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India getting closer to Iran's oil

India does not need external enemy to break it's raggedy feet. It will fall itself from within. It's just a matter of time. I am optimistic with this Maoist super movement. Go Maoist. :bounce::victory:

Being an elite member, you should know better than to support an organisation that targets and kills civilians. Or do you have some kind of immunity on this forum that makes you not care?
sir, do u want us to wait till they come india and attack us??? this is called pro-activeness. this is what we have learnt over the years. it is better to be safe than sorry.

I agree it's better to be safe then sorry question who is going to save you in Afghanistan after Americans and there allies leave?
India does not need external enemy to break it's raggedy feet. It will fall itself from within. It's just a matter of time. I am optimistic with this Maoist super movement. Go Maoist. :bounce::victory:
how idiotic a person can get?? shame on u, the country who got u freedom u think like that for them. what one can say a "backstabber".
I agree it's better to be safe then sorry question who is going to save you in Afghanistan after Americans and there allies leave?
for ur kind information v are not forming millitary base there? our army is not stationed there. v are there for development and keeping the eye on enemies. got it???
India does not need external enemy to break it's raggedy feet. It will fall itself from within. It's just a matter of time. I am optimistic with this Maoist super movement. Go Maoist. :bounce::victory:

lol supporting terrorists is in some people's blood,they just cant avoid it even after getting whacked worldwide.Anyway it's fun to see these kind of losers predicting demise of india.
Pakistan share border with Afghanistan and they are bonded by Islam.

Pakistan shares borders with Iran are they "bonded" by Islam?
Are Iran and Saudi "bonded" by Islam? KSA opened up its skies for Isarel to bomb Iran.

Its very ridiculous when you make such lame generalisations.
India looks at euro, yen to resolve Iran oil issue​

India is looking at alternative currencies, including the Euro, Yen and Dirham to make payments to Iran for oil imports and end the current impasse, financial services secretary R Gopalan said on Tuesday.

“We have to work out some other currency through which payments can be made. An Indian delegation consisting of officials from the finance ministry, Reserve Bank of India and State Bank of India will visit Tehran on Friday to find a solution. Additional secretary in the finance ministry Rakesh Singh will be heading it,” he said.

Iran is India’s second largest crude oil supplier. However oil imports from there have been hit after the RBI on December 23 said that all trade related payments to Iran had to be made outside the Asian Clearing Union (ACU), a regional payment mechanism that allowed companies to skirt US and European restrictions on doing business with the Middle East country. The move has been opposed by the Gulf nation.

Under the ACU mechanism, payments are made in Euro or US Dollar. Since the RBI circular, the two countries have been unable to find an alternative payment mechanism.

The government has however ruled out the Indian Rupee as an alternative payment option. “There is a problem of build-up like what we saw in the rupee-rouble trade with Russia,” Gopalan said.

However, payments in Euro can still be made provided a certificate is given that imports are for oil only. But it is still not clear as to who will give the certificate.

India looks at euro, yen to resolve Iran oil issue
and why should India be bothered if the Americans are leaving Afghanistan to the Afghans. India does not even share a border. there's absolutely nothing in common between Afghanistan and India.

It's about time you people learnt not to poke your nose in others' internal affairs.

besides china can you name us the countries you have a relationship with please?
Iran is just asking for Uncle Sam to put her name on the top of his list of priorities arnt they?
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