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India not seeking Iran oil waiver from U.S.: official


Apr 26, 2011
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NEW DELHI | Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:49am EST

(Reuters) - India is not seeking a waiver from the United States that would protect buyers of Iranian oil from a fresh round of sanctions and New Delhi continues to import from Tehran, Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai said on Tuesday.

New U.S. sanctions, authorized on December 31 and which penalize any financial institutions dealing with Iran's central bank, could make it more difficult for India to pay Iran for oil imports and a delegation is currently in Tehran for talks.

The U.S. move still allows waivers for firms in countries that significantly reduce dealings with Iran, or at any time when it is either in the U.S. national interest or necessary for energy market stability.

Japan, South Korea and Turkey have all said they could seek waivers.

But Mathai said New Delhi was not seeking an exemption and implied it did not see the new sanctions as binding.

"We have accepted sanctions which are made by the United Nations. Other sanctions do not apply to individual countries," Ranjan Mathai told reporters.

"We continue to buy oil from Iran."

Asia's third-largest economy is striving to balance the need to keep importing about $12 billion of Iranian crude annually with avoiding upsetting warming ties with Washington.

The United States and its allies in Europe and elsewhere are putting pressure on Iran to curb a nuclear program they worry is aimed at developing an atom bomb. Iran says its goal is to produce nuclear power.

Previous sanctions already made it harder for India to import the 350,000-400,000 barrels per day (bpd) it buys from Iran, about 12 percent of its oil needs. In 2010, the central bank scrapped a long-standing clearance mechanism, triggering a scramble by importers to find a new way to pay.

Since last year, Turkey's Halkbank has routed India's payments to Iran, but that conduit is seen by the government as unstable in the face of the latest U.S. sanctions.

Halkbank has already refused to open an account for state-run Bharat Petroleum Corp for oil from Iran.

An Indian official delegation is now in Tehran trying to find a way to continue the oil trade.

"A ... delegation is on its way to work out the mechanism for continued purchase of oil from Iran and to work out the financing mechanism," Mathai said.
Again...this move should be viewed in broader context to of Indian foreign policy...India should always look for its
own interests rather than US interest...And it is also true that in case India do not buy oil from Iran,then SA will be able to
substitute it...But here is the larger question, in this critical situation, in case India risk the international community
and keeps on buying oil from Iran, how much strategic value it will get in return? Slowly and steadily Iran is not being inclined to
India's cause in international forum like k@@r issue against Pakistan..?

Again...my point is not that we should support and we should desist...rather each move that we r planning to do should be evalued with benefits....
There are several ways of doing this and most posters here don't realize this. You don't have to stop buying oil from Iran, rather if you show that you have significantly reduced transactions, be it oil or others, with Iran; you are in compliance for a waiver.

Also, if you follow what's really taking place, you will notice that every country that cares to deal with the US economically is reducing their footprint in Iran thanks to KSA offering to make up for their ' decreasing oil contracts with Iran' .

What Indians have to realize is why Iran having nukes is dangerous. You know Iran funds terrorist organizations , yes? I presume you know that. Now imagine them having nukes as a deterrent to not safeguard their soverignity rather to safeguard their continued promotion of terrorism. India of all countries should know this better that anyone. You are the example of what happens to a country when your enemy has nukes and keeps sending terrorists across your Kashmir borders.
There are several ways of doing this and most posters here don't realize this. You don't have to stop buying oil from Iran, rather if you show that you have significantly reduced transactions, be it oil or others, with Iran; you are in compliance for a waiver.

Which India is not willing to do.

Also, if you follow what's really taking place, you will notice that every country that cares to deal with the US economically is reducing their footprint in Iran thanks to KSA offering to make up for their ' decreasing oil contracts with Iran' .

Every country except the two most populous countries in the world?

What Indians have to realize is why Iran having nukes is dangerous. You know Iran funds terrorist organizations , yes? I presume you know that. Now imagine them having nukes as a deterrent to not safeguard their soverignity rather to safeguard their continued promotion of terrorism. India of all countries should know this better that anyone. You are the example of what happens to a country when your enemy has nukes and keep sending terrorists across your Kashmir borders.

