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India Ethnic Northeast Minorities Suffering severe Racial Discrimination

Jun 22, 2009
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India Ethnic Northeast Minorities Suffering Seviour Racial Discrimination Because of Their Chinese Lookings


China Central News Agency


Often in overseas Indians were discriminated. In their own country there are also widespread caste discrimination, religious discrimination and racial discrimination. The most common discrimination is against the minorities, especially toword the northeast people who are like Chinese. They can easily become the discriminated objects.

The northeast India ethnic minorities' color, figure, facial features are related to East Asia and Southeast Asia in terms of their ethnic similarity. Their local folk dressing and traditional dancing are more like Taiwan "Gao shan" people. According to experts, India's northeast people's ancestors are directly related to ancient China's "Bai Yue" ethnic groups, Dai in China's Yunnan provice and Shan in Myanmar.

Although the Indian capital of Delhi is the leading city in India, but it is the most serious racial discrimination city. According to the CNA interview with spokesman Madhu Chandra of the Delhi volunteer organization "The help center of northeast India", the discrimination and attacks against northeast minorities have been quite frequently, especially the sexual assault towards the women, and it cannot be ignored.

He said that almost every north-east fellow has the same experience. For example, he said, not long ago, a north-east India Naga tribe woman, her husband and children, to visit relatives living in Delhi. A group of local men verbally abused them, and the husband reproached them. After their visit, they found their car had been open to vandalism.

Last week, in the South Campus of University of Delhi, a 19-year-old female student from the northeast province of Manipur, was raped and killed by a 34-year-old neighbour man who broke in her room. A few days later, there was another indecent, a 21-year-old female student from the northeast province of Arunachal Pradesh, was violently molested by a group of male students in Delhi, she almost committed suicide.

Currently in Delhi region, there are 90 to 100 thousand northeastern ethnic residences. Except part of them came here to work as cookers or waiters in the restaurants because of the poverty, most of them are the university students studying in the capital. Compared with common Indians, those students are from high class families in terms of family wealth and status, but they are still being discriminated because of their appearance.

According to Delhi University Student Union of Northeast, northeast students have their own clothing, but even wearing a traditional Indian shawl-ridden big "sari" dress, it is very easy to recognize their northeast nationalities because of their fair skin color that is quite different from the Indian with black coarse skin. The urban taxi groom always ask them for the fares comparable with foreigners.

A college girl, named Marngam of the Jawaharlal Nehru National University, who came from Arunachal province, said, she heard indecent obscene language from time to time when walking on the streets in Delhi, they called her "Chinese Whore (Chin*ki)", "Thai Bar (Thapa )" and other vulgar calls, or even being physically touched, and it has almost become part of daily life, she could only try to be patient to accept these.

Mana Mu said that many female students from the Northeast have the same experience. She will not feel safe as long as she left the room or school, whether it is in residential areas, stores or shopping mails. She said that when female students visit friends, in order to avoid danger they will be asked by their friends to live to the next morning if they are unable to reach home before dark.

THe 18-year-old female students Yeshley and Karma of University of Delhi are all from the northern Indian province of Sikkim, also shed that, whether it is to go to school, come back to home, visit friends or even just a few minutes walking for shopping, they are always together, so as to avoid being isolated and helpless when encountered assault. They never go out during night.

Even if the boys in Delhi are also not safe. According to the Jawaharlal Nehru University boy, Mongve said, who from Assam province, he had been blocked by a group of men on the road and they tried to hit him. Fortunately, he escaped in time to avoid attack. He said that he heard indecent obscene comments quite often when sometimes accompanied female students to go out.

Northeast writer Ningreichon said that in Australia, Germany and other countries where racial discrimination exists, at least the government officials and police officers will pay attentions to these issues. But in India, racial discrimination is considered normal, officials are get use to it alreay. When the Police were dealing with the complaints, they accused the victims themselves for their different dress or accent reasons that caused the insults for the victimes.

A 21-year-old female student Chanchan, who from Manny slope northeast province, said the school professors often humiliated her, and asked her to quit school and go home to learn Hindi before she can come back to school. They blamed her as a "foreiger" who should not be treated equally in the Hindi speaking areas, so that she has been very depressed during the study.

Northeast Indians are generally subject to the discrimination that others don't have in the Delhi. The northeast national associations, recently launched protest in Delhi city hall with 300 people. The 70-year-old woman Chief Minister of Delhi Government Shella Dikshit went out and interviewed, but she just casually said that these incidents of racial discrimination cases are just individual behaviors due to mental disorders or behavioral deviation of some people.

