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India ends search for survivors in Mumbai rubble

Stop trolling @gotti

Stop the with the name calling (for the other members).
I am sure you have seen it but he is trolling in all Indian threads. He is opening many threads and almost all are getting closed over extensive trolling. He did not even spare a thread about a new Mumbai Airport.
Such a member reduces the chance of healthy debates and ruins the quality of this forum. I request you to please take appropriate action against him.
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i know every reason why it happened.... but i think i wont tell as i dont like talking about such a sad and heart breaking news....
Stop trolling @gotti

Stop the with the name calling (for the other members).

I sent you a PM to explain to you the manipulative, borderline criminality these Indians are indulging in. You are welcome to debate with me there and I shall remain convinced about what you stated if you can refute the points that I have raised in the message.

I am sure you have seen it but he is trolling in all Indian threads. He is opening many threads and almost all are getting closed over extensive trolling. He did not even spare a thread about a new Mumbai Airport.
Such a member reduces the chance of healthy debates and ruins the quality of this forum. I request you to please take appropriate action against him.

Your manipulative conniving attitudes have been exposed to the WebMaster and I am expecting for him to take what I said to him into account when he makes future states with regard to your attempts of imposing the tyrannical TADA laws in the Pakistani webosphere.

i know every reason why it happened.... but i think i wont tell as i dont like talking about such a sad and heart breaking news....

I also know every reason why it happened but why are the Indians so depressed that they can't even hold those people into account for having done this and not force Anna Hazare to get out in the streets?

Is his "activism" only restricted to those incidences where the Congress is involved?

Why can't Hindutva extremists and Indians ever do anything good for humanity?

Why is always politics or geopolitics?

Why did they abandon the Tamils of Eelam?

thank you @liontk.
@gotti this is how you express your condolence.

I express my condolences like this so I can help raise Indians' awareness and allow for such acts to not happen again in the future.
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Dear Indians,

I feel your pain and sympathize with you greatly for having lost jobs after the Americans pulled out their IT jobs (reshoring to give American jobs to Americans and not Indians).

Also, after seeing an incident of rape happen in every street corner, they logically decided to issue travel advisories to their citizens - advising them not to visit your countries. This will also destroy your tourism and even the Hare Krishna folks will think twice before they visit.

BTW, I don't blame them, I mean, after having invested so much into India, India still decided to be "non-aligned" and felt that they are so great that they don't even like the word "ally" when it comes to America - so, why not just let the Indians do it alone - I mean, it's not like the Americans did everything for them, did they? (moon mission, manufacturing, outsourcing jobs, entire tourism industry, OFBJP, H1-visas) :omghaha:

You'll be fine Indians, you already claim that you are already the greatest by yourselves, so why bother? :omghaha:

@gotti, I usually do not comment on inde-pakistan topics unless I have a formed opinion however you monsieur a pathetic piece of crap, if mods want I will delete my post however how low do you have to go to make a political statement. Right now a tragedy happened, 72 innocent people died in the rubble and yet you have the gulls to make it political, when you could've phrased it in a different way, I pray to lord that you gain some sympathy and ethiquette about manners. This post i have made is highly inflamattory if anybody else with exception to you finds my politically incorrect comment offensive, I apologize in advance.

To indienne members i know this is not official thread but we are along side you folks in the saddening tragedy and hopefully the government gets into the bottom of it and the perpetrators pay for their heinous crime, we had a similar incident with a bridge collapse here several years ago, thankfully no lives were harmed , so we do understand the dangers of corrupt and heartless mafia eh monsieur.

Sorry, fake French accent, moron. What is this, Steven Martin in the Pink-panther? :omghaha:

Every single word was Anglicized, until you got to the "mister" part - who are you fooling? (maybe yourself)

Indian members on this forum are found enjoying the bloodshed of every Pakistani there is and they do it because they feel that having one less Pakistani in the world, makes it a better place. Conversely, I posted and shared this to push the Indians to not let this happen again and go out in the streets to protest. I also called on the Hindutva extremists, Anna Hazare to do something about this along with those who are protesting rape.

Why did I do care to mention this and undertake such a painstakingly difficult task?

So, it doesn't happen again. Mr. Hazare will only go out in the streets if Congress is involved.

Mr. Thackeray will only go out in the streets if Biharis are involved (he won't go against Congress because he is Sonia's agent).

Lastly, Uddhav Thackeray won't go out in the streets unless Muslims or Christians were involved.

Why aren't people doing anything about this?

Why don't they do something about this?

These deaths have happened because of corruption and negligence. Those involved are criminals and I will speak against oppression and tyranny, whether you bring up a fake accent or not. This is the internet and a free medium for us to express our views and we cannot be silenced under your De Gaullian laws.

