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India-China border talks in Beijing on Nov. 29-30

What probably most Chinese in China fail to understand, and likely most of them continue to delute themselves is the myth they've been told by CPC that "As well as China, India is an ancient cilvilisation."

Well, anceint India was an ancient civilisation indeed.

But fundeamentally unlike ancient Chinese and today's Chinese who are basically the same people, today's this "india" ( a British invention) is NOT the ancient India, and today's Indians are most likely totally a different racial group from those who started acient Indian Valley Civilisation at pre-historic time. One only could realise so when he/she starts to look into the last 1000 years history of this "India".

Facts don't lie:

China has been named as the longest continuous ancient cilvilisation for a reason. Old civilisations that have survived till today are mostly consist of peace-loving people, because peace is a key for long history of survival.

We all can see what CHinese side, from PM to most Chinese people, is constantly advocating "peace", "stabiligty", "friendship", etc. , while what come out from Indian side, and quite constantly in all these years, have mostly been "more troops", "more gun", more planes"...

Many Chinese people believe in Buddhism - although originally invented by Nepal, it has been improved by Chinese , Koreans and Japanese to a completely different intellectual level into Chan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism in East Asia, which is very different from its original form.

East Asain Buddhism has a peaceful root; Yet ask how many today's "Indians" believe in Buddhism?? Not many, as most of them believe in Hinduism!

Wake up, Chinese people!

Eveyone should know that this "border negotiation" is and will be fruitless as this "India" has no intention at all.

And don't keep deluting yourself into the thought that this "India" represents Ancient Indian Civilisation and today's "Indians" are "driect descedents" of probably peaceful ancient people who lived there in the region.
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What probably most Chinese in China fail to understand, and likely most of them continue to delute themselves is the myth they've been told by CPC that "As well as China, India is an ancient cilvilisation."

Well, anceint India was an ancient civilisation indeed.

But fundeamentally unlike ancient Chinese and today's Chinese who are basically the same people, today's this "india" ( a British invention) is NOT the ancient India, and today's Indians are most likely totally a different racial group from those who started acient Indian Valley Civilisation at pre-historic time. One only could realise so when he/she starts to look into the last 1000 years history of this "India".

Facts don't lie:

China has been named as the longest continuous ancient cilvilisation for a reason. Old civilisations that have survived till today are mostly consist of peace-loving people, because peace is a key for long history of survival.

We all can see what CHinese side, from PM to most Chinese people, is constantly advocating "peace", "stabiligty", "friendship", etc. , while what come out from Indian side, and quite constantly in all these years, have mostly been "more troops", "more gun", more planes"...

Many Chinese people believe in Buddhism - although originally invented by Nepal, it has been improved by Chinese , Koreans and Japanese to a completely different intellectual level into Chan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism in East Asia, which is very different from its original form.

East Asain Buddhism has a peaceful root; Yet ask how many today's "Indians" believe in Buddhism?? Not many, as most of them believe in Hinduism!

Wake up, Chinese people!

Eveyone should know that this "border negotiation" is and will be fruitless as this "India" has no intention at all.

And don't keep deluting yourself into the thought that this "India" represents Ancient Indian Civilisation and today's "Indians" are "driect descedents" of probably peaceful ancient people who lived there in the region.

As we say "Ignorance is blessed in some cases"
^^don't mind that thanks it was accidental.
btw explain your arguements about indian's culture.
What probably most Chinese in China fail to understand, and likely most of them continue to delute themselves is the myth they've been told by CPC

Wake up, Chinese people!

I thought they had one of the highest IQs..how can 1.3Billion of them miss such an obvious fact???
Culture? :lol:

Look at this "India" today , both internally and externally, ever after the Brits gave it "independence":

Externally, with constant violent threats of military actions, this "India" is at odds with ALL its neighbours: Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan/Kashmir, Nepal, Sikkim (being annexed) , Burma... even at the eve of supposedly "peaceful border talk" with China, it sent extra troops for Christ sake, this time and the last time (still remember 80,ooo troopers?) , instead of at least toning down its violent level a bit to show some bona fide.

Internally, this "India" keeps most of its ordinary citizens living in absolute squalor, while being one of the largest arms purchasers, if not the largest, in the world using whatever rupees it could squeeze out of ordinary poor people there. And 1/3 of this "India" is occupied by armed rebellions. Imagine the same, or to a much lesser degree, happens to any other country in the world? The UN Peace Keeping forces would all over it long ago; instead, today liberal western mainstream media keeps its mouth shut and eyes closed deliberately to paint a " Peaceful India" propaganda.

