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India-Pakistan Final Showdown and the Year 2027-8

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Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Many of the Muslims especially Pakistanis knows about the famous Ghazwa-e-Hind ahadith in which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) revealed to us about the conquest of India. So being a Muslim, it is our belief that it will happen for sure sooner or later. But naturally, the question arises, when?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not provide any specific time except we know that it will happen near the time of Prophet Eesa [Jesus] (pbuh).

Hadith # 1

According to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):

This hadith is related to Abu Hurairah (R.A.). He says that my intimate friend Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told me that:

“In this Ummah, the troops would be headed towards Sindh & Hind”
Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that "If I could find a chance to participate in any of such movement & (while participating in it) I be got martyred, then well & good; if came back as a survived warrior, then I would be a free Abu Hurairah, to whom Allah Almighty would have given freedom from the Hell.”

Hadith # 2

“Definitely, one of your troops would do a war with Hindustan, Allah would grant success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them in chains / fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this Great War). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Maryam (pbuh) in Shaam (Syria)”.

Hadith # 3

“Two groups amongst My Ummah would be such, to whom Allah has freed from fire; one group would attack India & the second would be that who would accompany Isa Ibn-e-Maryam (A.S.)”.

As this is a recorded fact now so it will happen, now we try to estimate the time of Ghazwa-e-Hind with the help from different sources in accordance with the hadith and teachings of Islam.

Before we go to spiritual dimension of Ghazwa-e-Hind, I would like to show you a satanic reference of this final showdown between India and Pakistan. As you may know that if there are spiritual forces predict about the future events, there are satanic forces as well who try to fulfill their dark plans to rule the world without knowing that they are leading us to the divine truth told by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

A few days back, I found a book online published by Rockefeller Foundation called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” which was shared by Terminal X on their Facebook portal.

On page 38, they predict a Pakistan-India war for “water” in the year 2027:

I do not know what thoughts they had in mind to predict the year of 2027 but it forced me to write this entire post because I have read the same year predicted by many different spiritual sources.

The year 2028 was predicted by Muhammad Ibrahim Azmi Advocate in Express Newspaper in April 2010 based on his research about the similarities between events occurred in Madina some 1400 years ago and events occurring in Pakistan at the current time.

Read his entire article here to understand why the year 2028 is important.

According to the Advocate:

“There are many similarities between Madina and Pakistan. What happened in Madina in one year at that time is happening in Pakistan in 10 years now. For example, State of Madina was established after a migration just like state of Pakistan was established after a migration. There were Idol worshippers in Mecca just like Idol worshippers in India. Ghazwa-e-Badr occurred after 17 months of Migration, India Pakistan war occurred after 17 years of Migration. Both brought happiness for Muslims. Ghazwa-e-Uhd was fought after three years; similarly 1971 battle was fought in third decade. Both brought disgrace for Muslims. After six years Muslims of Madina were in poor condition, they could not even go to Mecca for Hajj, threats of war and agreements at that time just like the current time scenario of Pakistan in its sixth decade, threats of war, and agreements of friendship.

But after the eight years of Migration, Muslims entered Mecca as conquerors. Similarly (InshaAllah) Muslims of Pakistan will enter India as conquerors in year 2027-28 exactly after the 80 years of Migration" (as predicted by Rockefeller Foundation as well).

Now we move to another source to estimate the date of final battle between India and Pakistan.

Naimatullah Shah Wali is well known Sufi saint of South Asia because of his amazing predictions in form of Persian poetry. It is a small miracle that 800-year-old predicted events are happening to the letter. Some sources suggest that he wrote more than 2000 poetic stanzas out of which the translator/author has 248 stanzas. Some stanzas are incomplete and singular.

He traveled through many cities to reach Kashmir. There, he passed away.
Naimatullah Shah Wali predicted about almost all major event till the end of times, most importantly, rule of Mughal empire, Rule of British in sub-continent, First and second world war with precise time and death toll, division of India, Fall of Dhaka, Final Battle between India and Pakistan, Emergence of Mehdi (A.S), Arrival of Eesa (Jesus pbuh), Dajjal (Anti-Christ), End of the world (Qayamah).

