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India-China Buy-Buy


Nov 15, 2009
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No extra credit for guessing why the Chinese only want to focus on trade.

India Journal - South Asian News for Southern California

India-China Buy-Buy
Date Submitted: Thu Dec 23, 2010

Nearly 52 years ago during the then Chinese Premier Chou En Lai’s visit to India, the people of India, particularly school children, were made to chant “Hindi-Cheeni Bhai Bhai” in the procession when Premier Chou En Lai was taken from New Delhi Air Port to the Rashtrapati Bhawan. I was present in Delhi and heard the loud chanting “Hindi-Cheeni Bhai Bhai.” This rhetoric and artificial friendship was short-lived only for about three years.

The Chinese government showed its true color of deception and betrayal, and attacked India in October 1962. The Chinese turned out to be enemies of India. The Chinese forcefully grabbed hundreds of miles of Indian border area. Indian forces suffered heavy casualties, more than that of the Chinese. The border dispute has not yet been resolved in five decades.

After a stalemate of India-China relations for many years, a little improvement took place, particularly in trade dealings. Thereafter, exchange of mutual visits started taking place, even at a high level. In spite of some improvements in India-China relations the Chinese government has been creating some pin pricks for India. China demanded that Sikkim is part of China. Later China claimed that Arunachal Pradesh belonged to China. China has been creating some or the other problem for India by grabbing miles of area in ***************** Kashmir. Not issuing proper visas to the residents of Indian Kashmir is another recent problem. Sometimes I felt so disgusted with the behavior of China that I felt like writing an Editorial titled “India-China Bye-Bye”, but better sense refrained me.

Inspite of all the strains and pin pricks, some good things happened between India-China relations.

It was hoped that the recent visit of the Chinese Premier Wen Jiaboa would solve some, if not all, core irritants between India and China. But it has proved to be a hopeless exercise. The Prime Ministers of India and China discussed all the issues and the irritants but they did not resolve any. They broke the ice but there was no break-through.

“Bahut shor suntte thay pehlu mein dil ka, jab kaata tu ik katra khoon nan nikla.”

Not a single irritant between India and China has been resolved. The Chinese Premier cleverly used good words about India and its Prime Minister Manmohan Singh but made no attempt to resolve any problem.

India and China, however, have made some modest progress in only one aspect – and that is trade. They have decided to expand trade to $100 billion by 2015, from $60 billion at present. China is India’s largest trading partner but the balance of trade is in favor of China. China exports more to India than it imports from India. India wants to reduce the trade gap but can’t because China is able to increase its exports to India and there is no progress on India’s bid to open Chinese markets to its software, pharmaceuticals and farm products. There is almost a race going on between India and China for increasing exports. India wants China to buy more from India and China wants India to buy more from China. China has succeeded to outdo the recent visit to India by U.S. President Barack Obama. The Chinese Premier brought a contingent of 400 business executives to India as compared with 250 American business executives who accompanied the U.S. President to Mumbai, the financial capital of India. The Chinese Premier managed to sign business deals worth $16 billion with India as against $10 billion business deals signed by U.S. President Obama.

The Chinese Premier does not seem to be keen and interested in resolving the long standing issues and core irritants with India. He wants these issues to continue lingering. He aims to concentrate only on trade.
Relax! Good relations between nations always start with trade. This is the beginning, not the end.
Nothing out of the blue in the article, only reiterates the obvious.

Trade deficit is at the moment in favour of China and unless China allows the Indian companies full access to its markets, we will start to see heavy duties on Chinese imports to control the deficit.

Political resolution seems to be in the back burner, but I feel that India should make more efforts to resolve them, lest China starts to exercise its power in the coming years as it grows more and more powerful and assertive in the region.

Life can be so simple in region

India needs noodle
China needs curry
Pakistan needs curry noodle ...

US is kabab main haddi

So lets get rid of the haddi - and all region will have peace and lets give back Kashmir back to us
Relax! Good relations between nations always start with trade. This is the beginning, not the end.

Aaghaz-e-ishq hay, rota hay kya!
Aagay aagay dekh, hota hay kya :-)

Fair enough. We will see how this goes. But for the record, the individual who you should be asking to relax is Mohinder Singh.
Chinese trade is more important than Chinese rhetorical support for Kashmir. In the end, we make more money and the status-quo still maintains.
Fair enough. We will see how this goes. But for the record, the individual who you should be asking to relax is Mohinder Singh.
Who the heck is Mohinder Singh?
OK If I find him I will tell him to relax on your behalf. :lol:

EDIT: Got It :tup:
Fair enough. We will see how this goes. But for the record, the individual who you should be asking to relax is Mohinder Singh.

O C'mon now, if I started doing that to authors of various articles that people post here on PDF, you can guess how much time I'd have to devote to PDF.
But Indian are too smart you know we are just throwing bones and buying time while we prepare yourself militarily so that we all can live in peace. ;);)

And on top of that we have made chinese to pay for what we buys from them.

For example Anil Ambani have done a US$ 10 billion deal with the chinese the biggest deal of power plant supply in the world.

But the catch is its funded by chinese,so the chinese will get order but have to fund it also.

And we will pay the loan in 15-20 years and it trapped them now their money is freeze and after supply if anything goes wrong with relations to chinese will not return the US$ 10 billion to them.
Also every country of the world have business and professional relationship that developed into friendship/partnership.

But the first thing is business.

Be it US-UK relationship or India Russian relationship.

In future if we Indian chinese continue to deal with each other we can gain trust and became friends if it suits both of us.

Life can be so simple in region

India needs noodle
China needs curry
Pakistan needs curry noodle ...

US is kabab main haddi

So lets get rid of the haddi - and all region will have peace and lets give back Kashmir back to us

no actually US is the one which has put indian haddi in kebab
So it's entirely in our favour...

Not only are you buying things from us, but you're also borrowing our money to pay for it.

And the things are used to fuel our economy which in turn will be used to buy more things and make our economy even bigger. ;)

In the end, it's a win-win situation for both the party, guess who's left out! ;)
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