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India fears LeT strike at CWG

Yes, but you didn't even voice your objection back then.

why would we ?? whats so difficult to ujderstand ?? if we are always in a hate situation to each other. why would we interfere in each other matters..so India nevere interfered in your matter and you never interfered in ours, even when partition took place.

If you are getting affected, why not upgrade your security? We'll do what we have to do to ensure our safety. Please do the same for your country.

we have enough security, and we have it only because we have a threat from your non state actors but you dont have a threat from our terrorist org. you are sufering from your own terrorist outifts..so there is a difference btween us.

You said so yourself. They are out of hand. What more do you want us to do? As well, India is not suffering nearly as much as Pakistan. You fear a single attack might happen, we just wonder where the weekly bombing will happen. India is not facing half the sh*t that Pakistan is facing. You can't expect us to control every single militant out there.

if they are your people ..its your responsibility...if its our people , its our responsibility, as simple as that.

If they come onto your soil, then by all means blow them back to hell.

oh yes we will, as we always do.
I will go a step ahead and say sorry publicly compensate as much we can if one of groups on our land is involved and bring them to justice on priority.
Apologize for what? And compensate for what? If your government or your own people didn't do anything wrong, why should they pay for the terrorists?

If really want to do this, will you be willing to pay for every single Indian who did something bad on foreign soil?
Apologize for what? And compensate for what? If your government or your own people didn't do anything wrong, why should they pay for the terrorists?

If really want to do this, will you be willing to pay for every single Indian who did something bad on foreign soil?

If I have a dog , I have a responsibility to see that it doesn't bite a neighbor.

And NWO in India - Pakistan context , we have a fear/ proof that some from Govt agencies are involved (David Headley's confessions) and they are being used as assets against India so the trust factor is 0. otherwise what you are saying is not wrong at all.
if they are your people ..its your responsibility...if its our people , its our responsibility, as simple as that.
We are taking responsibility by trying to root them out of FATA. Our economy is uncertain, and our resources are stretched thin. What more do you want us to do? You have taken certain steps, but it appears that you should take more steps if you feel we are incapable.

we have enough security, and we have it only because we have a threat from your non state actors but you dont have a threat from our terrorist org. you are sufering from your own terrorist outifts..so there is a difference btween us.
There is a big difference between us and you. You have a small little group to worry about while we have a organization that even the combined force of NATO cannot bring down.

why would we ?? whats so difficult to ujderstand ?? if we are always in a hate situation to each other. why would we interfere in each other matters..so India nevere interfered in your matter and you never interfered in ours, even when partition took place.
We have always tried to interfere in each other matters. The multiple wars are proof of that. As well, I highly doubt the ISI and RAW are on friendly terms right now. I mean, even the ISI and CIA are not all that friendly.
If I have a dog , I have a responsibility to see that it doesn't bite a neighbor.
But you cannot control the dog 24/7, so you should not be held 100% responsible all the time.

And NWO in India - Pakistan context , we have a fear/ proof that some from Govt agencies are involved (David Headley's confessions) and they are being used as assets against India so the trust factor is 0. otherwise what you are saying is not wrong at all.
Thats the key factor in this -- no trust on either side. India claims Pakistan is helping LeT; Pakistan claims India is helping TTP. Both countries need to stop throwing accusations around at each other, and focus on their own problems.
We are taking responsibility by trying to root them out of FATA. Our economy is uncertain, and our resources are stretched thin. What more do you want us to do? You have taken certain steps, but it appears that you should take more steps if you feel we are incapable.

you are not incapable, its just that you dont want to take any steps..good that you are trying hard in FATA..please take some etsps towards the groups acting against India as well.

if you want us to take steps , then please ask your govt to allow us in your terrotory..will you ?? no..so please stp asking us to take steps against the terrorists inside your territory.

]There is a big difference between us and you. You have a small little group to worry about while we have a organization that even the combined force of NATO cannot bring down.