Hey I have told let the investigation complete, How can you ***** the situation with put knowing the true facts which can only be known once the investigation report is tabled.

If you don't know the process just be silent.

I am not the one in a bunch of Yahoos ready to jump to conclusion and post B.S there by letting the hatred flow here.


The bolded point is the issue that you need to be the most concerned about when it comes to the Indians who are used to not expressing themselves because of having lived in a socialistic/communistic country (even till now, there is communism in some states and there is insurgency in other).

In this culture they are not to debate or argue so they choose the Stalnistic/Fascist methods of silencing you by killing you and dumping your body in the streets.

First of all the building which collapsed is not in Mumbai city it is in Mumbra (very famous place for illegal immigrants from Bangladesh & for anti-social elements & terrorists hideouts) and the building was not even a high rise..it was only 7 stories high...Mumbra which falls under Thane District and Thane municipality is famous for only two things - illegal constructions which are in plenty and for being a favored hideout for terrorists(as support base is more on amount of illegal immigrants) and anti-social elements from a certain community...and the place is extremely dirty....and you get flats here dirt cheap as compared to Mumbai 12 -15 Lacs for 1 BHK of 550 sq ft as the place is illegal without any documents supporting the builders claim of ownership of land and without any proper municipal permissions...compare this to Mumbai where a typical 1 BHK flat would cost 80 lacs in the vicinity of city limits and more than 1- 2 crore in the suburbs

Posted this to confirm that all social ills, including building collapses are to be blamed on Muslims. Wonder why Biharis ("Bhaiyyas" as you like to call them), weren't mentioned?

This is also something I mentioned to you but if you wanted to be made aware of this again, I will repeat.

To them, even things like building collapses take place because of Muslims or a particular group they are hateful of.

With such a small-minded and bigoted mentality, are you seriously expecting these people to be sincere in their complaints?

They are on this forum with the only purpose of fighting a cyber war with their keyboards as "trishuls".

How can one possibly consider their debates, arguments or points of view as legitimate or even serious for that matter?

On his behalf, I will thank you, for having the eye to find a friend in the "Made in China" version of De Gaulle :omghaha:

Had you spent more time on this forum you might realize that i am a catholic and a so called minority . and have yet in my 38 yrs to feel oppressed. . but then all you need is a reason to rant and foam at the mouth. why bring reality or truth into it. :)

You're Catholic? I am so glad to hear that!

Why don't you send a message to the new Pope Francis and tell him not to interfere with the Tamilian issue?

That's not what the reason is behind the unrest?

Well at least, that's what a Hindutva extremist had said about why there is unrest there.

In my opinion monsieur, ignore these type of folks we have em here to with regards to gun rights and not respect to victims. Let him have his 15 mins of monologue and then he will go away!

A bigot found another bigot :victory:


Replace the "black" in the above, with Italian.

What a bigot!

And, he wants people to take him seriously (although, I doubt it's a French-Canadian - it's most likely an Indian who relinquished his passport to get the Western one - only to fight a cyber war to establish Akhand Bharat from his computer :omghaha:)
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nigam parshad of ncp is involved.let's see what will happen???
india is a new kind of democracy

for the corrupt illeterate,to the corrupt illiterate and by the corrupt illiterate
Stop trolling @gotti

Stop the with the name calling (for the other members).
@WebMaster, if you are seriously looking towards the betterment of this forum i would suggest you take action towards this member,he has been trolling on many threads and i have brought some to your attention . for a while there the standard of the forum improved ,with trolls either leaving or being banned but it seems with this character we shall have them back on both sides.
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This Goat guy is disgusting :fie: :sick: . I think he's a psycho . I mean which sane minded person will troll on a thread about an unfortunate incident that took the life of many innocent people.
This is the report I sent to the Mods.

"After having been scrutinized and penalized, ruthlessly and explicitly, I am curious as to why there is no action being taken against people who are purposely claiming to troll and vowing to continue this in a coterie-like horde?

I will be desperately looking into how this matter is dealt with so as to not get the impression that this site succumbs to Indian manipulation and pressure tactics derived from the worst incidents of emotionally black-mailing someone, man has not seen since Bharat's mother, Kaikeyi forced, Ram and Bharat's father (of whom she was the third wife) to give the throne to her son, instead of Ram (son of first wife and first born, as well).

Ram was the legitimate claimant to the throne because the Vedas states that only the first born gets the throne so after having been expelled into the jungle for a few years, where the Sinhala Ravan, kidnapped Sita to Sri Lanka and the Tamil Hanuman brought her back, Ram went back only to find his slippers on the throne that Bharat had left on them because it was his legitimate place and not Bharat's.

