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India plans 5,000-km range ballistic missile (SLBM)

Before you people actually induct these type of missiles Union of India will collapse not because of foreign reasons but because of itself and Govt policies.

Mark my words India does't exist in history but it was the invention of British which have expiry date...

Don't take it as offence...be my guest.... :cheers:
If such thoughts give you an orgasm and enable you to sleep at night...so be it
Just so you know, pakistan didn't exist in history either and is also a British creation. The expiry of pak might be sooner since y'all have already been split into two while your previous generations have been ejaculating on the same thoughts all along that India is gonna break but we've continued to stay strong and emerge as a regional and global player while we all know where y'all stand

We do require missiles covering North America .USA is going to confront us sooner or later.
There are other avenues we need to focus on prior to developing a Dong Feng alternative for 10k+ kms which would only irk the US, EU and we might end up facing sanctions. Electronic & Network centric warfare, Integrated missile defence capabilities, Cyber attacks, perfection of sub/super/hypersonic CM's, indigenization of all platforms that could be developed in-house like small arms, artillery, mobile-artillery & troop carriers, naval platforms, MBT's should be prioritized while the others could be done in a collaborative manner to fastrack development

Are type 039 nuclear submarines? Are they designed fire slbm's?
Type 039 Song class subs are diesel-electric

What are they trying to attack with these?
As part of the nuclear triad, SLBMs or SLCMs are primarily aimed at second strike capabilities. Also, Beijing is 4k+ kms from our Southern coasts

With the K-4 submarine-launched ballistic missile completing the development stage and ready for induction, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has gone back to the drawing board to develop a 5,000km-range submarine-launched platform that matches the surface-to-surface Agni-V missile, according to senior officials.

The 5,000km-range submarine-launched ballistic missile will carry the same K-series label and will cover all of Asia, parts of Africa, Europe and Indo-Pacific including South China Sea, the officials added.

While the details remain classified and the DRDO tight-lipped, the officials said that after testing the 3,500km-range K-4 missile twice in one week, the weapon is now fully developed with fixed parameters and is ready to be inducted on INS Arihant class of nuclear submarines. The solid fuelled K-4 is a three-metre tall missile with accuracy within 100 metres of its over one tonne nuclear warhead. Both the tests were conducted using underwater pontoon off the coast of Vizag on India’s eastern seaboard. At present, INS Arihant carries B-05 nuclear missile with a range of 750km, with the K-15 nomenclature being made redundant.

However, the DRDO focus is now on a 5,000km-range ballistic missile to join the elite club of US, Russia and Chinese nuclear submarines. According to officials, this missile will match Agni-V in range with a potent destruction capacity. India currently has no plans to develop any other longer-range missile as the 5,000km range will act as a deterrent to all its adversaries in Asia and beyond. “While we have the capacity to build a longer range nuclear missile of intercontinental range, the final decision lies with the government. And no such sanction has been either sought or approved,” said a senior official.

Eventually we'll need missiles capable of reaching to American continent....
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