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India Has Sour Grapes Over America’s Afghan Peace Talks

You know Afghans have some largest reserves of rare earth metals.
Which is a wonderful thing from Pakistan's perspective, especially given the US's continued isolation of Iran, since those natural resources have to be transported out of Afghanistan to other countries, and Pakistan remains the most viable ground route, especially if the Chinese end up with significant involvement in extracting those natural resources.
Why doesnt India (being a near superpower) just replace the US in Afghanistan? They have already proven they are a force to be reckoned with in that country by building a library that even Trump couldn't ignore :agree: the Afghans also of course love India, so they will be welcomed with open arms :guns:
And why should we ?
We are not a war mongering nation. We don't have any ambition of remote controling Kabul government either (or any other government).
We are a firm believer of democracy and friend of Afghan people. We are there to help the people of Afghanistan and will remain there till they need us.
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Well they are in our immediate neighbor and their cousins are already creating enough trouble here.
Sacrificing Indian soldiers in others' war is not only a waste but a disaster if it escalates muzzies inside country.

Though merits of a capable Afghanistan will be nulification of Pakistan's geographic relevance as well as a counter balance. You know Afghans have some largest reserves of rare earth metals. There's a reason by Soviets & Americans invaded them and Pakistan stirred civil war in it.
hahaha well Pakistan didnt do it for resources, because if we did, they would have been emptied by us or atleast extracted. Afghanistan has Lithium and Iron core....these arnt rare metals that yr implying.

But if india wants to extract them out and has its mere 2-3 billion investments to protect why not send troops to protect them as America leaves? i didnt get a proper answer to that
why dont india sends its troops to guard its interests in Afghanistan then?
U do realize that soft power has no real meaning if its not backed by hard power right?
They tried to bring hard into the game, but they fear that taliban will have another practice target.
A new generation Northern Alliance should be formed with Russia, Iran and India and as pakistan falls harder in the Saudi camp it is becoming more and more an attractive option.
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