What, you ask culture? The key word above is : Violent !

And that violent trend is not an accident, an isolated case or a random event, but a strong, obvious and persistent current that underlies everything you could associate this “India” with.

It is NOT the so-called "ancient Hindu Valley Civilisation" supposed to think and act, by any stretch of imagination. , because as time had moved on, they are NOT the same people any more, regardless whatever BS or wishful thinking you want to make me to believe. Truth speaks for itself.

In fact what China should begin to think and do out of humanitarian cause alone is that to put this violent "India" out of its utter misery once and for all , by supporting Maoists and other parties to split up that "country". Then most ordinary "Indians" there would definitely have a much better living hoods and life expediency and start to say "A Big Thank You, China!!" After that , the border issue between 2 peaceful countries is then not important.
Lucky for us Indians that CPC doesn't give two hoots to what Speeder preaches..
keep it coming speeder, it's like Saturday night live, only it's Wednesday morning here. :D
I thought they had one of the highest IQs..how can 1.3Billion of them miss such an obvious fact???

Well, good to see that I have made some impact, as a little as it is, here in the Defence Forum , that you are right that Chinese people have, on average, one of the highest IQ in the world.

The answer to your question is that Chinese people are usually very peaceful and good-hearted, hence even though Chinese in general have a quite logical impression of whom you really are, many of us are still too kind to witness how worse you could evetually become in reality - "delusion".
Culture? :lol:

Look at this "India" today , both internally and externally, ever after the Brits gave it "independence":

Externally, with constant violent threats of military actions, this "India" is at odds with ALL its neighbours: Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan/Kashmir, Nepal, Sikkim (being annexed) , Burma... even at the eve of supposedly "peaceful border talk" with China, it sent extra troops for Christ sake, this time and the last time (still remember 80,ooo troopers?) , instead of at least toning down its violent level a bit to show some bona fide.

Internally, this "India" keeps most of its ordinary citizens living in absolute squalor, while being one of the largest arms purchasers, if not the largest, in the world using whatever rupees it could squeeze out of ordinary poor people there. And 1/3 of this "India" is occupied by armed rebellions. Imagine the same, or to a much lesser degree, happens to any other country in the world? The UN Peace Keeping forces would all over it long ago; instead, today liberal western mainstream media keeps its mouth shut and eyes closed deliberately to paint a " Peaceful India" propaganda.

What, you ask culture? The key word above is : Violent !

And that violent trend is not an accident, an isolated case or a random event, but a strong, obvious and persistent current that underlies everything you could associate this “India” with.

It is NOT the so-called "ancient Hindu Valley Civilisation" supposed to think and act, by any stretch of imagination. , because as time had moved on, they are NOT the same people any more, regardless whatever BS or wishful thinking you want to make me to believe. Truth speaks for itself.

In fact what China should begin to think and do out of humanitarian cause alone is that to put this violent "India" out of its utter misery once and for all , by supporting Maoists and other parties to split up that "country". Then most ordinary "Indians" there would definitely have a much better living hoods and life expediency and start to say "A Big Thank You, China!!" After that , the border issue between 2 peaceful countries is then not important.


And some chinese members claim Indians hate China and not vice versa .

I hope most chinese are not like this so we can move forward and solve our issues.
Talking is always better than no talking.

On Oct. 29, 2008, David Miliband, the British foreign secretary, announced that the previous British actions including the Simla Accord (1913) and thus the McMahon Line had been an anachronism and a colonial legacy. He apologized to China for not having renounced those actions earlier. He was supported by Lord Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong, who called the British position embodied in the Simla Accord (1913) a "quaint eccentricity".[27]

This official renouncement of Simla Accord and thus the McMahon Line by British Government legally puts AP (or ZN) in China’s sovereignty without much dispute, as long as the international community recognizes that Tibet is a part of China.

India should now switch to negotiating Aksai Chin instead.
Well, good to see that I have made some impact, as a little as it is, here in the Defence Forum , that you are right that Chinese people have, on average, one of the highest IQ in the world.

The answer to your question is that Chinese people are usually very peaceful and good-hearted, hence even though Chinese in general have a quite logical impression of whom you really are, many of us are still too kind to witness how worse you could evetually become in reality - "delusion".

GOI better take advantage while it can, before our resident defense analyst decides to get off the comfy armchair in england and return to motherland to awaken the apparently delusional CCP.
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