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India Pinning All its Hopes on US Against the Chinese


Sep 26, 2018
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Recently the Indian media was full of Fake propaganda claims of Indian bravado against the Chinese. With tall claims of wiping out half of PLA in the Galwan valley with few men. As the reality seeped in and all the lies met their natural death, the Indian media have now pinned all their hopes on the US to save their sorry a..es from the Chinese Stick. Here is one video to start with..must watch the entire Bull Crap.

We in Pakistan are well aware that the US is not a friend of Pakistan, and can harm us to save its interests as it has done in the past many times. Some say it is also trying to dissuade Pakistan not to heat up the LOC!. Pakistan should focus on its own interests which are tied up with China and the region. In case the US intervenes to save India, hopefully we will stand firm and break the shackles to liberate KASHMIR.
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Recently the Indian media was full of Fake propaganda claims of Indian bravado against the Chinese. With tall claims of wiping out half of PLA in the Galwan valley with few men. As the reality seeped in and all the lies met their natural death, the Indian media have pinned all their hopes on the US to save their sorry a..es from the Chinese Stick. Here is one video to start with..must watch the entire Bull Crap.

We in Pakistan are well aware that the US is not a friend of Pakistan, and can harm us to save its interests as it has done in the past many times. Some say it is also trying to dissuade Pakistan not to heat up the LOC!. Pakistan should focus on its own interests which are tied up with China and the region. In case the US intervenes to save India, hopefully we will stand firm and break the shackles to liberate KASHMIR.

USA already abandoned India as India was totally failed to deliver in so called 'Indo-pacific' theater and now that is back to normal 'Asia-Pacific'. The 'Love' affair between USA and India was only for that sole reason for which USA armed India - win-win only for USA, financial/strategical/political; India only as cannon fodder.
USA only safeguards her interest and never gives importance to 'Partner's' interests; who knows it better than Pakistan.
If someone believes USA will put weight behind India, he is severely mistaken.
China planned Naval Deployments in the Indian Ocean Region(IOR) many years ago, even Coxs bazaar in BD and couple more bases in Myanmar and Thailand will be operational soon.
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