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India gets last laugh against America's ‘elite space club’


Jan 5, 2013
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India gets last laugh against America's ‘elite space club’ — RT News


The Orbital Sciences Corporation Antares rocket, with the Cygnus spacecraft onboard suffers a catastrophic anomaly moments after launch from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport Pad 0A, October 28, 2014, at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. (AFP Photo/NASA TV)

Following India’s successful attempt to put a vehicle in Mars orbit, the New York Times published a cartoon acknowledging the event that some called racist. But India did not have to wait long to issue a comic rebuttal.

On September 24, India’s fledgling space program got a historic first: The country’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) probe achieved the grand finale of its 10-month mission when it entered the Red Planet’s gravitational field, thus making India just the fourth country to successfully send a space vehicle into Mars orbit.

The New York Times, however, could not resist taking a cheap shot with a stereotypical cartoon:

The cartoon has been described as “racist”

The India Times immediately fired back, paraphrasing Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said he'd“like America to believe that we're no longer a land of snake charmers, but judging by a political cartoon published in the New York Times, it's going to be a while before Americans shake off that notion.”

The paper continued in a defensive manner, reminding that India is the first country to have successfully made it to Mars in its maiden voyage, and to have done it “at a fraction of the cost incurred by other countries.”

It wrapped up the vitriol by saying: “we're still teaching a thing or two to the 'elite space club', who judging by this photo appear to be a bunch of stodgy, xenophobic fogeys.”

Now they are even teaching a thing or two to Western cartoonists as India did not have to wait long for a chance at some comic relief of its own.

On Tuesday, a NASA-contracted Antares rocket bound for the International Space Station exploded in a brilliant fireball after launch, dealing the US space program an embarrassing setback – but setting India up for the perfect retort against the ‘elite space club.’

In the words of Twitter user @indiantwitter: “While NYT cartoon was racist, this is a brilliant retort by Hindustan Times. Take a bow.”

It should be mentioned in fairness that the Indian Space Agency did receive some kudos from Western observers.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden congratulated India in a statement the space agency released on September 24.

"It was an impressive engineering feat, and we welcome India to the family of nations studying another facet of the Red Planet. We look forward to MOM adding to the knowledge the international community is gathering with the other spacecraft at Mars," Bolden said.

Meanwhile, the response to the cartoon, produced by Singaporean cartoonist Heng Kim Song, created such uproar that the NYT’s editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, took to its Facebook page to issue an apology: “We apologize to readers who were offended by the choice of images in this cartoon. Mr. Heng was in no way trying to impugn India, its government or its citizens. We appreciate that readers have shared their feedback, which we welcome.”
moronic article..pathetic attempt of pinching when one of NASA's ambitious attempt failed.but whats it failed to notice that,the cargo was bound for ISS.who bothers about NYT clowns??in Space Co-Op,ISRO and NASA are jointly working,and these f**king media will destroy the spirit.
moronic article..pathetic attempt of pinching when one of NASA's ambitious attempt failed.but whats it failed to notice that,the cargo was bound for ISS.who bothers about NYT clowns??in Space Co-Op,ISRO and NASA are jointly working,and these f**king media will destroy the spirit.

Exactly bro, I dont understand why people are trying to make a big deal out of it. Just because an american media/newspaper made some inapprpriate comment about India's Mars Mission(which almost all media/newspapers do anyway nowadays, since its their job to make up sensational news that sells: Its same in India as well) everybody now wants to start laughing at U.S failure of a spance launch. Even those Indians who make fun of the U.S as a 'revenge' for the NYT article, are quite Naive, for they seem to forget that Indias mars mission owes it success alot to NASA as well, since it was NASA who assited India by providing deep space navigation and tracking support services to this mission during the non-visible period of the Indian Deep Space Network(something India doesnt have) for its Mars mission to be sucessful, without which it probably wouldnt have succeded, plus NASA and ISRO are also cooperating in other space sectors. So for them to make fun of the U,S(who is the worlds most advance space power) is indeed laughable. Hope cool heads prevail and we get back to business than indulging in cheap talks/mockery of the U.S

Finally, im not surprised to see it comes from Russia Today, we all know they dont want to see India getting too close to the U.S/west, reason they will always look for things/situations to create divide, so they can keep their influential position(keep being a patron to India) in India. Its for this reason i belive it wil be difficult for India not to take sides at some point in the coming decades when things/geo politics will get more troublesome. Hopefully India will see that cooperating/being partner to the west/U.S will serve its interests more than staying with a declining Russia. Time will tell. Until then expect to see more such articles coming from Russia(like they have been doing recently).:confused:
Exactly bro, I dont understand why people are trying to make a big deal out of it. Just because an american media/newspaper made some inapprpriate comment about India's Mars Mission(which almost all media/newspapers do anyway nowadays, since its their job to make up sensational news that sells: Its same in India as well) everybody now wants to start laughing at U.S failure of a spance launch. Even those Indians who make fun of the U.S as a 'revenge' for the NYT article, are quite Naive, for they seem to forget that Indias mars mission owes it success alot to NASA as well, since it was NASA who assited India by providing deep space navigation and tracking support services to this mission during the non-visible period of the Indian Deep Space Network(something India doesnt have) for its Mars mission to be sucessful, without which it probably wouldnt have succeded, plus NASA and ISRO are also cooperating in other space sectors. So for them to make fun of the U,S(who is the worlds most advance space power) is indeed laughable. Hope cool heads prevail and we get back to business than indulging in cheap talks/mockery of the U.S

