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India just hanged Kasab

A lot of lawyers and people in the judicial system made good money off the case so they prolonged it. Little to so with due process and lack of evidence blah blah those are just excuses.

Actually Kasab was appointed with an public prosecutor , that means it's free service provided by gov. to those who can't afford it .
Just opened a Glenlivet 21 years(was saving it for special occasion) :cheers: Celebrating the end of era of free biriyani.
He use to speak pure hindi.
And use to say bhagwan instead of Allah.
He was 100% indian from deccan mujahideen group.
May be he was told to do so, so that people like you will fall for conspiracy theories easily as it is the case with many things. After all its about roji-roti of people like Zaid hamid. :D
Ajmal Kasab hanged at Pune's Yerawada Jail

Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone surviving Pakistani terrorist of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, was hanged at Pune's Yerwada Jail at 7.30 am on Wednesday.
“Yes, Kasab has been hanged this (Wednesday) morning at 7.30 a.m. in Yerawada Central Jail,” Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam, who led the 26/11 terror attacks case, said.
President Pranab Mukherjee had rejected his mercy plea on November 8, said Maharashtra Home Minister RR Patil.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said that Kasab was shifted to Yervada Jail from Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai two days back.
On August 29 this year, the Supreme Court had confirmed the death penalty awarded to Kasab by the trial court and later upheld by the Bombay High Court.
The Nov 26-29, 2008 terror siege had claimed 166 lives.

Ajmal Kasab hanged at Pune's Yerawada Jail - Yahoo! News India

i hope kasab enjoys his **** topped biryani in hell :sniper:
God know how much money they received after kasab death , maybe they moved to some exotic place with the money earned :P

Yeah a Nice Corner Plot ;) in Abbottabad or a Mansion which has been Empty since killing of OSAMA :rofl:
I'm guessing they are not proud of what he did-brutally murdering 166 people. WOuld you act any differently? Or would you embrace such SCUM with open arms?

Parents can always forgive their children. The **** you think this is, a bollywood film?
He use to speak pure hindi.

And use to say bhagwan instead of Allah.

He was 100% indian from deccan mujahideen group.

Zaid hamid ka asar :P

You forgot to mention that his name was Amar SIngh :lol:
Actually Kasab was appointed with an public prosecutor , that means it's free service provided by gov. to those who can't afford it .
Mate- don't waste your LOGIC and reason on these people, they are trying to deflect their shame. This is the only reaosn why such members are so riled up by this news.
He use to speak pure hindi.

And use to say bhagwan instead of Allah.

He was 100% indian from deccan mujahideen group.
yaar shouting loud, or using large font doesnt make it the truth.
your govt has accepted he is Pak. so please..
That is quite interesting.

His own family doesn't want his body.


Even if its parents want , will ISI or PAK govt let them? do you think a govt which can stop girl from flying outside to receive awards can allow this?? trust your govt and ISI
That is quite interesting.

His own family doesn't want his body.


The Kasabs Don't Live Here Anymore

Qaswar Abbas

November 16, 2012

Ajmal Kasab's family is yet to return to Faridkot village in Pakistan's Punjab

Nothing sets Faridkot apart from any other village in Pakistan's impoverished southern Punjab province. The population of 3,000, mostly poor farmers, live in crude brick houses. Its name, after revered Sufi saint Baba Farid, is common enough to allow the hamlet maintain its anonymity. It all changed in December 2008 when the village, 80 km south of Multan, rocketed to infamy. After

Kasab's family was tracked down by journalists. "I was in denial for the first couple of days, saying to myself it couldn't have been my son... Now I have accepted it as the truth. I have seen the picture in newspapers. This is my son Ajmal," said Amir Shahban Kasab, as he broke down in his courtyard talking to the Dawn newspaper after his son's arrest in Mumbai. More embarrassment followed, when former prime minister Nawaz Sharif not only confirmed Kasab was from the village, but attacked Zardari's government for hiding the truth and placing a security cordon around Faridkot.


Villagers pass by the house of Kasab in Faridkot in Pakistan's Punjab Province.

During my first visit to Faridkot in 2007, for an altogether more mundane reason of attending a wedding, I found the villagers friendly and hospitable. By the time of my second visit, in December 2008, the atmosphere had changed. The angry villagers drove me away. "We don't know who Ajmal Kasab is," a villager insisted. There was no sign of his family.

Four years on, I drove to the Depalpur Press Club, where I was to meet photographer Hasnain Akhtar who would accompany me to the village. Hasnain was frightened and worried. He refused to go, but offered his camera. "Just reimburse me if something happens to it," he said as an afterthought.

I went on a dusty, unpaved road, past herds of water buffaloes and goats, and groups of children playing cricket. This was where Kasab lived for nearly 14 years. I knocked on the blue wooden door of the two-room mud and brick structure in the hope that four years on, his family may have returned. Kasab's uncle, Abdul Ghafoor Kasab, 51, answered. Standing at 5'10", the healthy, bearded man instantly recognised me and wondered out aloud why I was back. Four years ago, Ghafoor had informed that Kasab's family lived in the house for 20 years. Today, his response was terse. "I have nothing to share with you," he said in chaste Punjabi. "Ajmal is my sister's son, but I know nothing about his past and don't want to discuss his future," Ghafoor said. He advised me to leave the village as soon as possible, and slammed his door shut.

At a grocery shop 200 feet from the Kasab home, a few salwar-clad men stood by, but as soon as I asked them about the Kasabs, they melted away.

"Amir Shahban Kasab, 56, took his family away to an unknown destination," said Sultan Mahmood, 61, the grocer. Kasab's father was a vendor who sold samosas and pakoras from a handcart in the village. But after Kasab was caught in Mumbai, the family, including his younger sister Suraiyya and younger brother Munir, vanished. "We haven't heard from them in four years, Mahmood said.

Later that afternoon, I went to a tea stall in the heart of village, with rope charpoys strewn around. I sat next to the elderly Allah Ditta, a teacher in the Government Primary School, Faridkot. He was softspoken, wore a neat salwar kameez and, unlike most locals, spoke fluent Urdu. He looked around furtively and spoke in whispers. Kasab was his student in Class V, Ditta told me. He had recognised him from the 26/11 TV footage. Kasab had run away from home at 14, only to return home briefly before 26/11. By then, it was known that he had drifted into a life of crime in Lahore and had been trained as a fidayeen by the Lashkar-e-Toiba.

"It's hard to believe this boy could become a mass murderer," Ditta said. When he was 12, Ditta whispered, Kasab had seen a close relative of his get shot in the head by a stray bullet in celebratory gunfire. "As a result, Ajmal was scared of even toy guns," Ditta said, with not a shred of irony in describing a terrorist whose ak-47-toting photo had come to symbolise global terror.

Four years after Mumbai, Faridkot's infamy may have been sealed, but the Kasab family has managed to disappear into the anonymity of survival.

Read more at: Ajmal Kasab's family is yet to return to Faridkot village in Pakistan's Punjab : Special Report - India Today
He use to speak pure hindi.

And use to say bhagwan instead of Allah.

He was 100% indian from deccan mujahideen group.[/SIZE]

Pakistan’s foreign office Wednesday confirmed that Ajmal Kasab who is in Indian custody for his alleged involvement in Mumbai attacks, is a Pakistan national.

My Font is bigger , so i win :P
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