What I am trying to tell you is no different than what Valmiki taught the North Indian Vaishnavites, although, I am not creating bigoted images in your mind by showing Sinhala as devils and Tamils as monkeys with human wives (thus, they claim that South Indian women are beautiful and should be casted into Bollywood but not their men as they are ugly).

In short, justice will prevail just like it did with Ram."

@WebMaster, if you are seriously looking towards the betterment of this forum i would suggest you take action towards this member,he has been trolling on many threads and i have brought some to your attention . for a while there the standard of the forum improved ,with trolls either leaving or being banned but it seems with this character we shall have them back on both sides.

I also brought to their attention the following post proving, undoubtedly that the real trolls on this forum are Indians and they are doing this, proudly (euphemistically used in lieu of "unashamedly")


Lastly, Indians are no one to comment on how to improve a site's traffic because your sites have the lowest traffic and even has lower Indian traffic than the Pakistani ones.

This is only because of the Stalinistic attitude of the Indian communist fascist who love to silence anyone and control people's thinking and choice of words.

Pakistanis do not do that because we are an open society and allow freedom of speech, which explains why you spend most of your time here and not your own sites.

This Goat guy is disgusting :fie: :sick: . I think he's a psycho . I mean which sane minded person will troll on a thread about an unfortunate incident that took the life of many innocent people.

Although, you are in no place to talk, given your lack of ability to pronounce an Italian name, as well as for the reason of you folks trolling (and enjoying) any news regarding the slightest drop of blood being spilled in Pakistan or that of Pakistanis, I will still grant you the blessing of being spoken to.

I have explained that I am not like an Indian who enjoys bloodthirsty rituals like the ones observed at the temple of Kali, the goddess of vice.

I have posted this to create awareness and tell Indians that they should go out in the streets and teach their role model, the Hindutva extremist, Anna Hazare to take a stand outside of playing petty politics, on issues that only benefit his politics against Congress.

I will share a quote with you that I posted above.

"Why did I do care to mention this and undertake such a painstakingly difficult task?

So, it doesn't happen again. Mr. Hazare will only go out in the streets if Congress is involved.

Mr. Thackeray will only go out in the streets if Biharis are involved (he won't go against Congress because he is Sonia's agent).

Lastly, Uddhav Thackeray won't go out in the streets unless Muslims or Christians were involved.

Why aren't people doing anything about this?

Why don't they do something about this? "
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Look at this, and then talk, you Indian (yes, it's a swear word, especially after all the bad publicity from a thing called "rape" :hitwall:)


Dude you won't last longer here, try boxing or martial arts to control your adrenalin, the things you are doing won't help you :lol:,

By the way don't hit the kit or the other guy just receive the blows :tup:

By the way how are you managing that many lines of posts with out correct logic and reasoning :lol:

your posts are like putting all the hate words in a mixer and jumbling them and pouring the end product as post :lol:
This is the report I sent to the Mods.

"After having been scrutinized and penalized, ruthlessly and explicitly, I am curious as to why there is no action being taken against people who are purposely claiming to troll and vowing to continue this in a coterie-like horde?

I will be desperately looking into how this matter is dealt with so as to not get the impression that this site succumbs to Indian manipulation and pressure tactics derived from the worst incidents of emotionally black-mailing someone, man has not seen since Bharat's mother, Kaikeyi forced, Ram and Bharat's father (of whom she was the third wife) to give the throne to her son, instead of Ram (son of first wife and first born, as well).

Ram was the legitimate claimant to the throne because the Vedas states that only the first born gets the throne so after having been expelled into the jungle for a few years, where the Sinhala Ravan, kidnapped Sita to Sri Lanka and the Tamil Hanuman brought her back, Ram went back only to find his slippers on the throne that Bharat had left on them because it was his legitimate place and not Bharat's.

What I am trying to tell you is no different than what Valmiki taught the North Indian Vaishnavites, although, I am not creating bigoted images in your mind by showing Sinhala as devils and Tamils as monkeys with human wives (thus, they claim that South Indian women are beautiful and should be casted into Bollywood but not their men as they are ugly).

In short, justice will prevail just like it did with Ram."

In a report to the mods explaining Indian "Trolling" he invokes Lord Rama, Sinhala Ravana, Tamilian Hanuman, North Indian Vaishnavaites and what not. Seriously dude.

My 3 year old niece can put a better argument to her mom on why she needs icecream!!!!!! (though she does not get it every time that is a different story!!!)

If you want to know how to defend yourself I suggest you read John Grisham books. They will tell you how to best put your point forward in a legal manner.
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