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India razes slums, leaves poor homeless

It was a govt. land dude, they might be planning to build a road or a flyover there or something, they wer'ent kicked out of their own homes. Even the Prime Minister of India cannot kick you out if you have valid papers of the house you own.

Dude, your knowlege of china is miserable at best.

Since revolution, all lands in City-area is state property and nearly all the old building in city-area was state build``````land is not for sell in urban area

while Aal lands in rural area is common property, which the property right is belong to the local public.

That why in rual area, the compensation of land is a must while urban area the compensation is entitle to our poverty right on the structures and our right of land utility(not ownership)

Still we get the compensation anyway``````````
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Dude, your knowlege of china is miserable at best.

Since revolution, all lands in City-area is state property and nearly all the old building in city-area was state build``````land is not for sell in urban area

while Aal lands in rural area is common property, which the property right is belong to the local public.

That why in rual area, the compensation of land is a must while urban area the compensation is entitle to our poverty right on the structures and our right of land utility(not ownership)

Still we get the compensation anyway``````````

Dude, thats what I am trying to tell you. People in India can own land anywhere in India. There is govt. land and there is private property. The govt. can't do anything about the private property. I can even drag the Prime Minister of India to court if he violates my property rights.
But, if the people try to encroach govt. land, then what else the govt. can do?? They encroach the land and put-up temp. shelters and stay put. They have no right to live there. They can very well rent a small house in a residential area.They have no business to build homes on govt. lands. Govt. lands are meant for development purposes.

I will tell you a story.. the authorities in Mumbai were building the western express highway and had done 90% of the accusation of land required for the project. One property of a person had to be acquired as his property was going to be right in the middle of the to-be constructed road. But, the man refused to part with the land as this was his ansesterial property, it wad a sentimental value to it. The govt. was ready to pay compensation, but the man went to court saying he does not want to give land for the project. The court gave a decision in his favor, and ultimately the authorities had to change the alignment of the expressway, causing an additional 10-crore Rupees, just because of the rights of one person.!!!

IF u are the rightful owner, nobody can touch ya..
Dude, thats what I am trying to tell you. People in India can own land anywhere in India. There is govt. land and there is private property. The govt. can't do anything about the private property. I can even drag the Prime Minister of India to court if he violates my property rights.
But, if the people try to encroach govt. land, then what else the govt. can do?? They encroach the land and put-up temp. shelters and stay put. They have no right to live there. They can very well rent a small house in a residential area.They have no business to build homes on govt. lands. Govt. lands are meant for development purposes.

I will tell you a story.. the authorities in Mumbai were building the western express highway and had done 90% of the accusation of land required for the project. One property of a person had to be acquired as his property was going to be right in the middle of the to-be constructed road. But, the man refused to part with the land as this was his ansesterial property, it wad a sentimental value to it. The govt. was ready to pay compensation, but the man went to court saying he does not want to give land for the project. The court gave a decision in his favor, and ultimately the authorities had to change the alignment of the expressway, causing an additional 10-crore Rupees, just because of the rights of one person.!!!

IF u are the rightful owner, nobody can touch ya..

Dude, I am not oppose your gov's action, just lend some clarification to point our our gov was not razing private land either~~.
Private right higher than public right```````that is not quite right anyway, especially in developing nation.
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