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India confirms drought as El Nino looms


Jan 30, 2007
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(Reuters) - Monsoon rains will not be enough to save the country from its first drought in three years, the weather office said on Thursday as it forecast that the El Nino weather pattern should reduce rains again in the second half of the June to September season.

India, one of the world's largest food producers and consumers with a population of 1.2 billion, last suffered a drought in 2009, which forced it to import sugar, pushing global prices higher.

This time around, global grain prices are soaring as the United States wilts in its own drought - the worst in the country for half a century.

Monsoon rains are considered deficient - a drought in layman's terms - if they fall below 90 percent of a 50-year average.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said rains over the entire June to September season were now expected to be less than 90 percent of long-term averages. This is the first time it has forecast deficient rains at this point in the season.

Between June 1 and August 1, rainfall was about 19 percent below average, close to the 23 percent shortfall in the 2009 season.

Agriculture minister Sharad Pawar is touring the worst-affected states and ministers will meet again to discuss the situation when he returns to Delhi.

Poor monsoon rains have already pushed up food prices and Food Minister K. V. Thomas has said that the government is watching volatility in some commodity futures.

Some analysts do not see prices rising further. Gnanasekar Thiagarajan, director of Mumbai brokerage Commtrendz Research, said: "Most of the prices of agricultural commodities have already reacted to this deficient monsoon. Agri prices are not going to go up much from current levels; prices will take a breather right now."

The monsoon is vital for the 55 percent or so of farmlands that do not have irrigation. The four-month season accounts for 75 percent of the country's annual rainfall and half of that is usually delivered in June and July.


Any major shortfall in monsoon rains can hit rural incomes and reduce demand for gold and silver in India, one of the world's top consumers of the precious metals.

"Scrap will flood the market and gold imports could drop by 50 percent," said Prithviraj Kothari, president of Bombay Bullion Association.

The IMD had at first forecast a normal monsoon, with rains at 96 percent of averages.

"We expect normal rains in August, but they could be about 5-6 percent below average in September due to the possibility of El Nino, which has not influenced the monsoon so far," D.S. Pai, lead forecaster of the IMD, told Reuters.

"We expect the effect of El Nino in September and October, and not before," Pai said over the phone from the western city of Pune.

Rains had already improved in the second half of the key planting month of July, allowing planting of some crops to catch up with last year's levels. There was heavier rainfall in soybean areas of central India, cane areas of Uttar Pradesh state and the rice belt of eastern India.

However, rains continued to be below average in the interior south and western areas that grow pulses, coarse cereals, oilseeds and cotton.

Farmers have produced bumper grain harvests in recent years, providing the government with huge stockpiles of rice and wheat, which should buffer against any shortages.

But the country is a major importer of pulses and edible oils, so any shortages could trigger increased imports. The government has suggested that it might ask state trading companies to tender for pulses purchases.

India confirms drought as El Nino looms | Reuters
Indian economy is already in downward spiral and the news of a drought does not bode well. It is going to hit Indians hard and would increase their woes.

India’s benchmark Sensex Index has fallen nearly 18 percent from its peak in November 2010.

Indian Rupee has slumped 25 percent against the dollar and now hovers around Rs 60 per dollar as compared to Rs 39-40 some time ago.

India’s growth has slowed to around 5 percent from the 9 percent growth rates in recent years.

India’s Planning Commission admitted just this month that the country won’t be able to meet the $1 trillion target needed for the infrastructure development.

Without infrastructural development, the desired growth may not be possible and chances of it to go down further can not be ruled out.

Morgan Stanley experts see only a 50 percent possibility of India regaining its fast growth trajectory.

The rhetoric about big India syndrome needs to be followed with concrete actions expeditiously as investors are unlikely to give policy makers a prolonged period of benefit of doubt.”

The drawdown in Indian economy is going to have serious impact on her defence spending as well. Money for the big ticket defence purchases may not be available and all the three services of Indian Forces are going to suffer major delays in foreign equipment inductions.

This means, no more nuclear powered submarines, no more Aircraft Carriers, no more high-tech aircraft induction, and no more raising of strike corps’ with additional artillery divisions against China – or if even some needs are met, these would be delayed in time and space.

It is likely to force a further slowing down of Indian economy and may take time to get out of this downward spiral.
^^^ thanks for your concern:rolleyes:

since agriculture plays such an important part of our GDP . its estimated the drought will cause a drop of 1-2% in the gdp growth.
I think South India has received sufficient rain this year but there are problems in North.
An El Niño in India, = wit h a displacement of the monsoon rain to winter months, could spell a disaster to people in India and across the world. I hope the news is exagerrated.
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