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India is the most secular country in the world: Vice President Naidu


Nov 4, 2011
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India is the most secular country in the world: Vice President Naidu
New Delhi Published: Nov 27, 2021, 12:19 AM(IST)


Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said the functioning of democracy in the country conforms to the constitutional principles of ensuring equal rights and justice for all citizens and it needs no validation from any external agency.

He made this assertion while releasing the English and Hindi versions of a book titled "Democracy, Politics and Governance", written by veteran journalist A Surya Prakash, who is the vice-chairman of the executive council of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and a leading commentator on parliamentary and constitutional issues.

India is the most secular country in the world: Vice President Naidu
New Delhi Published: Nov 27, 2021, 12:19 AM(IST)


Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said the functioning of democracy in the country conforms to the constitutional principles of ensuring equal rights and justice for all citizens and it needs no validation from any external agency.

He made this assertion while releasing the English and Hindi versions of a book titled "Democracy, Politics and Governance", written by veteran journalist A Surya Prakash, who is the vice-chairman of the executive council of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and a leading commentator on parliamentary and constitutional issues.

diverse, and where the state does not dictate to any group
We didn't lecture a word, we just learned that India being the most secular country in the world.

Your learning is useless. If you try to get the same right in China, CCP will send you to concentration reeducation camps.
Also the most delusional, where no Muslim gets killed for eating beef.
Believe me, no Chinese fancy about Indian rights. You guys can enjoy them by yourselves. Had your farmers gone back home yet?

Indians have right to protest unlike Chinese. The whole world knows what happened to the protesters in Tiananmen square , Falun gong, Uyghurs, Hong Kong etc.
Most developed, most beautiful, most powerful
diverse, and where the state does not dictate to any group

Couldn't agree more


Now a person having Islamic Constitution is lecturing Indians. How amusing!

He sure can. Pakistan didn't elect a Hindu Terrorist the Proud Butcher of Gujarat as its Prime Minister. It was India who did that. Beautiful Secular India for everyone to see.

India's biggest problem is Indians don't know they have problem.
He ust have meant Sickular

India is the most secular country in the world: Vice President Naidu
New Delhi Published: Nov 27, 2021, 12:19 AM(IST)


Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said the functioning of democracy in the country conforms to the constitutional principles of ensuring equal rights and justice for all citizens and it needs no validation from any external agency.

He made this assertion while releasing the English and Hindi versions of a book titled "Democracy, Politics and Governance", written by veteran journalist A Surya Prakash, who is the vice-chairman of the executive council of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and a leading commentator on parliamentary and constitutional issues.

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