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India doesn't deserve UNSC seat: Geelani


Jan 13, 2010
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India, amid human rights violations on head doesn't deserve UNSC seat: Geelani

Agence India Press

Bureau Report

November 11, 2010

Srinagar: Hardliner Kashmiri Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani has said that India does not deserve a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) seat on account of the "war crimes" being committed by its troops across the valley for the last 63 years.

"Besides killing of innocent people, the occupation forces had disappeared more than 10,000 Kashmiris across the occupied territory while mass rape of Kashmiri women had been used as a weapon of war," Geelani in a statement issued in Srinagar said.

"Despite all this if India is to get a UNSC seat, this unjust and immoral act would pose a question mark over the very existence of this international body." He said

He flayed the authorities for adopting a deliberate policy of crushing the Kashmiris' freedom movement through arbitrary arrests, detention of pro-freedom leaders and youth.

"Such tactics cannot suppress the Kashmiris' indigenous liberation movement and they will continue the just struggle for securing their inalienable right to self-determination," Geelani who is spearheading the ongoing "Go India GO Movement" maintained.

Kashmir valley has been in deep trouble since more than four months now. More than 110 people have been killed and many more handicapped since June 11 after teenager Tufail Matto of old city area of summer capital Srinagar fell to the teargas canister fired by a police man.

India, amid human rights violations on head doesn't deserve UNSC seat: Geelani
firstly there was problem of china ,now geelani!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont think india will get seat:rofl::rofl:
Geelani is a known separatists and is anti-establishment, so this comes as no surprise. It would have been surprising if he has supported India for the UNSC seat. In fact, Geelani supporting India would have been as surprising as:

* USSR asking US permission to invade Afghanistan
* Pope agreeing with the Blasphemy Laws
* Anyone in Pakistan endorsing Narendra Modi as a decent human being
His views are completely unimportant on India's UNSC ambitions.

Specially when UN itself removed Kashmir from the list of disputes
Mr. Geelani is still alive So he must be thankful to Indian security force and especially to GOI. He is lucky that he lives in a country where he is free to present his view (no matter it is against the nation itself).

He is lucky that he was not born in USA, Russia, China, Israel or any other country, otherwise i don't need to tell .......:sniper:

Security Council seat is not decided by these type of individual persons, for that purpose group of nations is always there. Let them decide then we will see who is eligible and who is not.
who is gelaani? *** agent?
Oops, he cant comment on UNSC seat....somebody please make him learn the important abbreviations
India is seeking support for UNSC permanent seat from every country on earth so it has to seek support from Independent country called kashmir too.
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