The spokesman Madhu Chandra of the Delhi volunteer organization "The help center of northeast India", said that the ethnic minorities in the Northeast in terms of racial discrimination resulting from such long-term trauma, cannot be diluted by so-called deviant behavior of some individuals. He said that this is also the violation of human rights and culture for the ethnic minorities.

He also condemned, although the Indian Constitution and statutes said to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, but because the north-east Indian societies generally considered to be the silent minority ethnic groups, so the Indians themselves who were often discriminated against by foreigners, had found the ethnic northeast minorities as their easy target for retaliation.

Earlier this year, Indian students in Australia, New Zealand and the UK were frequently attacked by the local people, and the news were constantly passed back to India, which triggered strong criticism of the foreign racism by Indian officials and private media. But "India Times" columnist Jug Suraiya has written that the Indians themselves have a more serious racism and racial discrimination.

Jug Suraiya said, this may be subject to effect of the British 250 years of colonial ruling, and the traditional caste system in the Indian society, had made the racism more seviour. Whatever different social classes, ethnic groups or religion and culture tribes, are often to be of discriminatory, and this resulted in the Indian society is full of conflicts factors.

This is both sad AND true. If even foreign "Mongoloids" (such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Viets, etc) are treated poorly, imagine the treatment the local Mongoloids receive.
I have seen it myself while in India we had a fellow journalist from Manipur and my other fellow journalist from Mumbai hated her and doubted the loyalities of the lady from Manipur just because she was having Chinese looks
I Think it goes both ways !!! Doesn't it ????

I find the article very similar to the issue of ethnic Uyghur unrest and annexation of Tibet culturally in China.

Instead of pointing out neglect faced by minorities our policies should be

"One (Likelihood)for all , One and All".

Only politicians prosper by feeding on these issues, the only way to eradicate these is by "all inclusive growth".
India Ethnic Northeast Minorities Suffering Severe Racial Discriminations Because of Their Chinese Looking


China Central News Agency


Often in overseas Indians were discriminated. In their own country there are also widespread caste discrimination, religious discrimination and racial discrimination. The most common discrimination is against the minorities, especially toward the northeast people who are like Chinese. They can easily become the discriminated objects.

The northeast India ethnic minorities' color, figure, facial features are related to East Asia and Southeast Asia in terms of their ethnic similarity. Their local folk dressing and traditional dancing are more like Taiwan "Gao Shan" people. According to experts, India's northeast people's ancestors are directly related to ancient China's "Bai Yue" ethnic groups, Dai in China's Yunnan province and Shan in Myanmar.

Although the Indian capital of Delhi is the leading city in India, but it is the most racial discrimination city. According to the CNA interview with spokesman Madhu Chandra of the Delhi volunteer organization "The help center of northeast India", the discrimination and attacks against northeast minorities have been quite frequently, especially the sexual assault towards the women, and it cannot be ignored.

He said that almost every north-east fellow has the same experience. For example, he said, not long ago, a north-east India Naga tribe woman, her husband and children, to visit relatives living in Delhi. A group of local men verbally abused them, and the husband reproached them. After their visit, they found their car had been open to vandalism.

Last week, in the South Campus of University of Delhi, a 19-year-old female student from the northeast province of Manipur, was raped and killed by a 34-year-old neighbor man who broke in her room. A few days later, there was another indecent, a 21-year-old female student from the northeast province of Arunachal Pradesh, was violently molested by a group of male students in Delhi, she almost committed suicide.

Currently in Delhi region, there are 90 to 100 thousand northeastern ethnic residences. Except part of them came here to work as cookers or waiters in the restaurants because of the poverty, most of them are the university students studying in the capital. Compared with common Indians, those students are from high class families in terms of family wealth and status, but they are still being discriminated because of their appearance.

According to Delhi University Student Union of Northeast, northeast students have their own clothing, but even wearing a traditional Indian shawl-ridden big "sari" dress, it is very easy to recognize their northeast nationalities because of their fair skin color that is quite different from the Indian with black coarse skin. The urban taxi grooms always ask them for the fares comparable with foreigners.

A college girl, named Marngam of the Jawaharlal Nehru National University, who came from Arunachal province, said, she experienced obscene verbal abuse from time to time when walking on the streets in Delhi, they called her "Chinese Whore (Chinki)", "Thai Bar (Thapa )" and other vulgar calls, or even being physically touched, and it has almost become part of daily life, she could only try to be patient to accept these.

