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India is not Britain

i wanted to post this, under the title

"Agni 5 shows chinese mentality"
India is Britain.

It is clear sign of China failed foreign policy. Now China is alone in Asia. Japan, India, Burma, Vietnam, Australia, South Korea and Taiwan should form a military alliance against China.
i doubt india would actually have balls to use china killer option...China can use an awful lot of tactics against India..
i doubt india would actually have balls to use china killer option...China can use an awful lot of tactics against India..

India do have balls to take on China. US, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, and South Korea are looking at India to take on China
But why?? That would be silly and suicide for India

Why would it be suicidal? Most major countries in Asia are not comfortable with the rise of China. In this equation if anybody has to loose, it has to be China.

Anyway, when I am talking of taking on China, I mean strategically.

1) India forming close relationship with Japan and Australia
2) India forming close relationship with Taiwan and Vietnam
3) India venturing into South China sea
4) India testing Agni 5

These clearly shows that India's assertive&look east policy in Asia
But why?? That would be silly and suicide for India

Huuum look like we agree on something finally.
India should not and would not mess with China for somebody else. But India would definatly protect itself against any Chinese aggression which is the Right of every sovergine Nation.
Milletry alliance is against Indian Forgin policy. India maintain relation with each nation as bilateral relations and not multilateral relations.
So event of war between India and China or India and Pakistan are highly impossible if china and Pakistan don't want one.
And some of our Pak friends think India don't have balls to do that. I want to tell them looking forward for a war is sickness please get yourself treated. War hasn't bring anyone anything good. Even not for India let alone Pakistan. War is bad for all parties
Yes i am talking about the Brittish Empire. They ordered Indians to fight agains Turks. The fear for Brittish made you guys non respectable i m sorry.



LOL at Pakistanis thanking a stupid post where he is trying to insult your country too. Pakistanis are clueless. :hang2:

By the way, we were colonies of the British and were forced to fight their war. your country must be pretty shameless to kiss up to the West and join Nato to attack your "brotherly" nations with invasions and drone strikes.
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