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India completes price negotiation for Israeli Spike ATGMs


Jul 20, 2011
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India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) has completed price negotiations with Israel's Rafael Advanced Defence Systems for Spike anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems for the Indian Army for an estimated USD1 billion. Industry sources said on 26 May that the MoD's contract negotiation committee concluded consultations to acquire 275 launchers and 5,500 Spike missiles in completed and kit form along with an undisclosed number of simulators.

The deal also includes a technology transfer to India's state-owned Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) to build another 1,500 systems and around 30,000 additional missiles.


The contract for the manportable, fire-and-forget ATGMs featuring third-generation active/passive guidance systems, and a top-attack capability is likely to be confirmed before or during the visit of Israeli president Reuven Rivlin to India later this year, official sources said.

Deliveries are expected to be completed 48-60 months thereafter, while BDL will continue to licence-build the Spike for the next 20-25 years.

India's Kalyani Strategic Systems, which signed a joint venture with Rafael in February 2015, will also be involved in the Spike ATGM contract, supplying components and subassemblies from a newly erected facility in Hyderabad.

In 2009 the MoD approved the acquisition of 1,914 ATGM launchers and 37,860 missiles, including training rounds and 107 simulators, through direct imports and licensed manufacture to equip the Indian Army's 359-odd infantry battalions.

Rafael's Spike was the only ATGM to undergo user trials in 2010-11. Consequently over 50 of these guided missiles with a strike range of between 800 m and 4 km were tested and approved by the Indian Army.

The MoD has since continually deferred the Spike procurement on the grounds that it would be a single-vendor purchase, which since 2002 has largely been discouraged under successive editions of the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP).

However, pressure from the army, which operates licence-built Soviet-era wire-guided 9M113 Konkurs as well as French MILAN and MILAN 2T ATGMs, fast-tracked their procurement.

Meanwhile, the Indian Army is also poised to acquire the shortlisted Rafael/Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)-designed Spyder quick-reaction surface-to-air missile (QR-SAM) system following trials in 2013-14 that featured rival systems from Sweden and Russia.

Official sources said the army is seeking to acquire at least two Spyder regiments of around 1,000 missiles to supplement two regiments of the indigenously designed Akash (Sky) SAM system with around 2,000 missiles, which were inducted into the army in 2015.

The Spyder system, which comprises Python and Derby missiles, is likely to be employed by the army's four offensive formations or 'strike corps' to provide greater battlefield flexibility and better protection from aerial threats.

The Akash, on the other hand, would be tasked primarily with protecting static or defensive establishments, as it has limited mobility and a longer response time.

Once inducted, the Spike system is expected to supplement India's indigenously developed Nag (Snake) ATGM that the state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has been designing for nearly 33 years.

In 2010-11 the army only partially accepted the Nag, which has a 3-5 km range, and the accompanying tracked Namica vehicles from which it is fired. The army had ordered 443 Nags and 13 Namicas but their induction has been delayed by several years due to technological problems.

Accordingly, the DRDO has approached Rafael in a bid to procure seeker heads for fitting onto the Nag. The move came after France's Thales, which had previously supplied them, declined to transfer technology to India to locally manufacture the crucial component.

Procuring Spike systems is another priority for the army, as it is seeking to mount them onto around 1,000-odd Russian BMP-2/2K 'Sarath' infantry combat vehicles (ICVs), which are awaiting an upgrade.

The Israeli ATGM is also likely to be fitted onto the army's Future Infantry Combat Vehicle (FICV), which is in the early stages of being indigenously designed.


Some headway has been made over the stalled negotiations for an initial Rs 3,200-crore contract for 321 ‘Spike’ anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems and 8,356 missiles. “There was a major difference (of opinion) in the ATGM project cost between the Israeli commercial bid and the much-lower price benchmarking done by the MoD. Over 20 contract negotiation committee meetings have been held till now… the effort now is to close the gap,” said the source.


275 launchers and 5,500 Spike missiles in completed and kit form along with an undisclosed number of simulators for estimated $1 billion ? WTF


Some headway has been made over the stalled negotiations for an initial Rs 3,200-crore contract for 321 ‘Spike’ anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems and 8,356 missiles. “There was a major difference (of opinion) in the ATGM project cost between the Israeli commercial bid and the much-lower price benchmarking done by the MoD. Over 20 contract negotiation committee meetings have been held till now… the effort now is to close the gap,” said the source.


275 launchers and 5,500 Spike missiles in completed and kit form along with an undisclosed number of simulators for estimated $1 billion ? WTF

I think that is due to increase in cost.

Some headway has been made over the stalled negotiations for an initial Rs 3,200-crore contract for 321 ‘Spike’ anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems and 8,356 missiles. “There was a major difference (of opinion) in the ATGM project cost between the Israeli commercial bid and the much-lower price benchmarking done by the MoD. Over 20 contract negotiation committee meetings have been held till now… the effort now is to close the gap,” said the source.


275 launchers and 5,500 Spike missiles in completed and kit form along with an undisclosed number of simulators for estimated $1 billion ? WTF

Was this clause a part of earlier agreement ?

The deal also includes a technology transfer to India's state-owned Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) to build another 1,500 systems and around 30,000 additional missiles.

Was this clause a part of earlier agreement ?

The deal also includes a technology transfer to India's state-owned Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) to build another 1,500 systems and around 30,000 additional missiles.
Yes, this was plan from start that's why Spike instead of Javelin because US might have denied ToT.
This may not change final number much but increases cost...
The deal also includes a technology transfer to India's state-owned Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) to build another 1,500 systems and around 30,000 additional missiles.
ooh thats a large number, is the license indefinite or will it expire after some time?
India should be buidling it's own anti_tank missiles.

They are not exactly high tech systems.
so many mixed missiles why ?
Only three type one is laser guided Clgm 2 Nag and Helina imagine infrared guided missile 3rd Amogha 1 is wire guided all these are use as per target requirements
Only three type one is laser guided Clgm 2 Nag and Helina imagine infrared guided missile 3rd Amogha 1 is wire guided all these are use as per target requirements
bhai its too much to carry them all same time ?:frown:
bhai its too much to carry them all same time ?:frown:
Bhai mere Helena is for air launched anti tank or anti armour . Clgm and amogha 1 are versatile missiles can be used land and air anti tank and armour . Nag is land base anti tank missile. Hope your query answered
so many mixed missiles why ?

Different requirements. Even though most of the older missiles are classified as anti tank missiles, they will be used for destruction of static defences like bunkers, sangars, MMG nests & mortar pits.

In case of Spike, top attack coupled with mini UAVs like Skylark can do wonders for an advancing army.

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