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India needs a great leader who sacrifices himself to sign agreement with China on territory disputes


Jun 7, 2011
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There were border wars between China and Russia(1969), China and Vietnam(1979). Now the land disputes with these countries don't exist. Because after years negotiations, territory agreements were reached. Which benifited these countries a lot. They don't have to spend huge amount of money on the border defense anymore. Mutual trust could be built as next step. And there is no room for super power to use the issues to sow discord. It's part of reasons why China could concentrate on economy since 1990 after these border disputes were settled.


Fake Russian guard was found on China-Russia border

I heard India's constitution prohibits any compromise in territory. Which means India will face China's military pressure for ever. It would be an endless nightmare for India. There would never be an agreement between the two countries on the territory disputes unless China accepts all India's requests. Which is not only impossible, also doesn't fit for any peaceful agreement or discussion.
China has signed territory agreements with many of its neighbours. I didn't see India had done that with any of its neighbour.

"Never give up one inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of India lacks far sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of India who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with China, Parkistan and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for India if there is man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for India. The insecure feeing that haunted India for decades would disappear once and for all. Money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course India will have to give up some of its claimed territories. So will China and Pakistan. This is how negotiation works. But, how will Indians see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a democratic system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a democratic system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.
There were border wars between China and Russia(1969), China and Vietnam(1979). Now the land disputes with these countries don't exist. Because after years negotiations, territory agreements were reached. Which benifited these countries a lot. They don't have to spend huge amount of money on the border defense anymore. Mutual trust could be built as next step. And there is no room for super power to use the issues to sow discord. It's part of reasons why China could concentrate on economy since 1990 after these border disputes were settled.

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Fake Russian guard was found on China-Russia border
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I heard India's constitution prohibits any compromise in territory. Which means India will face China's military pressure for ever. It would be an endless nightmare for India. There would never be an agreement between the two countries on the territory disputes unless China accepts all India's requests. Which is not only impossible, also doesn't fit for any peaceful agreement or discussion.
China has signed territory agreements with many of its neighbours. I didn't see India had done that with any of its neighbour.

"Never give up one inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of India lacks far sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of India who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with China, Parkistan and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for India if there is man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for India. The insecure feeing that haunted India for decades would disappear once and for all. Money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course India will have to give up some of its claimed territories. So will China and Pakistan. This is how negotiation works. But, how will Indians see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a democratic system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a democratic system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.

nah hinduvta is their final goal, plus they think themselves is a supa powa and can roll over China easily

if u go to br India forum, folks there shout liberate aksai chin, free Tibet just like a walk in the park - they are doing us a favor by not doing it

talking about delusions
"Never give up one inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of India lacks far sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of India who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with China, Parkistan and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for India if there is man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for India. The insecure feeing that haunted India for decades would disappear once and for all. Money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course India will have to give up some of its claimed territories. So will China and Pakistan. This is how negotiation works. But, how will Indians see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a democratic system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a democratic system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.

"Never give up one-inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact, this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of China lacks far-sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of China who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with India, Taiwan, Vietnam and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for China if there is a man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for China. The insecure feeling that haunted China for decades would disappear once and for all. The money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course, China will have to give up some of its territories like Taiwan, Tibet, Arunachal Pradesh, and Aksai Chin. So will India, Taiwan and Vietnam. This is how negotiation works. But, how will the Chinese see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a dictatorship system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a dictatorship system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.
Indian trying to be very smart if you just now go on their channel they still believing that india can take down China and Pakistan together, they want land from Pakistan and China so they cud expand its rout to central asia, they sud have an influence in Afghanistan so Pak cant hurt indian intrest, they want to have tibet as a country so they have buffer zone between China and india after that they maybe live happily ever after.
we have to look at their ideology this creature never become happy unless they are under occupation it doesnt mean we sud occupy them but we have to make small independent states so from them their will be no threat.. 7 state sisters are ready to get out of this artificial union south india punjab is aslo hoping small india is better for everyone in neighbour, those countries cud have excellent relationship with each other even with us.
"Never give up one-inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact, this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of China lacks far-sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of China who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with India, Taiwan, Vietnam and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for China if there is a man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for China. The insecure feeling that haunted China for decades would disappear once and for all. The money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course, China will have to give up some of its territories like Taiwan, Tibet, Arunachal Pradesh, and Aksai Chin. So will India, Taiwan and Vietnam. This is how negotiation works. But, how will the Chinese see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a dictatorship system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a dictatorship system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.
As I said, China has signed bord agreements with many neighbours. China did make compromises already.
nah hinduvta is their final goal, plus they think themselves is a supa powa and can roll over China easily

