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Corruption is very harmfull to a nation, is there no one try to find someway to solve it like giving a serious publishment to the policians who are corrupted?

Indian media and public are gullible and soft hearted.

They consider "Death penalty" as cruel and they don't want any corrupt babu or politician given such punishment.

In last 60 years history of India, no senior official has ever been hanged or jailed for more than 2 years, for corruption.

Indians don't consider corruption as something serious. Its part of their life.

China is much better in handling corruption with strict punishments(death) on senior officers. India runs on emotions rather than logic and sanity.
Just a example: A common people, who have limited money and he has no car, no TV, no computer, he wanna change the situation, and his money can only offer him to buy the best car or a common car, a new TV and a new computer. What will he do? I will choose the second one. The same with india railway budget, I think there are many things else should be changed about india railway system with limitted money.

If this is the case then why is china trying to spend the hard earned ppls money on infrastructure, defense, dams, etc etc etc when the case for china is such


So before u comment on someone else's country think and type. Moral of the story is wether we go for Indian stuff or foreign stuff it is none of ur concern
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I will here ask you to check your past 10 posts and past few stupid threads you created from shitty source and then tell me who is Troll?

Stop trolling and learn to be humble. And, say something related to topic.

Maybe you don't consider corrupt life in India, as some serious issue. But everyone is not same. Its a serious problem which is holding India behind China.
Stop trolling and learn to be humble. And, say something related to topic.

Maybe you don't consider corrupt life in India, as some serious issue. But everyone is not same. Its a serious problem which is holding India behind China.

As I said Keep your advises to your self and don't try to poke your nose everywhere.
If this is the case then why is china trying to spend the hard earned ppls money on infrastructure, defense, dams, etc etc etc when the case for china is such

So before u comment on someone else's country think and type.

Stick to the topic please. This is not an "attack-China" thread.

Why blame China for corruption in India?
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Who said there is no corruption in India? and I stand by my comments that the sole purpose of existence of few people here is to troll. If I am trolling here then just look at the history of your Chinese friend and tell me if that is Troll or not.

And Keep your advises to yourself...

Why blame China for corrupt Indian system?

Why you are so obsessed with China?

This is my last warning to you - stick to the topic and stop turning this thread into an "attack China" thread. That won't show us Indians as any good.
Stick to the topic and stop trolling. This is not an "attack-China" thread.

Topic is corruption in Indian life.

Corruption has become part of life in India. Don't tell me that you have not paid your way out of any traffic challans. so it starts right from the people like me and you and then we vote/elect people based on what benefits we are getting by electing them. This is the case of politicians bribing us and we happily agree to elect them. Now when we are so complicit in this offence of corruption then who are we to talk about corruptions done by Ministries/Govt Dept.

Problem is with us we don't want to improve ourself we don't want to think above what is beneficial to us. If we need to get rid of corruption we need to first fix ourself and this will go Bottom up.
Why blame China for corrupt Indian system?

Why you are so obsessed with China?

This is my last warning to you - stick to the topic and stop turning this thread into an "attack China" thread. That won't show us Indians as any good.

When did I blame China for Corrupt Indian system are you out of your mind?
Last warning to you Keep your advises/warnings to yourself.
When did I blame China for Corrupt Indian system are you out of your mind?
Last warning to you Keep your advises/warnings to yourself.

Bloody hell, I hate Cheaters. Now take some shame and stop defending by making some stupid claims.

I wonder who wrote this ? :rofl::rofl:

"Corruption"=Cheating ? No ? :smitten::pakistan::china:
Bloody hell, I hate Cheaters. Now take some shame and stop defending by making some stupid claims.

I wonder who wrote this ? :rofl::rofl:

"Corruption"=Cheating ? No ? :smitten::pakistan::china:

Yes I wrote that and I hate corrupt people and cheaters and read my post above mate and in none of them, I tried to defend corruption in India or blame it on any body. it's a social problem like many others in India and there is no denying that.

If somebody says that there is no corruption in India he is a fool. PERIOD
Corruption has become part of life in India. Don't tell me that you have not paid your way out of any traffic challans. so it starts right from the people like me and you and then we vote/elect people based on what benefits we are getting by electing them. This is the case of politicians bribing us and we happily agree to elect them. Now when we are so complicit in this offence of corruption then who are we to talk about corruptions done by Ministries/Govt Dept.

Problem is with us we don't want to improve ourself we don't want to think above what is beneficial to us. If we need to get rid of corruption we need to first fix ourself and this will go Bottom up.

True. Agreed with first part.

But I don't agree with second part.

Its not bottom up. Its always top to down.

If Indian railway senior management(TOP) could have easily refused the bribes from French and matter would be over there.

"Bottom-to-top" excuse is used by people at top to refuse the reforms of corrupt system.

If TOP is clean, bottom is only subservient to orders from TOP.

TOP is leader, commander. Bottom is only a follower.

At personal level, you might refuse corruption, but that won't change things because your power and responsibilities are smallest. You are irrelevant part of System.