Iran isn't getting nukes so that point is moot. And I don't know of any actual terrorist organizations that Iran has funded. Unlike the United States and its puppets.
Which India is not willing to do.

Every country except the two most populous countries in the world?

Iran isn't getting nukes so that point is moot. And I don't know of any actual terrorist organizations that Iran has funded. Unlike the United States and its puppets.

Well it is evident from your one liners that you seem not to know about a lot. Each of your answers shows no real situational awareness. It's cute answers to my post, but void of any real thought or understanding behind it.
There are several ways of doing this and most posters here don't realize this. You don't have to stop buying oil from Iran, rather if you show that you have significantly reduced transactions, be it oil or others, with Iran; you are in compliance for a waiver.

Also, if you follow what's really taking place, you will notice that every country that cares to deal with the US economically is reducing their footprint in Iran thanks to KSA offering to make up for their ' decreasing oil contracts with Iran' .

What Indians have to realize is why Iran having nukes is dangerous. You know Iran funds terrorist organizations , yes? I presume you know that. Now imagine them having nukes as a deterrent to not safeguard their soverignity rather to safeguard their continued promotion of terrorism. India of all countries should know this better that anyone. You are the example of what happens to a country when your enemy has nukes and keeps sending terrorists across your Kashmir borders.
I agree with each word of your post.

Since we are dependent for middle east countries for meeting our oil requirement, it influences our foreign policy to an extent.That said,we have made our intention clear about nuclear program of Iran during UN voting by doing same against it,due to which our relation soured and caused the Indo-pak-Iran pipeline to derail.
We should also respect the concern of Israel, which sent us one full C-17 of laser guided bombs during Kargil.Saying goes friend in need is friend indeed.
On other hand Iran sent her fighters to Pakistan during 1971.Their stand on kashmir is well known.
Even China has reduced the oil import lately then why should not India do the same????

We should not follow USA dictates but should learn to cooperate since our values and principle are common.
I think we need to take in to account what is best for us, as of now Iran= Isolation.
There are several ways of doing this and most posters here don't realize this. You don't have to stop buying oil from Iran, rather if you show that you have significantly reduced transactions, be it oil or others, with Iran; you are in compliance for a waiver.

Also, if you follow what's really taking place, you will notice that every country that cares to deal with the US economically is reducing their footprint in Iran thanks to KSA offering to make up for their ' decreasing oil contracts with Iran' .

What Indians have to realize is why Iran having nukes is dangerous. You know Iran funds terrorist organizations , yes? I presume you know that. Now imagine them having nukes as a deterrent to not safeguard their soverignity rather to safeguard their continued promotion of terrorism. India of all countries should know this better that anyone. You are the example of what happens to a country when your enemy has nukes and keeps sending terrorists across your Kashmir borders.

Over the past 30 years, India has been saying same thing about Pakistan on how they are funding terrorism against India. No one especially US cared. Just because it was not in their interest. India is just returning the favor or should I say we are looking after our interests?
Over the past 30 years, India has been saying same thing about Pakistan on how they are funding terrorism against India. No one especially US cared. Just because it was not in their interest. India is just returning the favor or should I say we are looking after our interests?

That makes absolutely no sense. I don't think you read my post in full. Did you want us to go back in time and remove their nuclear weapons? Besides you are one ayatollah moment from Iran supporting Kashmir terrorism, the old madman has already publicly made anti India statements on Kashmir.
That makes absolutely no sense. I don't think you read my post in full. Did you want us to go back in time and remove their nuclear weapons? Besides you are one ayatollah moment from Iran supporting Kashmir terrorism, the old madman has already publicly made anti India statements on Kashmir.
Iran is supporting terrorism in India? is it what you mean?
Good one atleast we dont buckel out like chinese the so called oly one chellenger to USA according to pakistanese
i have seen many pakistani and chinese say we ar lapdog salve praiser ally and what not of america yet we decide our own rules not like some others who isolate their frnds on fear of america
The ayotoallah showed support for terrorists coming to into Kashmir just last year.
We dont care what ayatollah says. And Iran does not pose threat to India. The chances of Iran sending terrorists to India is very slim.
We are already dealing with a nuclear neighbour, what is special about Iran. At least they dont blow each other up in iran.
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