention leading to global non-discriminatory and verifiable elimination of nuclear
weapons, National Security Advisor MK Narayanan has said here.

Addressing an international security conference in Munich on Friday, the NSA said: "If this conference succeeds in not merely addressing the issue of nuclear reductions but also devise pathways to their elimination, this might well be the transforming moment for the global community."

"Non-proliferation cannot be an end in itself, and has to be linked to effective nuclear disarmament. Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation should be seen as mutually re-inforcing processes. Effective disarmament must enhance the security of all states and not merely that of a few," he said while speaking on "Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Future of Nuclear Weapons; Is Zero Possible?"

"Even today, India is perhaps the only nuclear weapons state to express its readiness to negotiate a Nuclear Weapons Convention leading to global, non-discriminatory and verifiable elimination of nuclear weapons."

Recalling former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi's stark warning when he presented his action plan to the UN general assembly in 1988, Narayanan said it was by far the most comprehensive initiative for complete elimination of all nuclear weapons in stages by 2010.

This included covering issues ranging from nuclear testing and cessation of production of fissile material for nuclear weapons to a time-bound elimination of stockpiles.

As concrete steps towards this end, Narayanan mentioned reaffirmation of the unequivocal commitment of all states possessing nuclear weapons to the goal of complete elimination of nuclear weapons, reduction of the salience of nuclear weapons in security doctrines and adoption of measures to reduce nuclear dangers, including preventing the unintentional or accidental use of nuclear weapons.

India ready for ban on nuclear weapons: NSA-India-The Times of India

Will anybody else would be willing for complete nuclear disarmement..????;)
great news...!
we should destroy all nuclear weapons and the thermonuclear ones...
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Today is joke time, isn't it?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Why do you call it a joke??? Wouldnt the world be a better place without nuclear weapons..!!! Any fight with the fist can only harm the fist and the people fighting.. So it would be good to destroy such WMD's like nuclear bombs, cluster bombs etc. So that the effect of war is limited to the destruction of the enemy but not the nature, world and our future generations..!!!!!
i dont care about pakistan but we should ban our nuclear weapons...good sense would prrevail in pakistan too once we ban them...however i am not to optimistic that we indeed would go on and ban the...some countries have indeed banned nukes after testing them and feilding them for a short time.
Why do you call it a joke??? Wouldnt the world be a better place without nuclear weapons..!!! Any fight with the fist can only harm the fist and the people fighting.. So it would be good to destroy such WMD's like nuclear bombs, cluster bombs etc. So that the effect of war is limited to the destruction of the enemy but not the nature, world and our future generations..!!!!!

I will eat the horse of a farmer if India really does it :argh:
I will eat the horse of a farmer if India really does it :argh:

Brother. Did you know.. NO COUNTRY in the world is advocating complete disarmement Except INDIA. The 5 powers want others to destroy but not their own. India didnt sign the NPT because of this, india wanted full disarmement of the nuclear weopens. So india's intentions are very clear..!!!
i dont care about pakistan but we should ban our nuclear weapons...good sense would prrevail in pakistan too once we ban them...however i am not to optimistic that we indeed would go on and ban the...some countries have indeed banned nukes after testing them and feilding them for a short time.

Indian did not build the nukes for Pakistan, it was and still is aimed at primarily China.

India will not disband nukes even if Pakistan disbands them, until China destroys its nukes, India will not. And China will not do it, till US doesnt do it, and US wont do it till Russia doesnt do it.

So in the end, everyone gets to keep their nukes.
Indian did not build the nukes for Pakistan, it was and still is aimed at primarily China.

India will not disband nukes even if Pakistan disbands them, until China destroys its nukes, India will not. And China will not do it, till US doesnt do it, and US wont do it till Russia doesnt do it.

So in the end, everyone gets to keep their nukes.

Be realistic, and don't be naive or stubborn enough to believe that India will abandon her nuclear program and disband her Nukes.
And yeah, it's a well known fact that India's nukes are primarily there to deter any Chinese threat...[/sarcasm]:coffee:
Just before UNSC expansion talks, indians are simply playing and using media propaganda for western audience.

But Big five already know propaganda game india playing.
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