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India not alarmed over US supplying drones to Pakistan: IAF chief

You are right. but one thing I couldnt understand is that US and Pak are fighting taliban jointly, this is supposed to be a temporary arrangement till taliban is uprooted. In essence, therefore, once the Taliban are defeated, these drone attaks will cease too. Then onwards, will the UAV's be handed over to US by PAF? Highly unlikely.

Absolutely... Thats is why India is pressing US to ensure that these so called toys are not used against India and should be intended only for Taliban...Just imagine the kind of hue and cry in India if US choose to give them UCAV(Combat UAV)....Then when it comes to Pak there is always a fear of sensitive technology endind up in Chinese labs...

So my guess it is going to be very difficult for US to ignore India's concern as well as fear of tech reaching China...

In fact i added a speculation that what if US poses some restrictions of flying these toys only in the area infested by Taliban??? How will PA react as their ground of asking for high tech is to fight taliban??? Anyways for now they are not offering anything state of art and i believe it will remain like this...

so, As far as Pak is concerned, they should press for armed UAV's (whatever they are called) that can be used as a long term strategic weapon. IMO, whether Pak or India, coalitions & partnerships should not only be mutually beneficial, they should be equally beneficial too for both the parties involved. Otherwise in long term, differences and doubts evolve (as has happened in case of US & Pak - the relationship has become like what exists between a Girl & her Boyfreind - Love on the brink of breakup. Both knows that the breakup will hurt both of them deeply, but its more or less an eventuality now, bound to happen sooner or later), both are waiting for other to initiate the breakup, so that both can freely cozy up with their respective new prospective long term partners- China & India.
Pak should start treating US as a cash cow (a Management term), extract as much milk as possible before the lactation period ends.:tongue:

Can't agree more on this but then when it comes to US-PAK relations the tilt has always been towards US... Lets c how things fold out in future...

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