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India on a Shopping Spree with Russia After Putin’s Attempts to Entice Pakistan

How about Pakistan buying Rubles with Yuans? Can Pakistan lease couple of berths to Russia in Gwadar? There are many possibilities here.
It can. Most probably that yuan is being counted in its foreign reverves (under foreign currency assets). So your forex wil go down if it does so. Moreover i had a quick look on the number. Looks like Pakistan primarily keeps yuan forex just to facilitate trade deal and it will be needing more of it with the increasing trade in yuan.
Every movie, every other news article, every other speech by their PM is about Pakistan
Even their national anthem starts with Punjab, Sindh etc.!!! It means the Indus Valley is principal part of their geographic imagination!!! So, they can’t help with obsessive compulsive attitude for you possess their most coveted elements...

India has money, Pak has friends....
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You can look it like this. We use internal capital for our weapons and external loans for our infra, ie anybody who loasn us has a low risk. We are quite confortable in our debt as evident from our credit rating.

PS- Jsut an FYI income equality and capital generated has a low correlation factor.

Weapons deals tend to be surrounded by secrecy. I won't be suprised if Russia provided a loan for the purchase. Let's look at Rafale deal it needed a SC judgement to force disclosure, military are against revealing price details.
India buys things as per its own requirements. Putin "enticing" Pakistan or not is inconsequential. Russia is not in the business of giving hand outs anyways. Heck in the midst of a raging civil war and crisis, Syria still had to purchase its weapons from Russia, no hand outs no aid! Pakistan doesn't have the money to purchase any game changing weapons from Russia.
Indian journalism is not complete without adding Pakistan somewhere :agree:
unfortunately Sex and Sensationalism are two spices, without having a tadka of which, its hard to sell the news. I can't say what happens elsewhere but here at home 24 hour TV channels and online content requires a good bit of imagination and sprucing up of common everyday stuff to make it palatable.
& my problem isn't with these media houses but with the audience that they cater. Essentially they are printing, telecasting, broadcasting that is selling and anything that has even a whiff of sensationalism, sells like hot cakes.

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