I think we were talking about anti India terrorists in your soil..werent we ??

We have always tried to interfere in each other matters. The multiple wars are proof of that. As well, I highly doubt the ISI and RAW are on friendly terms right now. I mean, even the ISI and CIA are not all that friendly.

no never have we tried to do so...if your talking about wars then both were territorial or military reasons, never a social issue.
if you want us to take steps , then please ask your govt to allow us in your terrotory..will you ?? no..so please stp asking us to take steps against the terrorists inside your territory.
I meant was trying to control your borders better. Of course, if you really want to help, some donations wouldn't be a bad thing. But due the hatred and mistrust on both sides, such things would never happen.

I think we were talking about anti India terrorists in your soil..werent we ??
Just responding to a post about how Pakistan isn't in danger from Maoists.

Also remember that many anti-Indian groups are also willing to attack Pakistan.

no never have we tried to do so...if your talking about wars then both were territorial or military reasons, never a social issue.
Not trying to bash India or nothing, but India has tried to interfere before. For example, look at how India objects to the current Chinese-Pakistan nuclear deal. In return, Pakistan opposes India from getting a permanent UN Security Council seat.

Late now, and I am tired. I'll go pray morning prayers, and go to bed now. I will reply tomorrow, though.
But you cannot control the dog 24/7, so you should not be held 100% responsible all the time.

Thats the key factor in this -- no trust on either side. India claims Pakistan is helping LeT; Pakistan claims India is helping TTP. Both countries need to stop throwing accusations around at each other, and focus on their own problems.

If India is helping ttp then give us some proof. I will screw my govt for that but before that its just conspiracy theory. Even your current govt didnt claim that they have provided some proof.At max i heard that they are collecting proof and will be giving it at suitable times (few years back). Even Krishna in a press conference said this in front of your FM.

And about accusations.

Your son gets hit by a stone and you have a proof that your neighbor did that deliberately will you still follow this advice.
I meant was trying to control your borders better. Of course, if you really want to help, some donations wouldn't be a bad thing. But due the hatred and mistrust on both sides, such things would never happen.

borders are not a problem..only problme is the terrain in the J&K region which makes it difficult or else there is not other border with any dispute. yes, actualy we have a long way now and co operating with each other will hurt fake egos of our minsters and generals.

Just responding to a post about how Pakistan isn't in danger from Maoists.

Also remember that many anti-Indian groups are also willing to attack Pakistan.

dont worry..maoists have a different aim and ideology altogther..they are not anti India ..they want some not possible changes...and tey are from being involved anything related to pakistan. about nti india terrorist attacking pakistan..well, then it will be good even in pakistan's interest to destroy them..isnt it ?

Not trying to bash India or nothing, but India has tried to interfere before. For example, look at how India objects to the current Chinese-Pakistan nuclear deal. In return, Pakistan opposes India from getting a permanent UN Security Council seat.

well, these are diplomatic issue ands concerns which every country tries to raise..even China objects to India supporting Tibet and NK has a problem with US -Korea exercise..these does not meanw e are interfering in any internal matter...these are related to their own security.
well, these are diplomatic issue ands concerns which every country tries to raise..even China objects to India supporting Tibet and NK has a problem with US -Korea exercise..these does not meanw e are interfering in any internal matter...these are related to their own security.
That line of reasoning can be applied both ways. If you are not interfering with internal matters, then neither are we.

dont worry..maoists have a different aim and ideology altogther..they are not anti India ..they want some not possible changes...and tey are from being involved anything related to pakistan. about nti india terrorist attacking pakistan..well, then it will be good even in pakistan's interest to destroy them..isnt it ?
So, you admit that India is not facing the same challenges that Pakistan is? You said so yourself, Maoists are not anti-Indian and other groups like LeT can not be compared to the Taliban in terms of sophistication and resources.
that will be the time to test Indian security once again after the 26/11. :devil:

let's see how India performs.
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