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India issues RFI for Naval NBC simulator

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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India issues RFI for Naval NBC simulator

The Indian MoD has issued a Request for Information (RFI) ahead of issuing a global tender for setting up of a shore-based facility with simulators modeled on ships for training of Indian Navy personnel in Nuclear Biological Chemical warfare.

"The Indian Navy intends to set up a Nuclear (Radiological), Biological and Chemical Defence training facility to train its personnel. The facility is intended to be shore based,” an Indian news agency report quoting the RFI documents said.

The simulator would be built on a steel structure resembling a ship, outfitted with systems and equipment for training personnel in achieving collective NBC protection through 'closing down', pre-wetting systems and platform decontamination.

"The facility would make training as realistic as possible on a four-deck ship-based structure, which would be the NBC simulator," Navy officers said here. The training exercise to be simulated would include detection of NBC agents to decontamination of the same.

"Radio active sources would be placed randomly on the upper decks, including Bridge Top, for detection of 'hot-spots' by the trainees," they said. The NBC simulator would be housed in an enclosed structure within which a building consisting of two floors will house a Nuclear Training Lab and a Biological and Chemical Lab, class rooms and offices.

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