Mana Mu said that many female students from the Northeast have the same experience. She will not feel safe as long as she left the room or school, whether it is in residential areas, stores or shopping mails. She said that when female students visit friends, in order to avoid danger they will be asked by their friends to live to the next morning if they are unable to reach home before dark.

The 18-year-old female students Yeshley and Karma of University of Delhi are all from the northern Indian province of Sikkim, also shed that, whether it is to go to school, come back to home, visit friends or even just a few minutes walking for shopping, they are always together, so as to avoid being isolated and helpless when encountered assault. They never go out during night.

Even if the boys in Delhi are also not safe. According to the Jawaharlal Nehru University boy, Mongve, said, who from Assam province, he had been blocked by a group of men on the road and they tried to hit him. Fortunately, he escaped in time to avoid attack. He said that he heard indecent obscene comments quite often when sometimes accompanied female students to go out.

Northeast writer Ningreichon said that in Australia, Germany and other countries where racial discrimination exists, at least the government officials and police officers will pay attentions to these issues. But in India, racial discrimination is considered normal, officials are get use to it already. When the Police were dealing with the complaints, they accused the victims themselves for their different dress or accent reasons that caused the insults for the victims.

A 21-year-old female student Chanchan, who from northeast Manipur province, said the school professors often humiliated her, and asked her to quit school and go home to learn Hindi before she can come back to school. They blamed her as a "foreigner" who should not be treated equally in the Hindi speaking areas, so that she has been very depressed during the study.

Northeast Indians are generally subject to the discrimination that others don't have in the Delhi. The northeast national associations, recently launched protest in Delhi city hall with 300 people. The 70-year-old woman Chief Minister of Delhi Government Shella Dikshit went out and interviewed, but she just casually said that these incidents of racial discrimination cases are just individual behaviors due to mental disorders or behavioral deviation of some people.

The spokesman Madhu Chandra of the Delhi volunteer organization "The help center of northeast India", said that the ethnic minorities in the Northeast in terms of racial discrimination resulting from such long-term trauma, cannot be diluted by so-called deviant behavior of some individuals. He said that this is also the violation of human rights and culture for the ethnic minorities.

He also condemned, although the Indian Constitution and statutes said to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, but because the northeast Indian societies generally considered to be the silent minority ethnic groups, so the Indians themselves who were often discriminated against by foreigners, had found the ethnic northeast minorities as their easy target for retaliation.

Earlier this year, Indian students in Australia, New Zealand and the UK were frequently attacked by the local people, and the news were constantly passed back to India, which triggered strong criticism of the foreign racism by Indian officials and public media. But "India Times" columnist Jug Suraiya has written that the Indians themselves have a worse racism and racial discrimination.

Jug Suraiya said, this may be subject to the influence of the British 250 years of colonial ruling, and the traditional caste system in the Indian society. All these reasons had made the racism more severe. Whatever different social classes, ethnic groups or religion and culture tribes, are often to be of discriminatory, and this resulted in full of conflicts within Indian society.

In northeast India, there are a total of seven states - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. They are usually called seven sisters. Around them are Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The residents there are tribal peoples with more than 20 million, and they belong to Mongolian. They use more than 50 languages with more than 100 dialects. But young people all speak English. Except Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Tripura, the majority of the population is Christian.

India's territory is a bit like chicken. The chicken head is India's northeast area. There are India's seven federal states there, known as the northeast seven sisters. The seven sister states have the same East Asian ethnic origin as Chinese. They do not consider themselves as Indians. From the British colonial period, they have started a relentless movement for the liberation. Indians in general, not only do not agree with them as Indians, but also recognize them as Chinese people because of their East Asian appearance and characteristics. Indians call Northeast people "Chinky Eyes" in the racism and racial discrimination manner.
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I Think it goes both ways !!! Doesn't it ????

I find the article very similar to the issue of ethnic Uyghur unrest and annexation of Tibet culturally in China.

Instead of pointing out neglect faced by minorities our policies should be

"One (Likelihood)for all , One and All".

Only politicians prosper by feeding on these issues, the only way to eradicate these is by "all inclusive growth".

You are totally wrong. China has a very loose minority policy much better than the major race "Han". Unfortunately, it only goes one way in China. Uyghur and Tibet problems are caused by the western countries from outside not from inside China. What happened in Uyghur and Tibet in recent years are truely terrorist attacks. The western countries have been making troubles for China for a few hundred years. There is so much bias toward China when you see the west media. Hope someday, Asian media will play a important role in the world. China is now rising up. It may take some time to see the changes.

