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"India cannot fight two-front war, Its impossible" - Pravin Sawhney

indians and india are the epitome of severe racial and national inferiority.........:azn:

PS Where was india's forex reserve when the Chinese annexed more indian territory earlier this month and killed over 20 indian soldiers with impunity..........:azn:

HAVE YOU PAKISTANIS not handed over Gwader & Gilget areas to China . IS IT TRUE these are completely controlled adminstered by China now .........
HAVE YOU PAKISTANIS not handed over Gwader & Gilget areas to China . IS IT TRUE these are completely controlled adminstered by China now .........

When you starting to believe your own shite, you become a laughing stock of the world, and that's what India and its people are at the moment, the above verbal diarrhea is a prime example of this.
HAVE YOU PAKISTANIS not handed over Gwader & Gilget areas to China . IS IT TRUE these are completely controlled adminstered by China now .........

Only if you believe india killed 43 Chinese troops on the15/16/06/2020.................:azn:
india can't even fight a one front war! :omghaha:
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