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India-Born Pranav Mistry Named Samsung Electronics Vice-President


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
Samsung Electronics Co. named Pranav Mistry, an Indian by origin, as global vice president at the Korean company as it looks to turn around its smartphone operations.

Mr. Mistry, 33 years old, is the youngest person to be elevated to head a unit in a recent management reshuffle involving about 350 people at the world’s largest smartphone seller. He currently works at its U.S. research unit in the Silicon Valley.

Samsung, the world’s biggest smartphone seller, is seeing a decline in profit as it is losing out to competition from low-cost Chinese smartphone makers.

Mr. Mistry played a role in launching Samsung’s line of wearable technology products, Galaxy Gear, which includes a watch that works with its smartphones. An engineering graduate and a native of the Indian state of Gujarat, Mr. Mistry joined Samsung to lead its research unit in 2012.

Mr. Mistry also invented sixthsense, a technology that enables users to use their hands to interact with digital information about the physical world around them.

He’s the latest of several Indian nationals taking global roles in technology companies in the past few years. Earlier this year, Satya Nadella was named as chief executive of Microsoft Corp., while Google Inc. named Sundar Pichai an Indian as head of its marquee Android products division.


Indian Elevated In Samsung’s Global Management Rejig - India Real Time - WSJ
Its sad that India`s brightest brains leave the country in search of an environment that gives them better opportunities to implement their ideas.

One need to get rid of backwardness, corruption and the kind of politics which are played here.

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