You are totally wrong. China has a very loose minority policy much better than the major race "Han". Unfortunately, it only goes one way in China. Uyghur and Tibet problems are caused by the western countries from outside not from inside China. What happened in Uyghur and Tibet in recent years are truely terrorist attacks. The western countries have been making troubles for China for a few hundred years. There is so much bias toward China when you see the west media. Hope someday, Asian media will play a important role in the world. China is now rising up. It may take some time to see the changes.


Buddy; thanks for your understanding of the issues concerning

uyghur and tibet in China. :pakistan::cheers::china:
India Ethnic Northeast Minorities Suffering Seviour Racial Discrimination Because of Their Chinese Lookings


China Central News Agency


Often in overseas Indians were discriminated. In their own country there are also widespread caste discrimination, religious discrimination and racial discrimination. The most common discrimination is against the minorities, especially toword the northeast people who are like Chinese. They can easily become the discriminated objects.

The northeast India ethnic minorities' color, figure, facial features are related to East Asia and Southeast Asia in terms of their ethnic similarity. Their local folk dressing and traditional dancing are more like Taiwan "Gao shan" people. According to experts, India's northeast people's ancestors are directly related to ancient China's "Bai Yue" ethnic groups, Dai in China's Yunnan provice and Shan in Myanmar.

Although the Indian capital of Delhi is the leading city in India, but it is the most serious racial discrimination city. According to the CNA interview with spokesman Madhu Chandra of the Delhi volunteer organization "The help center of northeast India", the discrimination and attacks against northeast minorities have been quite frequently, especially the sexual assault towards the women, and it cannot be ignored.

He said that almost every north-east fellow has the same experience. For example, he said, not long ago, a north-east India Naga tribe woman, her husband and children, to visit relatives living in Delhi. A group of local men verbally abused them, and the husband reproached them. After their visit, they found their car had been open to vandalism.

Last week, in the South Campus of University of Delhi, a 19-year-old female student from the northeast province of Manipur, was raped and killed by a 34-year-old neighbour man who broke in her room. A few days later, there was another indecent, a 21-year-old female student from the northeast province of Arunachal Pradesh, was violently molested by a group of male students in Delhi, she almost committed suicide.

Currently in Delhi region, there are 90 to 100 thousand northeastern ethnic residences. Except part of them came here to work as cookers or waiters in the restaurants because of the poverty, most of them are the university students studying in the capital. Compared with common Indians, those students are from high class families in terms of family wealth and status, but they are still being discriminated because of their appearance.

According to Delhi University Student Union of Northeast, northeast students have their own clothing, but even wearing a traditional Indian shawl-ridden big "sari" dress, it is very easy to recognize their northeast nationalities because of their fair skin color that is quite different from the Indian with black coarse skin. The urban taxi groom always ask them for the fares comparable with foreigners.

A college girl, named Marngam of the Jawaharlal Nehru National University, who came from Arunachal province, said, she heard indecent obscene language from time to time when walking on the streets in Delhi, they called her "Chinese Whore (Chin*ki)", "Thai Bar (Thapa )" and other vulgar calls, or even being physically touched, and it has almost become part of daily life, she could only try to be patient to accept these.

Mana Mu said that many female students from the Northeast have the same experience. She will not feel safe as long as she left the room or school, whether it is in residential areas, stores or shopping mails. She said that when female students visit friends, in order to avoid danger they will be asked by their friends to live to the next morning if they are unable to reach home before dark.

THe 18-year-old female students Yeshley and Karma of University of Delhi are all from the northern Indian province of Sikkim, also shed that, whether it is to go to school, come back to home, visit friends or even just a few minutes walking for shopping, they are always together, so as to avoid being isolated and helpless when encountered assault. They never go out during night.

Even if the boys in Delhi are also not safe. According to the Jawaharlal Nehru University boy, Mongve said, who from Assam province, he had been blocked by a group of men on the road and they tried to hit him. Fortunately, he escaped in time to avoid attack. He said that he heard indecent obscene comments quite often when sometimes accompanied female students to go out.

Northeast writer Ningreichon said that in Australia, Germany and other countries where racial discrimination exists, at least the government officials and police officers will pay attentions to these issues. But in India, racial discrimination is considered normal, officials are get use to it alreay. When the Police were dealing with the complaints, they accused the victims themselves for their different dress or accent reasons that caused the insults for the victimes.

