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India no inspiration for democracy, says Suu Kyi


Jun 28, 2010
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India no inspiration for democracy, says Suu Kyi
India no inspiration for democracy, says Suu Kyi - Hindustan Times

New Delhi will need more than one prime ministerial visit to restore its image among pro-democracy activists in Myanmar. It is no secret that many in the National League for Democracy, the political movement headed by Aung San Suu Kyi, see India’s past policy as opportunistic if not amoral.

Suu Kyi has been diplomatic in her public statements, but her expressions of “disappointment” with India are almost inevitable, given the inspiration she has drawn from India’s intellectual tradition.

The obvious influences are Mahatma Gandhi for nonviolence and Jawaharlal Nehru for his closeness to her father, Aung San. But Suu Kyi, who lived in New Delhi for many years and studied at Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi, also found inspiration in Indian thinkers like Rabindranath Tagore and Rammohun Roy.

She once said that Tagore’s poem Ekla Chalo Rey (Walk Alone) “taught me my most precious lesson” during her long years of house arrest. This helped hold up her commitment to a cause that often seemed hopeless and which was scarred by the loss of many friends and colleagues.

The impact was not just cerebral. Her most recent biographer, Peter Popham, says Suu Kyi also learnt the Indian way of “passionate, long-winded and often ferocious discussion.” This “became part of her character — one that was to cause her endless trouble … back in the far more protocol-heavy atmosphere of Burma”.

Ex-Indian foreign secretary and ambassador to Myanmar, Shyam Saran, described her relations with India as “strongly sentimental — almost familial”.

Lacking this counterweight of sentiment, the ranks of the NLD have views on India ranging from neutral to negative. India’s unwillingness to criticise the Myanmar military is only part of the story, says Aung Aung Thin, an activist who fled to India after a military crackdown. “At international fora, Indian delegations always opposed resolutions critical of Burma.”

NLD functionary Tint Swe is among those who accuse India of handing back Myanmar soldiers and student activists who had sought asylum in India from the military regime.

India is today seen by Myanmar youth as a potential economic partner and benign neighbour, but not a source of political inspiration.

“There is surprisingly little mention of India among democracy circles,” says David Mathieson of Human Rights Watch. During her interactions with the NLD, says Yangon-based journalist Shwe Yinn Mar Oo, “no one was against India but not one was for India either”. They just didn’t see India as a force for democratic change.

Singh’s state visit marked a beginning on the democracy front. New Delhi is offering training for parliamentarians and Myanmar is sending local journalists to India to see how a multi-ethnic, Asian democracy can function. Said one who had made the trip, “Seeing your Election Commission and Press Council was an eye-opener — very different from our great neighbour to the north.”

We ourselves agree that India's politicians are a failure!! Politics is being used to rob the country, destroy our economy. Divide us, keep us fighting among ourselves.

Having said that, I can understand the article. She has just come out house arrested for 30 years. Its bound to happen.

She'll slowly realize that its either LIVE with India or get captured by "BULLYING" countries :)
I Don't blame her, but we too had to look after our interests.

China was making quick inroads into Myanmar by tying up with the military junta. We had to look after our interests too.

It would be like Pakistani politicians blaming the US for strengthening the military and weakening democracy over the decades in Pakistan. Only difference is that she is far more respectable than any Pakistani politician could ever be.

We all have to deal with whosoever calls the shots in the country, be it in Pakistan or in Myanmar.

We ourselves agree that India's politicians are a failure!! Politics is being used to rob the country, destroy our economy. Divide us, keep us fighting among ourselves.

Having said that, I can understand the article. She has just come out house arrested for 30 years. Its bound to happen.

She'll slowly realize that its either LIVE with India or get captured by "BULLYING" countries

Oh yes the world will collapse if they don't live with India.
Why should India worry if there is ' surprisingly little mention of it in democratic circles' ?

India's system of governanace is for itself & not for others.

As regards India not criticising the Burmese Junta, well India's policy should always be ' India First'. Today the Burmese are turning the screws on the insurgents on their side and India has played a very large role in integrating the Burmes junta into the world.
Can't blame her can we? We stood by the democracy movement but soon made peace with the Junta to not seem too hostile in comparison to China. I won't blame our leaders either - we took the best decision in our interest at that time, but we should own up to the consequences as well. But we have started in the right direction now and should not look back.

liked what the visiting journo said:
"Said one who had made the trip, “Seeing your Election Commission and Press Council was an eye-opener — very different from our great neighbour to the north.”
And that's why you have a HARE up in the North and a Tortoise in the South !!!!

And a snail in the West :lol: Anyways i won't chide the snail any further.

Like the saying goes,: It doesn't matter how fast you are making the journey as long as you don't stop.


I'm unable to find the headline statement in the entire article.

Aung San Suu Kyi's sentiments are understandable , but she needs to understand India has her limits, during the junta attempt of promoting democracy in Myanmar would be seen as an act interfering with the internal affairs of Myanmar.

Hope she becomes pragmatic rather than being an idealist like that Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed
The story is the Tortoise will NEVER win the race with the HARE.

No, the moral of the story is that while the Tortoise and the Hare are racing with each other, the snail just dies a slow death from inside and just the outer shell remains. Everyone's guess who the snail is...
And a snail in the West :lol: Anyways i won't chide the snail any further.

Like the saying goes,: It doesn't matter how fast you are making the journey as long as you don't stop.


I'm unable to find the headline statement in the entire article.

Aung San Suu Kyi's sentiments are understandable , but she needs to understand India has her limits, during the junta attempt of promoting democracy in Myanmar would be seen as an act interfering with the internal affairs of Myanmar.

Hope she becomes pragmatic rather than being an idealist like that Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed

Since India has her limits then why is India trying to lecture others in Democracy ? Is India the grand daddy of Democracy ?

No, the moral of the story is that while the Tortoise and the Hare are racing with each other, the snail just dies a slow death from inside and just the outer shell remains. Everyone's guess who the snail is...

Isn't it OBVIOUS that the Snail you are talking about are the Indian Internet Keyboard Warriors. LOL
Are we supposed to be surprised? India's is a failed democracy thanks to our shameless politicians who have destroyed our institutions and run them aground. They have this motto ingrained in them:


The country for them comes last - always and every time!

We don't have the balls to call a spade a spade in international relations and stand up for what is right. 'keeping strategic interests' in view while formulating foreign policies is balderdash. We never had a cogent foreign policy to begin with, just blowing with the wind.

Are there any statesmen who can turn things around for the better? I for one, don't see any. And that's a worrying sign.
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