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What infrastructure ? India does not require unscientific, unnecessary and stupid bullet trains, metro trains, flyovers, sea links etc. I am sure you own two personal cars and two two-wheelers and there must be a few hundred million combined personal cars and two-wheelers in India and those have led to crime, unnecessary accidents ( 450,000 every year with 150,000 deaths ), chaos and disharmony. Ban personal vehicles and make public transport within cities only by buses and taxis. Simple.

What national security ? Killing Naxals from land and air and protecting right-wing criminals is national security for you ? How is defending daily big and small atrocities within the country while doing war mongering externally justifiable ? People are hungry and die of ill health because of money and you worry about something called national security ? First clear up your house.

Stop defending irrationality and stupidity.

Beggar ? That again shows your anti-human, Capitalist nature. Beggars don't drop from the sky but are made by a wrong socio-economic system.

You are wasting your time with this guy @jamahir bhai.

They come seeking attention at PDF and then start jumping and get banned.

Why waste time with Morons? Just ignore these people.

lo ji, kar di na ekdum brain dead baat.. was waiting for my daily dose of retardese from you... smh

how on earth is the state supposed to take care of the basics like road infra, national security etc etc if they do not earn ?

Charity works perfectly well, we have done plenty.. and seen the fruits of that investment.. some of the beneficiaries went on to do quite well for themselves, it raised their standard of living many fold and empowered them economically.

As one small example.. a local old school dhobi's kid runs his own private car and bike hire business now . Was a bright kid, was given free tuition by very kind teachers who saw a spark.. another example is this supremely hard working plumber.. saved his money, and now basically heads his own business, employs dozens of people.. drives a car, owns his house.. very humble nice guy.

I could regale you with such stories all night..

wtf have you ever done to help society and the needy but peddle this failed beggar ideology called communism ? ..

and what is wrong with doing charity and donating to animal charities ? when at my south India place, I often volunteer at an animal shelter, donate, make my car available, and help find good loving forever homes for dogs and cats after they've been cleaned up and inoculated.. many of which were taken back to their countries by expat adopters : )

Again, commie.. I do PLENTY of charity, for humans and for animals... within reason and limit of course.

again.. what about you ?

Libya, US, West, Japan and China is not my concern.. I'm an Indian, I will do what I can for here.

You're that bloody enamoured of X or Y place.. fukin' move there already. Don't be casting aspersions at everyone else who does not believe in your bat shite insane proven failure ideas..

jealous much ?

I'm guessing the view out of your dirty shanty doesn't look like that ?

You're free to hate all you want but.. excuse me, raat ho gai hai, I'll order some tandoori chicken and pour myself a drink or two of some excellent whisky while I wait for it.

brb, 2 minutes :)

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Stop posting pictures of third rate Glenlivet garbage. Pathetic. High Klaaas Aadmi.....as if we're supposed to be impressed. :rolleyes:
People like you don't realize the massive corruption in Indian education. You don't have to be a communist to realize how bad things are in India, especially BIMARU states.

Bangladesh spends half or less per capita on education compared to India and their educational HDI figures are still better/higher than India. Only BIMARU scumbags in India can think about and descend low enough to steal food from a school toddler's mouth.

If parents send a girl child to school in Bangladesh - they get a 5 KG sack of rice at the end of the month. Bangladesh has more girls than boys in school.

No one gives a flying rat's a$$ about poor people or their education in India. Just a f*cked up, sad case for education in these BIMARU states.

The difference between Bangladesh and India is that BD does not have 500 million Sharma ji s, @Andhadhun s and @Sudarshan s.

You are wasting your time with this guy @jamahir bhai.

They come seeking attention at PDF and then start jumping and get banned.

Why waste time with Morons? Just ignore these people.

I agree, it is waste of time so I will soon compose a thread calling for ban on Hindutvadis and mindless Indian nationalists.
You and your dogs are doing very fine indeed but what about the millions of humans who are not ?
Not my concern..

now let me enjoy my food and drink for a bit.. brb



yummy !

Stop posting pictures of third rate Glenlivet garbage. Pathetic. High Klaaas Aadmi.....as if we're supposed to be impressed. :rolleyes:
What makes you think I was trying to "impress" anyone or insinuating i was "high klaas" ?

says more about you if you think that way than it does about me :)
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