Finally, im not surprised to see it comes from Russia Today, we all know they dont want to see India getting too close to the U.S/west, reason they will always look for things/situations to create divide, so they can keep their influential position(keep being a patron to India) in India. Its for this reason i belive it wil be difficult for India not to take sides at some point in the coming decades when things/geo politics will get more troublesome. Hopefully India will see that cooperating/being partner to the west/U.S will serve its interests more than staying with a declining Russia. Time will tell. Until then expect to see more such articles coming from Russia(like they have been doing recently).:confused:

just as an US paper made up a cartoon

so just an Indian paper made up this cartoon

why make much of it
India gets last laugh against America's ‘elite space club’ — RT News


The Orbital Sciences Corporation Antares rocket, with the Cygnus spacecraft onboard suffers a catastrophic anomaly moments after launch from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport Pad 0A, October 28, 2014, at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. (AFP Photo/NASA TV)

Following India’s successful attempt to put a vehicle in Mars orbit, the New York Times published a cartoon acknowledging the event that some called racist. But India did not have to wait long to issue a comic rebuttal.

On September 24, India’s fledgling space program got a historic first: The country’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) probe achieved the grand finale of its 10-month mission when it entered the Red Planet’s gravitational field, thus making India just the fourth country to successfully send a space vehicle into Mars orbit.

The New York Times, however, could not resist taking a cheap shot with a stereotypical cartoon:

The cartoon has been described as “racist”

The India Times immediately fired back, paraphrasing Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said he'd“like America to believe that we're no longer a land of snake charmers, but judging by a political cartoon published in the New York Times, it's going to be a while before Americans shake off that notion.”

The paper continued in a defensive manner, reminding that India is the first country to have successfully made it to Mars in its maiden voyage, and to have done it “at a fraction of the cost incurred by other countries.”

It wrapped up the vitriol by saying: “we're still teaching a thing or two to the 'elite space club', who judging by this photo appear to be a bunch of stodgy, xenophobic fogeys.”

Now they are even teaching a thing or two to Western cartoonists as India did not have to wait long for a chance at some comic relief of its own.

On Tuesday, a NASA-contracted Antares rocket bound for the International Space Station exploded in a brilliant fireball after launch, dealing the US space program an embarrassing setback – but setting India up for the perfect retort against the ‘elite space club.’

In the words of Twitter user @indiantwitter: “While NYT cartoon was racist, this is a brilliant retort by Hindustan Times. Take a bow.”

It should be mentioned in fairness that the Indian Space Agency did receive some kudos from Western observers.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden congratulated India in a statement the space agency released on September 24.

"It was an impressive engineering feat, and we welcome India to the family of nations studying another facet of the Red Planet. We look forward to MOM adding to the knowledge the international community is gathering with the other spacecraft at Mars," Bolden said.

Meanwhile, the response to the cartoon, produced by Singaporean cartoonist Heng Kim Song, created such uproar that the NYT’s editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, took to its Facebook page to issue an apology: “We apologize to readers who were offended by the choice of images in this cartoon. Mr. Heng was in no way trying to impugn India, its government or its citizens. We appreciate that readers have shared their feedback, which we welcome.”
That is pathetic!...The whole world learn about space technology from the US and USSR...!
isro and spacex, two different approaches... spacex will definitely take humans to mars around 2026... take a look at the crew capsules of isro and spacex...

1. isro idealized drawing of launcher and space capsule...

2. isro real test space capsule... not so aesthetic or hi-tech...

3. spacex dragon version-1 space capsule... this one was first private space ship to deliver supplies to a space station...

4. spacex dragon version-2 space capsule... can take seven crew, including pilots... first manned flight by end 2016...

5. this is how dragon v2 will land... on its own retro-rockets...
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Indians always playing the racist card, such a joke when the biggest racist in the world are calling others countries racist.

Please look at the OP. The news is from RT. It is only the Russians expressing their views -- Indians have nothing to do with it!!!

It is easy to paint every Indian (that is 1.3 Billion 'individuals') in the same brush -- all due to your own preconceptions or your own experiences (I believe latter is the case, after your recent India trip!).

But in fact, as you can see from the responses here, every Indian is unanimous in their condemnation of the OP. Nobody in their right mind, could ever compare the feats of NASA with that of any other space agency -- forget ISRO!!!
fingering the bahaind ?

@jamahir why are you jumping with SpaceX ?

Isro is going to the moon and you are still staring at your monitor or phone.
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