A 21-year-old female student Chanchan, who from Manny slope northeast province, said the school professors often humiliated her, and asked her to quit school and go home to learn Hindi before she can come back to school. They blamed her as a "foreiger" who should not be treated equally in the Hindi speaking areas, so that she has been very depressed during the study.

Northeast Indians are generally subject to the discrimination that others don't have in the Delhi. The northeast national associations, recently launched protest in Delhi city hall with 300 people. The 70-year-old woman Chief Minister of Delhi Government Shella Dikshit went out and interviewed, but she just casually said that these incidents of racial discrimination cases are just individual behaviors due to mental disorders or behavioral deviation of some people.

The spokesman Madhu Chandra of the Delhi volunteer organization "The help center of northeast India", said that the ethnic minorities in the Northeast in terms of racial discrimination resulting from such long-term trauma, cannot be diluted by so-called deviant behavior of some individuals. He said that this is also the violation of human rights and culture for the ethnic minorities.

He also condemned, although the Indian Constitution and statutes said to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, but because the north-east Indian societies generally considered to be the silent minority ethnic groups, so the Indians themselves who were often discriminated against by foreigners, had found the ethnic northeast minorities as their easy target for retaliation.

Earlier this year, Indian students in Australia, New Zealand and the UK were frequently attacked by the local people, and the news were constantly passed back to India, which triggered strong criticism of the foreign racism by Indian officials and private media. But "India Times" columnist Jug Suraiya has written that the Indians themselves have a more serious racism and racial discrimination.

Jug Suraiya said, this may be subject to effect of the British 250 years of colonial ruling, and the traditional caste system in the Indian society, had made the racism more seviour. Whatever different social classes, ethnic groups or religion and culture tribes, are often to be of discriminatory, and this resulted in the Indian society is full of conflicts factors.


Funny :woot:, I come from North East India and was never called Chinese or taunted with racial remarks. Maybe because I'm sexy :yahoo:
Funny :woot:, I come from North East India and was never called Chinese or taunted with racial remarks. Maybe because I'm sexy :yahoo:

OR, maybeeeee you are INDIAN whose family moved to occupied territory. Or you live in a neighboring province and you consider it "North East" enough.... :undecided:
Funny :woot:, I come from North East India and was never called Chinese or taunted with racial remarks. Maybe because I'm sexy :yahoo:

India » Story

Students from North East tired of discrimination

NDTV Correspondent, Monday October 26, 2009, New Delhi

Ever since her daughter left home for a Delhi college four months ago, Bobita has been tense.

"There's always a great deal of insecurity, basically because Delhi has the reputation as the crime capital of the country, especially against women. My daughter has grown up in a liberal atmosphere, and that's why she's not scared to go out alone, or dress in a way that might be considered forward by the rest of society," she says in her home in Guwahati. And then, in a sign of how seriously she takes this, "I make sure she carries a can of pepper spray in her bag."

Bobita's fear is not unwarranted. In the latest case of crime against young women from the North East in Delhi, a 19-year-old girl from Nagaland was murdered. An IIT student has allegedly confessed to killing her because she didn't welcome his interest in her.

Students from the North East say they're tired of voicing the same concerns: that they're discriminated against, and treated like foreigners in their own country. "I am from Manipur. The moment we land there we are called Chinkies. A sense of alienation sets in. Maybe that's why we are such vulnerable targets," says Marina.

Others say that they have accepted that they are vulnerable, and have changed their lifestyle. Not something they're happy about, but they're resigned to the fact that safety must come first.

"We must stay within our limitations, sometimes we go overboard ,to go out for coffee at three am is not sensible," comments Sanyukta, a student from Guwahati.
Funny :woot:, I come from North East India and was never called Chinese or taunted with racial remarks. Maybe because I'm sexy :yahoo:

Oh yeah, I bet you came from North East India and probably with a

Chinese look too !

Typical Indian troll , Get a life !! :smitten::pakistan::china:
Yet another article to show India in bad light, Y dont article authors such as above spend some time looking at there own countries racial discrimination of baloch, pushtun, shia-sunni conflict before pointing at others. Even if the countries make peace people like this author will do anything to spoil it. Save pakistan from Taliban first before spending time to galvanise support to anti-india activities. India is big country it has big problems too, North east indians are becoming part of society slowly but surely they dont need pakistan support to improve there lifestyle.
Yet another article to show India in bad light,

do you go to indian forums and complain about the incessant and virulent anti-islam/pakistan posts???

....thought not.
This is not d-f-i but p-d-f.......better stick to the point.....and what is the point in making a duplicate thread of an already existing one?
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