But person at TOP is most powerful and most responsible due to his powerful position in the system. So, when he gets corrupt, whole system loses control and goes awry.

Its wrong to blame a common man for corruption at the TOP. Share of blame/responsibility is proportional to your position in system.

So, if anyone has to clean up the system, its the TOP. It has to be from TOP.

It never works from Bottom to up, unless its a civil war which can influence the TOP part of the system. Otherwise, an individual hold near-to-zero responsibility to corruption at TOP.

China knows this top-to-bottom very well. That's why they have enforced maximum(death) penalty on seniormost officials.

While in India, officials at top use "bottom-to-top" analogy and blame the common man for corruption. Such excuse confuses the Indian public and diverts the attention from real issue - Corruption at TOP(leadership of system).

Cleanup will only work from top to bottom. Bottom-to-top is only through civil war. Do you want India go that way? Well, we are already partially in that path(naxal war against corrupt Indian governance.)
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Always remember, punishing a peon for corruption will not change anything in system.

But punishing a University Chairman to death for corruption, will have a big impact on whole system.

China is doing very smart by targeting corruption at TOP. Cheap, faster and most efficient way to clean the mess.

Do it where it hits the most.

I admire china a lot for the way they are handling corruption. India has a lot to learn from them.
True. Agreed with first part.

But I don't agree with second part.

Its not bottom up. It’s always top to down.
If Indian railway senior management (TOP) could have easily refused the bribes from French and matter would be over there.

Situation is quite complex, My Dear Friend! people bribe out to be in position of influence and why they want position of influence? coz they look into personal benefits/ROI/huge Moolah in all this affair. So Top and Bottom goes Hand in Hand and Loot Govt Moolah in and out.

"Bottom-to-top" excuse is used by people at top to refuse the reforms of corrupt system.

Top becomes corrupt because they once they become powerful bottom tries to influence them by offering money to get their share in the entire system of corruption. Look at Govt Dept tell me one promotions that happens without the influence of money. Right people are left behind and people who offers the biggest amount gets the seat.

If TOP is clean, bottom is only subservient to orders from TOP.TOP is leader, commander. Bottom is only a follower.
Again Top is elected by entities/people at bottom so it all depends on what kind of leader you choose? All depends on bottom in Democracy.

At personal level, you might refuse corruption, but that won't change things because your power and responsibilities are smallest. You are irrelevant part of System.

But person at TOP is most powerful and most responsible due to his powerful position in the system. So, when he gets corrupt, whole system loses control and goes awry.

It’s wrong to blame a common man for corruption at the TOP. Share of blame/responsibility is proportional to your position in system.

If you do refuse corruption at personal level and act against it, you are setting a precedent/an example to top that they cannot bribe everyone out. Top becomes fearful and possibly starts working responsibly for the fear of losing their position.

The blame goes to common man coz Top to reach the position had to pay the common man lot of time so ended up with huge investment in attaining the position. Often their investments in elections are supported by groups/people who wants to seek benefits once the person is in position.

So, if anyone has to clean up the system, it’s the TOP. It has to be from TOP. It never works from Bottom to up, unless it’s a civil war which can influence the TOP part of the system. Otherwise, an individual hold near-to-zero responsibility to corruption at TOP.
You are wrong here and using the wrong analogy. Take example of cases like Jessica Lal and few others. No progress was made on the case because of the influence of Top in the matter until the peaceful candle light marches started happening and Media got involved. See how powerful in Bottom but for any action bottom has to get united.

By supporting Top to Bottom analogy you are actually negating Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagrah's and peaceful marches he took to force Britishers at Top out of the country. World has taken lessons from Mahatma Gandhi and I hope my fellow Indian, you take lessons from him too.
It does not need to be a civil war all the time but none the less that is also one way. Bloody Revolutions in the past has changed the complete scenario. E.g. French/Russian Revolutions but the cost is huge human capital loss but possibility of them forcibly/militarily suppressed are very high.

It all depends on what path you choose and what is the benefit of choosing the path. Mind it, path has to be chosen by Bottom to get the end result.

China knows this top-to-bottom very well. That's why they have enforced maximum(death) penalty on senior most officials.

While in India, officials at top use "bottom-to-top" analogy and blame the common man for corruption. Such excuse confuses the Indian public and diverts the attention from real issue - Corruption at TOP(leadership of system).

Please don't compare the two vastly different political systems. People in Communist China are not powerful but Masses in Democratic India holds the power i.e. the power to change the top. It has happened in the past e.g. Rajiv Gandhi resigned due to mass protest against his involvement in corruption. Democracy by definition is Bottom-up, Mate!

Cleanup will only work from top to bottom. Bottom-to-top is only through civil war. Do you want India go that way? Well, we are already partially in that path (naxal war against corrupt Indian governance.)
I can say here that you are totally confused and trying to absolve yourself from any responsibilities. Bottom-to-top is not always civil war as explained earlier it is one of the way and Bottom decides what way to chose depends what they want to put at stake? And what is the probability of success? Maoists can be very easily suppressed if proper military action is taken.
Top Bottom