if u go to br India forum, folks there shout liberate aksai chin, free Tibet just like a walk in the park - they are doing us a favor by not doing it

talking about delusions
mahabharat is their goal.
Indian trying to be very smart if you just now go on their channel they still believing that india can take down China and Pakistan together, they want land from Pakistan and China so they cud expand its rout to central asia, they sud have an influence in Afghanistan so Pak cant hurt indian intrest, they want to have tibet as a country so they have buffer zone between China and india after that they maybe live happily ever after.
we have to look at their ideology this creature never become happy unless they are under occupation it doesnt mean we sud occupy them but we have to make small independent states so from them their will be no threat.. 7 state sisters are ready to get out of this artificial union south india punjab is aslo hoping small india is better for everyone in neighbour, those countries cud have excellent relationship with each other even with us.
Agree. If Indians can not wake from their delusions, India doesn't have a bright future. China is busy in dealing with US now. Once the problems between China and US are solved(They don't have territory problem after all) , bad time for India comes. The window time for India is not long.
As I said, China has signed bord agreements with many neighbours. China did make compromises already.
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India too has resolved border disputes with Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

The Nepal problem is only a recent one due to the ruling communist party agreeing to be subservient to the Chinese communist party. Otherwise, there is no problem with Nepal.
India too has resolved border disputes with Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka.

The Nepal problem is only a recent one due to the ruling communist party agreeing to be subservient to the Chinese communist party. Otherwise, there is no problem with Nepal.
I know India is a bully in South Asia. Were the disputes resolved on India's favor? Were there any compromises from India?
Agree. If Indians can not wake from their delusions, India doesn't have a bright future. China is busy in dealing with US now. Once the problems between China and US are solved(They don't have territory problem after all) , bad time for India comes. The window time for India is not long.
definitely indian is taking advantage by grabing extra land to have a safe passage to siachin thinking that no one will ever find out their plan and they really waited it seems like a calculated move since they knew that china is getting involve with usa which starts from 5G issue.
india design their constitution that they never lose anything only gain land from other countries which shows their true mentality to keep their people in loop they have been spreading so much hate against Pakistan and China specially if recently you notice they been bullying nepal and scaring bhutan that be on our side or china will swallow you, which never happend in 70 years why china would do that.
indian will never solve they have been feeding hate to their people from 70 years that india is super power and we sud not lose a inch do we really think they will solve any border issue my point is that push india to its limits so they either solve or fight once for all cuz region is under constant threat instead of this century become asian century it seems like india is wainting all of its neighbour goes in crises so they grab what ever they want.
India's biggest strength is its economy once its hurt india will listen like a good boy.
In the 1950s, Mao told India you keep South Tibet and I take Aksai Chin. Nehru said get loss, both Aksai China and South Tibet belongs to India.

It could be more difficult now. Because Chinese leaders are thinking to take Tawang until Sela pass in South Tibet. But China is offering to trade part of Pangong and part of Aksai Chin for Tawang.
In the 1950s, Mao told India you keep South Tibet and I take Aksai Chin. Nehru said get loss, both Aksai China and South Tibet belongs to India.

It could be more difficult now. Because Chinese leaders are thinking to take Tawang until Sela pass in South Tibet. But China is offering to trade part of Pangong and part of Aksai Chin for Tawang.
After the 1962 war, China honestly wanted to settle the border disputes with India. Zhou Enlai once said "China would make a compromise in the east border. India needs to give up their claim in the west border". This is fair deal for India. After all they lost the war. But India refused.
As per Chinese and Pakistanis,

Any leader who would gift them Indian lands is a great leader.

Hey...why don't you ask your Xi to be a great leader and give us back Gosthana and Free Tibet.
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