Many well know researchers, writer, columnists and scholars have time and again referred to Naimatullah Shah Wali’s predictions so there is no reason to believe that these predictions are false or fabricated. For Example; some personalities who referred to Naimatullah Shah Wali:

Shah Ismael Shaheed – In his Book "Arbaeen" (1851)

Orya Maqbool Jan – Express News Columnist

Haroon ur Rasheed – Daily Jang Columnist

H.M Sarwar Nizami– Author: “800 Years Predictions - Hazrat Naimat Ullah Shah Wali R.A.”(1972)

Mumtaz Mufti – In his book “Alakh Nagri” (1986)

Hazrat Meher Ali shah – In his book “Saif-e-Chishti” (1930)

Prof Ahmad Rafiq Akhtar – In many books

Col. (R) Matloob Hussain – Author: Hazrat Naimat (R.A.) Paishangoiyan (1993)

Maulana Asim Omar – Author: “Bermuda Tikoon or Dajjal” (2009)

Mufti Abu Lababa ShahMansoor – Author: “Dajjal – Kon? Kab?Kahan?" (2009)

Read the entire Naimatullah Shah Wali’s predictions here.

Naimatullah Shah Wali’s predictions first came to awareness when Shah Ismael Shaheed quoted his poetry in his book after the British rule stating that British rule will be for 100 years:

“After this Christians will conquer the whole of India and their rule will be for 100 years”

Lord Curzon (Viceroy) banned this prediction stating: How is it possible that we rule India for 100 years only?

So there are many reasons to believe in his predictions. As we are focusing the on the final battle between India and Pakistan, we will skip other predictions and directly go to the point.

According to his predictions:

“The king of the western part will be the victor on the basis of his weaponry. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond anyone’s imagination.”

Note: Since East Pakistan got separated and became an independent country (Bangladesh), Naimatullah Shah continued with the western part of Pakistan.
Later on he mentioned that:

Muslims will rule India for 40 years then Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will appear in Isfahan”

According to the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), predictions of saints, research of scholars, journalists, writers, and “Rockefeller Foundation”, there will be a war between Pakistan and India, but when?

Naimatullah Shah Wali also did not provide any exact date but he did leave some hints:

According to Shah, The Mahdi will be in power in the next year of “Kaana Zahooqa”. I searched a lot about the idea of “Kaana Zahooqa” but did not find anything by anyone.

So I researched myself and reached to the conclusion:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was reciting this verse at the conquest of Mecca when he was breaking the idols with his own stick.

“And say: Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away, Lo! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish” [The Qur'an, 17:81]

So in my point of view Naimatullah Shah Wali was referring to the same incident happens again and called it next year of “Kaana Zahooqa” which means that there will be a breaking of idols again (Conquest of India).

Another possible explanation of year “Kaana Zahooqa” is interesting and strange. Muhammad Ibrahim Azmi Advocate concluded that India will be conquered in the 81st year after the creation of Pakistan. The words “Kaana Zahooqa” appeared in Surah Bani Israel, verse no. 81.

It can be a co-incidence, strange though. But everything is pointing towards year 81 as a time of conquest of India. If Naimatullah Shah Wali means verse no. 81 as the year for “Kaana Zahooqa” (Breaking of Idols) then it is 2028, starting from 1947.

But Shah also said that The Mahdi will be in power in the year of “Kaana Zahooqa” and he also mentioned that The Mahdi will appear after 40 years of conquest of India.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that The Mahdi will emerge as Imam at the age of 40, so there is a very strong possibility that Naimatullah Shah Wali is telling us that The Mahdi will be born in the year of “Kaana Zahooqa” (Conquest of India) and will appear after 40 years. Allah Knows Best!

May Allah forgive me if I wrote/did anything against the teachings of Islam.
Not again this ghazwa stuff is getting boring now kuch naya batao yar
A little surprising that such religious mumbo jumbo gets so much coverage on this defense forum. :disagree:
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